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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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Thank you!

I love this gif :lol


That brenna is a dirty dirty person

Best promo from dolph since the zack ryder youtube days

Should had that instead of the random ptp breakup that wont go anywhere. Wtf are they doing? Seems they break up tag teams when they get bored


ok spear to counter 619 was great.

I give up, I like Reigns.

I'm not giggling like a little teenage girl though.
That brenna is a dirty dirty person

Best promo from dolph since the zack ryder youtube days

Should had that instead of the random ptp breakup that wont go anywhere. Wtf are they doing? Seems they break up tag teams when they get bored

I've been seeing "Brenna" and others like "her" around Twitter replies lately. Not sure if it's just funny or disturbing.


Neo Member
I actually think the most likely casualty of the Shield is Dean Ambrose. I think all three have the potential to be big stars, the Reigns thing is obvious, but Seth was NXT and FCW champion and cast your mind back to his singles matches with Cena and CM Punk - he was booked to look really strong and capable in both. Rollins has been the dark horse of the Shield but I think his hard work has been noticed somewhere, he's the mediator in the current tension between Reigns and Ambrose and his presence in the ring has been growing, which is in contrast with Ambrose who hasn't looked good 1v1 since the Undertaker gave him the rub back in April. his US title hasn't been defended in months and he was the first out of the ring in the Survivor Series match that Reigns dominated - even Seth got a pin there.

seems to me like Rollins is in the middle of a gentle ascension but Ambrose has fallen out of favour somewhere.


Seth Rollins is so great, did you see that full flip he did after daniel kicked him?

You guys are nuts


Dean Ambrose is so Tsundere


Neo Member
abridged version of the Punk store from the F4Wonline newsletter, has some stuff about backstage mood

The Royal Rumble and its aftermath, usually one of the biggest stories of the year, was quickly overshadowed in one of the craziest weeks in recent memory.

CM Punk met with Vince McMahon shortly before Raw Monday and told him he was done, then got on a plane and flew home. At press time it appears he won't be appearing at any future events, including Elimination Chamber and WrestleMania. Unless things change, with his contract coming due this summer, that may be it for him in WWE.

Of course, the idea that anyone leaves WWE never to return, especially at age 35, sounds ridiculous on the surface, but this is an issue that has been building up for well over a year. Punk admitted in an interview with Ariel Helwani this weekend that the last time his contract was coming due, around the time of the famous "pipe bomb" promo, he really truly honestly thought he was leaving when it was done. Obviously, they talked him into staying. He's now two years older and he's got a lot of injuries and is completely burned out. He has told people that at one point he was having MRIs and blood tests taken almost weekly in an attempt to find out why he was feeling as run down as he was all the time, and the conclusion he finally came to was that the only way he was going to get back to normal was to just leave and take a long time off.

Obviously, given that WrestleMania season is the most lucrative time of the year for pretty much every single person working in any capacity in pro-wrestling, to leave at the end of January and skip out on Mania tells you that he's either in terrible physical shape, completely fed up with everything, or both. The word going around is that his great frustrations revolved around money. Not that he's not making enough, because he is, and he has saved enough that he can probably retire to a cabin as he's threatened and never be seen again. However, he feels he hasn't been fairly compensated for events in the past, and that so far nobody in the company has told him—or anyone else—how they will be compensated for this year's WrestleMania and every PPV thereafter once the PPVs move to the Network, where all economics change. It is also said that he was upset about the booking of late (join the club), and that while the company thought a feud with HHH was a good storyline leading to a big match at WrestleMania, he disagreed. Given that HHH and Vince McMahon are the two most powerful people in the company right now, one would reason that this likely wouldn't go over too well with Hunter. It is also said that he's upset that no matter what happens, he'll never be pushed as the John Cena-caliber face of the company, and if he has no chance of reaching that level and has the money to walk away, he may as well walk away now and not waste his time. Punk at one point pushed hard to go heel despite the fact that he was super over as a babyface because he realized that as a babyface he'll always be number two behind Cena, so his idea was to turn heel so at least he'd be number one on the heel side.

The feeling within WWE, and this goes all the way from the bottom to the very top, is very much split. Half the people seem to think that he stood up for himself and did the right thing and should be applauded. The other half feel he's being a baby about all of this and shouldn't have walked out, particularly without even given the company time to write him out of storylines. The term "fuck him" has been used by more than one person who has contacted us. It's a very polarizing issue within the company.

With Punk gone, Raw was rewritten. Punk got his head dinged during the Rumble and was checked out for a concussion Monday before the show. He passed, meaning no concussion. But, just to make sure he was safe, he was booked in a promo segment but not a match. In order to keep fans from hijacking the show as they'd done the night before at the Rumble (more on that later), they had Daniel Bryan do a promo (which he wasn't originally scheduled to do), and during the promo they made it clear he'd be coming out again later to have a match. In the promo, he went face-to-face with Hunter, and yes, the current direction appears to be HHH vs. Bryan at Mania with Bryan taking Punk's spot.

