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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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Haha, just my luck another member introduces himself on a night I decide to post... anyway, the wrasslin thread is probably one of my lurked threads (this and the pre and post Dark Knight Rises thread, I swear if members weren't allowed to post about Christopher Nolan and Naughty Dog here, I'm pretty sure the member count would decrease on GAF).

I don't even watch wrestling but reading all the comments during the events is so damn entertaining. This is the first place where I read the classic John Cena and his 5 moves of death line... still cracks me up.
Wrassle GAF loves Cena. It's the only reason the WWE's still in business today.


He's just a sexy Cena (Sexy Cena)

He'll adjust your attitude (Attitude)
Haha, just my luck another member introduces himself on a night I decide to post... anyway, the wrasslin thread is probably one of my lurked threads (this and the pre and post Dark Knight Rises thread, I swear if members weren't allowed to post about Christopher Nolan and Naughty Dog here, I'm pretty sure the member count would decrease on GAF).

I don't even watch wrestling but reading all the comments during the events is so damn entertaining. This is the first place where I read the classic John Cena and his 5 moves of death line... still cracks me up.


Remember when WWE had all day meetings after the whole Punk/Batista fiasco?

Is it good that we feel zero effects or do you think it was just a 48 hour shouting match?


Vince McMahon and Triple H were said to be very happy with Titus O'Neil's character development on Raw tonight.

A member of the WWE writing staff told WrestleZone this evening that Titus has been pitching "his heart out" to turn heel on Darren Young, and finally "pleaded with Vince McMahon" for a singles run as a heel.

Vince apparently told the writers "Titus O'Neil gets an opportunity, sink or swim" and was happy with Titus' growth as a character in his interview with Renee Young on Raw tonight.

awww yeah

Oh Vince McMahon is trending on twitter, I wonder why...

... internet says he wants to buy Newcastle United. Again. I approve. This rumor happened 3 years ago, almost to the day! Still it's funny.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I gotta fix my sleeping schedule. 7am to 3pm. I don't know how this keeps happening.

Wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that my body just gives up after about 18 hours, and I have to fight to stay awake even though I've done this a hundred times before. Would rather sleep like 1230am to 10am

edit: HEY LOOK MORE EARLY ACCESS BULLSHIT CLOGGING UP STEAM! Fuck off Hawken. Fuck off with all this Early Access games shit.
I may pre-order dat Strider tho


I gotta fix my sleeping schedule. 7am to 3pm. I don't know how this keeps happening.

Wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that my body just gives up after about 18 hours, and I have to fight to stay awake even though I've done this a hundred times before. Would rather sleep like 1230am to 10am
I've done goofed as well. Messed myself up during the 3 day weekend.

I was waking up around 3PM too. I got lucky and felt myself getting drowsy after RAW tonight and just let myself pass out for as long as possible. Woke up 20 minutes ago, so at least I got a few hours of sleep in. I also don't work until noon so I have time for another power nap if I get tired.


just caught up on Raw... and that's the second MOTY candidate for Cesaro so far. Fucking incredible match right there. It's too bad he probably won't even be on the card for mania at this point =/
I'm afraid I've got some bad news...


They totally need to do some vignettes of Barrett being a dick to the public, kicking over sandcastles, stealing candy from a baby, etc

I've spent almost 100 dollars on Pinball Arcade.

No regrets.

Yeah, I've spent a fair bit on it as well, and yet after all those table packs Theatre of Magic is still my favourite table. They really need to get the season 2 tables on PS4 already.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I just buy all the seasons because I play the heck out of everything on there. Even the old tables. It's great for friends to check out too since everybody loves pinball.

Need to buy a vertical monitor to play it on.
Yeah, I've spent a fair bit on it as well, and yet after all those table packs Theatre of Magic is still my favourite table. They really need to get the season 2 tables on PS4 already.

Should have got it on PC. It's funny, PC's the last place it came out, and now it's the place where the content comes out the quickest. I'm playing Black Knight 2000 right now.

Star Trek is still my most played table.

They need to get the Royal Rumble table on there. WWE has all the contracts for everyone on it now, and they can use WWF again


Weren't newcomers supposed to show their Fave Fives as well?
I don't remember if I posted my favorite 5 when I first joined these discussion a couple months back. Probably not.

