Dragonzord has good taste in women and video games
lol @ the last few pages. We're gonna lose our image privileges again.
lol @ the last few pages. We're gonna lose our image privileges again.
Weed The People.
Close... but this is the gimmick he needs to adopt.
That or a sleazy euro porn star. I think that would work for him too.
Dare I say you have found your smile?
All you're doing is just highlighting than Stone Cold never put anyone over.
All you're doing is just highlighting than Stone Cold never put anyone over.
All you're doing is just highlighting than Stone Cold never put anyone over.
Not until BIONIC-ARRRMMM!! respects me again. I know I had a bad 2013, maybe the worst year in my career, BUT 2014 IS GONNA BE N_W's YEAR BECAUSE THE CHAMP. IS. HERR
I did it for dah arm.
I did it for dah people.
The humble beginnings of RPG
He really didn't. I can't think of anyone that was really elevated by feuding with Austin except maybe Rock. Then again, I don't recall Austin really being paired up with guys who weren't already at that level.
Pride, feeds their blackened hearts
And the thirst, must be quenched, to fuel hypocrisy
Cleansing flames, is the only way to repent
Renounce, what made you
Words that kill, would you speak them to me
With your breath so still, it makes me believe
The Sins never die, can't wash this blood off our hands
Let the world fear us all, it's just means to an end
Our salvation lies, In the Father's sins,
beyond the truth, let me suffer now
In my heart I just know that there's no way to light up the dark, in his eyes.
wtfff how is this not his gimmick already
So I have to give you my arm, African child soldiers, and put a Hellboy horn in my head all after taking acid until i talk to fire whales?
Seems doable...I'll get your respect and main event WrassleMania no matter what.
Push him big time.
Then realize you fucked up when he can't work long matches without being carried because he only knows 3 moves
Weed The People.
i smell a moneymaking Santino feud. culminating in Emma vs. Cesaro at WM
He really didn't. I can't think of anyone that was really elevated by feuding with Austin except maybe Rock. Then again, I don't recall Austin really being paired up with guys who weren't already at that level.
I fell asleep before Raw started this week.
Is it worth watching beyond the DB vs BD match?
Jericho, Booker T, Angle, and few others received a great boost being in feuds with Austin. Kane also won his first WWF championship by beating Austin.
Show some respect, Cena was amazing last night and carried that mid carder to the best match of his career!
Show some respect, Cena was amazing last night and carried that mid carder to the best match of his career!
You guys did hustle with those responses and showed real loyalty to wrassleGAF.
You guys did hustle with those responses and showed real loyalty to wrassleGAF.