At press time creative was looking at three different options. The first was HHH vs. Bryan in a singles match, maybe with the stip that if Bryan wins he gets a shot at the title in Seattle at the Extreme Rules PPV. In storyline, it was Hunter who cost Bryan the WWE Title, it was Hunter who kept stacking the odds against him when he faced Orton, and it was HHH who sent the Shield out to take Bryan out on Raw. If Bryan faces HHH they can do Cena vs. Wyatt (plan for a while), Sheamus vs. Kane and Orton vs. Batista for the WWE Title. Other options are Cena vs. HHH, Sheamus vs. Wyatt and Orton vs. Batista vs. Bryan in a three-way for the title; and Sheamus vs. HHH, Cena vs. Wyatt, and Bryan vs. Orton vs. Batista in a three-way. I don't know which way they'll go, but I do know that if Bryan isn't in the match, the crowd is going to eviscerate the Orton vs. Batista title match, particularly if it goes on last.

As a brief aside, Orton, as had been predicted during the show, was irate backstage after the crowd hijacked his match with Cena at the Rumble.

Punk during a Q&A at a Wizard World comic con in Portland on Friday was "lackluster about WWE," saying he used to argue but now just showed up and did as he was told. He said he liked Batista and accepted that he was being pushed on his return, but in his opinion it was Daniel Bryan's year and he was the guy who should be fighting for the title at WrestleMania. He said in the old days people wouldn't be worried about WrestleMania 30 right now, they'd be worried about WrestleMania 31 because with long-term booking Mania 30 would already be signed, sealed and delivered, all ready to go. He buried the short-term booking that has plagued the company of late.

It should be noted that there are a small number of people within WWE who believe the situation is a work. The vast majority do not. It is interesting that while WWE hasn't said anything publicly about the situation, one of the first things they did was have the @WWE Twitter stop following Punk on Twitter, and they also had Punk signs confiscated at the NXT tapings. Of course, once that starts happening on Raw, it's very possible a giant Punk backlash and potential new hijacking will begin. One could argue that perhaps that's by design if this is a work. Punk also texted Rener Gracie to say he'd be in California in a few weeks—Raw is also in California in a few weeks. Anything is possible, but historically we've been pretty good at telling when something is real and when it's a work (most recently with AJ Styles, where many people insisted the whole thing was a work and we were pretty certain he was really gone), and in this situation, for a lot of reasons, it's seems exceedingly likely this is the real deal. That's not to say, of course, that things cannot be worked out.


more money than God
So, it was actually about money. What a shock. Not that I blame him, but people need to stop with the "Punk was disgusted with the product" nonsense.
Randy being a whiny bitch backstage after the rumble should be no surprise to anyone.

I bet he huffs his own farts because he thinks they smell like lavender


I'm sorry, but this just wasn't that good. This isn't a promo, this is just a guy saying what he actually believes. I hate it when guys have to rely on that as a crutch. Anyone can sound believable when it's just them being themselves.

Most successful gimmicks are wrestlers turning up their real life personalities. Sure, every here and there you can get say.. a Kane.


more money than God
You should watch/read more about the story. He does have a huge problem with the product.
I read the whole thing. His main frustrations were around money. That's what the article says. In fact, it's likely that his main frustration with not being in the ME of WM is that he won't be making ME of WM bonus money.


more money than God
Most successful gimmicks are wrestlers turning up their real life personalities. Sure, every here and there you can get say.. a Kane.
I agree with you, but this isn't even that. It's really just him. His promo had nothing even to do with the match that just occurred. Kayfabe, man! You lost the match. That means someone in the back could hang with you.
I think the whole roster should be concerned about money. Not a single detail (that I've seen) has been leaked about how bonuses will work after the network launches. Being that PPV and DVD sales have a huge impact on every wrestlers earning potential I would be worried about how the pie is going to be divided.

If the money goes the wrong way Punk might only be the first of a few guys that walk out on the company if they feel they aren't being paid accordingly. That's pure speculation of course. Where would they go if they did walk out of the WWE since no one has the ability to pay them as handsomely. This is where competition would make a huge difference but alas there is none. Of course a few may walk out of simple principal like Punk seemingly has.

Very interesting times indeed.
I agree with you, but this isn't even that. It's really just him. His promo had nothing even to do with the match that just occurred. Kayfabe, man! You lost the match. That means someone in the back could hang with you.
I always thought Ziggler was a guy who suffered a lot when they scripted every piece if a promo. They should let him be him. This should be his promo. It's good so they should use it.


Most successful gimmicks are wrestlers turning up their real life personalities. Sure, every here and there you can get say.. a loser like a Kane.


Holy shit, that caught me completely off guard. No excuse for that to not be on TV

Why put it on T.V. when it won't mean anything? They won't push Ziggler to the top so oh well

Right about now the WWE could really use that brand split.
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