Let's see;

1- Taker
2- Stone Cold
3- Bret Hart
4- Macho Man
5- Mankind

If I had to pull from current active wrestlers;

1- Daniel Bryan
2- Shinsuke Nakamura
3- Cesaro
4- Bray Wyatt
5- Sami Zayn

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Lambda if you're watching the 'worked shoot' stuff that Inoki likes so much you should watch Sakura vs Nagata

It's great because NJPW always booked Nagata as this technical guy who you thought would beat anyone in a real fight, but then you put him in the ring with mother fucking Sakuraba who is just constantly denying him. That shit that works on Tanahashi don't work on Sakuraba.

I don't know if I could have a top 5 of all time. Only guaranteed slots would be like

Current fave five
1. Katsuyori Shibata(taking that title)
2. Tetsuya Naito(Only the best performer of 2014 is all)
3. Toru Yano. Always. Always and forever
4. Yujiro Takahashi(they just need to do something with Yujiro. He's such a good heel.)
5. Kazushi Sakuraba(would be higher. Needs ot challenge Ishii for that title.)
MAN. Ishii vs Saku would be brutal

Owen Hart
Rick Rude
Jake The Snake Roberts

then it would be some mixup of (Ol Booger Red) Undertaker, (pre-catchphrase spewing)Stone Cold, Brian Pillman for that one year he could wrestle as his actual character, Terry Gordy, Andre the Giant, Scott Hall, Yokozuna, Meng, Kurt Angle, Goldust, Great Muta, Hiroshi Hase, etc

Not a ton of WWE guys post-Attitude Era, honestly. We rag on New Generation, but I loved the roster quality at that time. The older I get the more I notice I put emphasis on guys who can do psychology. Like I used to love Hayabusa and Mike Awesome, but now it's kind of like 'eh'

I never uploaded this



I don't know if I could have a top 5 of all time. Only guaranteed slots would be like

Owen Hart
Rick Rude
Jake The Snake Roberts

then it would be some mixup of (Ol Booger Red) Undertaker, (pre-catchphrase spewing)Stone Cold, Brian Pillman for that one year he could wrestle as his actual character, Terry Gordy, Andre the Giant, Scott Hall, Yokozuna, Meng, Kurt Angle, Goldust, Great Muta, Hiroshi Hase, etc

Not a ton of WWE guys post-Attitude Era, honestly. We rag on New Generation, but I loved the roster quality at that time. The older I get the more I notice I put emphasis on guys who can do psychology. Like I used to love Hayabusa and Mike Awesome, but now it's kind of like 'eh'
Awesome choices. I thought about putting Owen in my 5, but Brett took his place (just really loved him a a kid). I mark the fuck out for Jake The Snake, and one of the most boss t-shirts I own is a Ravishing Rick Rude shirt. Goldust is right up there for me as well.


Yeah, never posted a fab five, I just kinda started posting in here.

1. The Rock
2. Stone Cold
3. Chris Benoit
4. Kurt Angle
Juventud Guerrera
FUCK Billy Kidman.

Current Roster:

1. Cesaro
2. D-Bry
3. Golddust (can't remember who said it to me here, but his wrestling repertoire has indeed increased since the Attitude Era)
4. Roman Reigns (needs to increase his moveset, cuz he's looking mad Goldberg-ish right now)
5. Kofi Kingston (I guess)
Ok, here's a challenge. I'm gonna contribute to the fuckin Wrasslegaf community to make peace.

Fave five matches of all time. Preferably with links.

Oh shit, this is impossible. Here's the first five worthy matches that come to mind;

1. Jumbo Tsuruta (c) vs Genichiro Tenryu - (AJPW 12/08/1989)
2. Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi (c) vs Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 06/09/1995)
3. Keiji Mutoh (c) vs Nobuhiko Takada - (NJPW 01/04/1996)
4. Stan Hansen vs Andre the Giant - (NJPW 09/23/1981)
5. New Japan vs UWF - 5 vs 5 Gauntlet Match - (NJPW 05/01/1986)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Guys I played Titanfall

•The AI is a fucking joke
•Anti-Titan weapons are completely useless and shouldn't exist. If you're not in a titan, good luck killing a titan.
•The shotgun has stupid range. I could kill things with one shot from across a large street on it
•The smart pistol is a terrible idea for a weapon
•The 40mm is so much better than every other weapon. As someone who's used it and had it used on him.

Will play some more after a nap, but the AI and weakness of the anti-Titan weapons really soured my taste.

