Ryder did literally nothing wrong, they just hate money
But ultimately he was relegated to comedy side kick character ala Santino.
He was never gonna be more than that. IHe just never embraced it like Santino.
He could have been a white Kofi.
And now that ship has sailed
I hope Cesaro retains the Real Americans theme when he splits with Swagger, Jack doesn't deserve it.
And now that ship has sailed
Zack blew his chances. Great videos but never translated to the ring. Bourne cares more about weed than being a top guy.
Bourne never would've been a top guy, weed or not (and it was synthetic weed he got busted for, at that). Cena's whole association with him and praising him in interviews was such an apparent ploy to ingratiate himself to the smark fans, who felt at the time that Bourne deserved better. Ryder, on the other hand, got over on his own terms, so he was always destined to fail - Cena just tried his best to leech off Zack's new-found popularity. Those are the two guys I can remember Cena ever "going to bat" for and in both occasions it was just a cynical, token gesture for Cena to try and come across as a Good Guy, rather than the guy who's perfectly happy with the way things are (and, really, who could blame him?).
The best crowd response I ever heard from him was a lukewarm slightly better than Kofi pop.
Real talk.
I never ever remembered Ryder being really over. The best crowd response I ever heard from him was a lukewarm slightly better than Kofi pop.
Real talk.
I never ever remembered Ryder being really over. The best crowd response I ever heard from him was a lukewarm slightly better than Kofi pop.
No way. He could never pull off those Rumble spots. Maybe he could of pissed off Orton though.
Survivor Series in NYC.
I meant more in a "midcarder who sells decent merch but will go nowhere in the long run" kind of role.
aka Kofi!
No no no no no.
You see, when the Real Americans break up it no longer becomes plural and he's simply a Real American.
You see where this is going.
Lol, like he needed it.
Cena is definitely one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
Actually that is done too, he has four items left now and they are all discounted: http://shop.wwe.com/Zack-Ryder/superstar-current-zackryder,default,sc.htmlZack should be thankful. No jobber has ever had more merch. It's insane really.
He didn't NEED it, that's not the point - Zack got himself over and they certainly weren't going to use that momentum for Zack, so they do what they always do; give it to Cena.
Honestly, I'm at that point in the 'Cena Cycle' where I'm just sick to death of talking about him like his ISN'T the number one thing I despise about WWE. I'll tell you the one situation where Cena won't be damned if he does; the one where he quits and goes home and doesn't return. I'll be full of praise for him on that day.
He was over with a subsection of the audience and it didn't translate mainstream. I always found him really corny/lame, but appreciated the effort and that he worked for other people.He didn't NEED it, that's not the point - Zack got himself over and they certainly weren't going to use that momentum for Zack, so they do what they always do; give it to Cena.
Honestly, I'm at that point in the 'Cena Cycle' where I'm just sick to death of talking about him like his ISN'T the number one thing I despise about WWE. I'll tell you the one situation where Cena won't be damned if he does; the one where he quits and goes home and doesn't return. I'll be full of praise for him on that day.
He appears to be oblivious, rather than malicious. Not sure if that's actively better.For whatever reason I still feel that Cena does care about putting guys over. But true, he does stuffer than disingenuous that Hogan does. Stories days in and out wrestlers always felt that Hogan never had anyone's back, even if by chance he truly did want to put them over.
I don't really play that many games anymore. In my horizon there's DKC Tropical Freeze and Dark Souls 2 and that will probably be it for the year. I've gotten to a point where unless a game immediately impresses me within the first hour I just stop playing it.
He didn't NEED it, that's not the point - Zack got himself over and they certainly weren't going to use that momentum for Zack, so they do what they always do; give it to Cena.
Honestly, I'm at that point in the 'Cena Cycle' where I'm just sick to death of talking about him like his ISN'T the number one thing I despise about WWE. I'll tell you the one situation where Cena won't be damned if he does; the one where he quits and goes home and doesn't return. I'll be full of praise for him on that day.
Actually that is done too, he has four items left now and they are all discounted: http://shop.wwe.com/Zack-Ryder/superstar-current-zackryder,default,sc.html
His only shirt now is the pink cancer one and that's down to 7,99.
Yeah. Zack was hot for like 2 months. The crowd was getting behind him, so much so that the Rock mentioned him in the post Survivor Series promo. I'm not sure if left alone, he would've ever become anything more than a mid carder. But that Cena storyline killed him. It was ridiculous. And Eve came off looking like a slore. It also did Kane and Cena no favors. Kane didn't recover until he joined Team Hell Yes.
It was clearly a terribly booked storyline. No different than the Nexus. Or the the Punk Nexus storyline. The Kofi push. Pushing the button on ADR after the Rumble.
I just find it remarkable that for all the stroke and leverage Cena must have backstage, no one ever much seems to benefit from being associated with him. Remember those couple of months where Cena was full of praise for Evan Bourne and started teaming with him a bunch? The only thing Evan should be thankful for is that, in his case, he didn't fare as badly as Zack Ryder.
Bourne never would've been a top guy, weed or not (and it was synthetic weed he got busted for, at that). Cena's whole association with him and praising him in interviews was such an apparent ploy to ingratiate himself to the smark fans, who felt at the time that Bourne deserved better. Ryder, on the other hand, got over on his own terms, so he was always destined to fail - Cena just tried his best to leech off Zack's new-found popularity. Those are the two guys I can remember Cena ever "going to bat" for and in both occasions it was just a cynical, token gesture for Cena to try and come across as a Good Guy, rather than the guy who's perfectly happy with the way things are (and, really, who could blame him?).
Why would Cena try to get himself over to smarks? What value is there?
Why would Cena try to get himself over to smarks? What value is there?
I have to imagine that the "Cena Sucks!" chants actually do bother him.
Then he droves off in his muscle car to eat the Bella twins ass in his mansion or 5 star hotel. I think he manages ok.
Well, yeah. But he's still human and his job is an entertainer, I don't know a single entertainer alive that wouldn't get bothered by something like that at some level.
Then he droves off in his muscle car to eat the Bella twins ass in his mansion or 5 star hotel. I think he manages ok.
That's some stuff man. People paying money to boo you. Good business.
Is this game
Seriously. From completely over the top from every boss fight to the final showdown being some sort of demonic Vinny Mac. LOVED ITAnd the final boss is pretty much an 80s WWF heel who cuts a promo against limp dick lawyers and bureaucrats
Speaking of which, #HEELZIGGLER is such a bad look.Zack is probably one of those guys in the back waiting for an executive to "call him up" for his "shot"
at least we know he's the type of guy to wear passive-aggressive "PUSH ME" ring attire
edit: I bet it doesn't bother Cena. All the cynicism from smarks and adults goes away when he does Make-A-Wish... aaand when he goes home to Nikki Bella OR SOME FAT LADY