Spider from Mars
tap that thorax
Didn't we all agree that there are no games worth talkin about until Drakengard 3 comes out, and then games are over until MGS 5 legit arrives?
I have to talk about games in here. I sure as fuck ain't going over there to do it
Also, every time I boot up Origin, I just see SimCity and get pissed all over again
These "re-post what the Obsever and PWInsider say" sites are adorable when they pretend they're Dave Meltzer and not just click bait.
I don't like your implication that Meltzer has an ounce of credibility himself.
I don't like your implication that Meltzer has an ounce of credibility himself.
Imma swallow up evey dollop of game that Kojima will provide me and I will LOVE IT.Konami gonna fleece you harder than WWE does on PPVs.
I really shoulda saved that next gen console money to buy a new PC since that's all I've played on since buying the thing.
Everyone likes to get preachy about how you shouldn't buy next gen systems at launch because there are no games blah blah blah. But you know what? Besides the day I bought mine, I have yet to see a PS4 out in the wild. At least when inFamous comes out I'll have a system to play it on.
Also, what's this about Capcom charging for Strider NG+?
The game doesnt have a traditional teleportation system, so it can be a pain to trudge all the way across the world when youre trying to mop up the last round of collectibles before the last boss. Then, when you beat the game, you have to decide whether you want to save and lose your current game or not save and shoot back to the last checkpoint. Theres only one save file available, so you cant duplicate it and have it both ways.
Origins was just another batman game.
You say this like it's a bad thing.
It often is. It's tired, and Batman has always been a shitty, shitty character.
The Metal Gear Rising soundtrack enhances everything tenfold
Hey now let's not get too carried away. Batman is a awesome character
Also origins peaks at the deathstoke fight
I still wish Dave Batista would have come back right after Man with the Iron Fists as "Brass Body" Dave Batista. It's a decent gimmick. I don't mean with the makeup, but basically live reinvent himself (to a small degree)
Hahaha, that movie was worse than Wrong Side of Town though.
There's a new preview of the Guardians of the Galaxy in OT... Batista looks pretty much exactly like how he did in the Man with the Iron Fists except he's no longer gold.
I did enjoy that fight a lot. Batman is tired though, and I can't stand most of his books either. I've spent a reasonable amount of time trying them - some of them were alright, but in general, it's just too much to deal with a hero who has his morals all fucked up. Batman is a bad person because instead of making a real solution to serial killers, he lets them out to kill again and again. Real nice Buttman.
Don't put Gotham's sheer incompetence to keep the perps detained for longer than a week on Batman. Batman arrests them and brings them in, that's noble. It's not on him The Joker break out almost instantly. He can't become an executioner just because the government keeps failing.
He's an idiot. You'd think he would realize he's causing more problems than he's solving. Fucking moron. Fuck you Batman, you suck ass and have ever since 1971.
You'd think he would realize he's causing more problems than he's solving.
What's the best Kevin Nash movie: Punisher, TMNT 2, or Magic Mike?
I wonder how long it will be before he pulls an Orton and dislocates something doing that fist pound.
Banished and Strider are coming out soon. I wanna check both of those out.
What's the best Kevin Nash movie: Punisher, TMNT 2, or Magic Mike?
Wish the US PSN store would update at a set time. Was really wanting Strider downloaded before I got home from work.
Bootaaay, if you haven't seen it yet, i think you'll have a special interest in this match:
Leona is Leona Fujinami, son of the legend Tatsumi Fujinami, having his debut match.
Watching a Dradition show from November. Tatsumi Fujinami must be a sadist to book his son Leona against Masakatsu Funaki for his debut match - he toys with the kid for a few minutes and then just kicks him to death
Yeah, I saw that Dradition show back in January - Funaki really laid it into the kid, lol.
I saw our friend cjelly playin it on his Bone a few days ago, I think he used the "aegies" trick. How was it Jelly Man?
(side note - with the exception of the original arcade ver, all Strider games have sucked. hard.)
Played the shit out of the original Mega Drive one, loved that hard.
Then again, I loved the Altered Beast port, so I'm not sure I'm a barometer of 90's quality.
Wrong Side of Town was a delight. Batista was a shining jewel in it. RVD on the other hand...was fun to watch as he acted like a perma-dipshit.
The only parallel I can think of is when they put David Flair in the ring with Meng.