I will say that the world itself is kind of interesting.


Volk in baby blue, Grom in red. nuclear hot crowd for this one, Volk was mega over since he beat RINGS founder and top star Akira Maeda in 1991. Grom don't give a fuck about that and immediately shoots for a massive takedown.


Grom is trying to lock in an armbar but Volk escapes. they stand trading blows. Volk is rocked by an open palm strike. Grom seems to be faster on his feet. Volk closes in and switches to a back body clinch. smart from Grom, reaches for the leg and locks in an ankle lock. Volk didn't see that coming.


Volk counter with an ankle lock of his own. switches to a back mount but is reversed by Grom. both men are up again. nice low kick by Volk. body shots by Grom. nice trip by Grom but gets caught in a kneebar. Volk goes for a reverse STF but Grom uses the ropes to break the hold. lively match so far. back to trading strikes, Grom using his speed advantage but Volk secures the arm. awesome armbar transition by Volk.


Grom springs immediately and is having none of Volk's smooth submissions and flips him over.


Grom now working from the back mount, trying to lock in a full nelson, switch to an armbar. Volk is aware of Grom's intentions and counters with a kneebar. Volk lets go and tries an armbar but Grom rolls out and locks in an armbar of his own. Volk manages to get on his feet but his reward is a stiff open palm strike. Grom kicks him the ribs for good measure, Volk down for the count.


Volk is up. Volk trying to out-strike Grom, moves in closer and gets a hold of Grom again. back body clinch, Grom goes for the ankle lock again but you can't fool Volk twice with the same shit, man.


Volk is working on a triangle armbar but Grom escapes. Volk ends up under the ropes and the ref stands them up. jab and low kick combo from Volk, finding openings now. SHIT! spinning back fist by Volk, this made a loud ass sound when it connected. Volk repays Grom and kicks him the ground. Grom receives a 10 count.


Grom is struggling but answers the call. BAM! Volk sends him down again with hard strikes. Grom needs to change tactics and does so with a huge side slam takedown.


both men on the ground, Grom working on a kneebar but Volk locks in a kneebar of his own. Grom manages to slip off and the bout resumes standing. big knees from Volk. standing arm triangle choke but Grom quickly throws Volk to the ground.


Volk spins around and gets the back mount. rolls over and tries to choke Grom but both men end up under the ropes. up and running again, Volk tries to lock in an arm but gets countered with a firemen carry.


Volk is back again with ease. drops down and locks in a neck crank but Grom rolls out. Grom allows volk to stand up since he knows he's not as good on the ground as Volk. kimura takedown by Volk but Grom breaks it with the ropes. Volk grab an arm and locks in a fujiwara armbar. transition to a judo hip toss.


Grom is in trouble, Volk moving in for the kill. locks in an awesome inverted STF and Grom taps out. your winner via submission, Volk Han. great match, early 90s Volk was amazing to watch, smoothest ground transitions ever.



just caught up on Raw... and that's the second MOTY candidate for Cesaro so far. Fucking incredible match right there. It's too bad he probably won't even be on the card for mania at this point =/
More eggs in the baskets of Roman Reigns and Batista. Accept it, mang.

Stinks that Henry is basically a main event jobber again (or jobber to those who get the moon push). He had that very small time of being a dominant heel against Shoe and Orton. One of the better heels in at least a decade that wasn't winning in a cowardly way. When was the last time we saw that, Triple H who was booking his own angles?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Stinks that Henry is basically a main event jobber again (or jobber to those who get the moon push). He had that very small time of being a dominant heel against Shoe and Orton. One of the better heels in at least a decade that wasn't winning in a cowardly way. When was the last time we saw that, Triple H who was booking his own angles?



I don't get why Bork needs the assistance of Heyman to beat a skinny fatass like CM Punk and a 40+ year old Triple H. Such stupid booking. They had him do the same back in 2003 against Big Shoe. Here's a massive guy who's as athletic as anybody else on the roster, and he needs help.

I s'pose he wasn't doing the chickenshit stuff you'd commonly see all the time in WWE main event heels, but you'd figure he is capable of going out there and beating ass without any aid.


Raw had a lot of great matches tonight. I'm glad they are giving in ring time to a lot of their talent who really get over based on their wrestling skills and not mic work. I think the trend is really changing in what boxes need to be checked in order to get over in the WWE.
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