Ever since Reigns added the 'gun cocking' taunt before the superman punch I hear shotgun sound effects in my head and that's awesome
Hope they nurture this guy right
Guess they're calling ol' Alexander Rusev up, he kinda won me over in the Rumble
Fed to Cena, jobbed to comedy role. As is the circle of life for monster heels.
WhiteHouse.gov has pulled a petition that reached almost 100,000 votes, asking for Daniel Bryan to be inserted into the WrestleMania 30 main event. The petition was pulled under the moderation policy for violating the site's Terms of Participation.
damn it jeff foxworthy
Instead of just saying it in the 2/3 OT threads about making things better in WWE I'll ask it here....
You guys were talking about Nxt eariler. Maybe they can do like what they did with the first "round" of stars on Nxt and make them all one stable? I really liked that whole heel turn they all did.
This time tho not feeding them to Cena
He looks like a goddamn CAW.
I don't think they want to do that again. The folks in NXT aren't like the rookies from NXT Season 1, they're all individuals up and down the card now. So they'll be debuting one by one.
Fed to Cena, jobbed to comedy role. As is the circle of life for monster heels.
Meltzer has said they view him as a future number 1 guy so I don't see them doing that, but who knows with WWE.
Meltzer has said they view him as a future number 1 guy so I don't see them doing that, but who knows with WWE.
I find that hard to believe. No way could anyone see Rusev as a top guy. A career in the Mark Henry role of "push a big guy every few months for someone to go over" at best.
I find that hard to believe. No way could anyone see Rusev as a top guy. A career in the Mark Henry role of "push a big guy every few months for someone to go over" at best.
Impact did 1.45million last night, WWE IN TURMOIL!
Actually, that's how many people watched. That's not the ratings. It's likely still a 1.1 or 1.2,Impact did 1.45million last night, WWE IN TURMOIL!
People seriously believed CM Punk was going to show up.
oh well then he should be s--
For all the weak belly/butthole talk that taco bell generates the only fast food chain to ever make me sick (multiple times in my life no less) was fucking McDonalds.
It's so eerie how much these past few months of TNA are like the end of WCW.
Fake investor versus real investor who pulled out.
Faces sidelined but still on the roster who never wrestle again for the company versus Faces sidelined and largely OUT of the company.
Pushing of some young indie talent from within the company versus pushing young indie talent from outside and inside of the company.