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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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Guys. I'm over. I'm over!


I can't wait until he's driving a monster truck and wearing a leather vest.


Junior Member
Man, the expression on his face. It's like he's thinking "This is it. This is the closest I'll ever get to this kind of reaction."
lol, a good interview on TV. Joo craysee.

They've wasted no less than 10 great backstage interviews on DOT COM. It's unbelievable.
not sure why they don't use it on TV to advertise the app at least. Be like this was seen ONE WEEK AGO EXCLUSIVELY ON THE WWE APP

*play awesome promo*

"hey maybe I should get on that app thing. so what do I do touch the screenz?!"

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
This excerpt from the Observer newsletter amuses me...

Looks like Dayton, Ohio just got Toronto'd.

This is hilarious. Keep fucking that chicken WWE.

lol, a good interview on TV. Joo craysee.

They've wasted no less than 10 great backstage interviews on DOT COM. It's unbelievable.

This got me thinking, do you guys think Vince knows about the content they have on their website? It's like the TV shows and the websites are from two different companies.


He also knows that things can trend worldwide, but he doesn't know what that means or how it happens, so he just says things are trending worldwide and hopes he's right.


I bet Vince has figured out how to go on YouTube and type in "flexing". I just tried it out to see the results and I am positive he would approve.


Do you guys want all the faces with their arms down as the rest of the arena is YESing with their team mate? Yeesh. Poor Sheamus.
Do you guys check wrestling news sites daily?

Does this thread count?

Or the random threads popping up in the OT about Punk as WrassleGAF continues to push for mainstream acceptance?

dream used to keep everyone nice and informed, but he split just like I'm splitting, the difference is that I'm leaving with the WWE title etc etc.
This got me thinking, do you guys think Vince knows about the content they have on their website? It's like the TV shows and the websites are from two different companies.
He barely knows what the internet is. Hell, Triple H himself only discovered Twitter about a year ago.
Vince knows TOUT and America Online.
He also knows that things can trend worldwide, but he doesn't know what that means or how it happens, so he just says things are trending worldwide and hopes he's right.
I bet Vince has figured out how to go on YouTube and type in "flexing". I just tried it out to see the results and I am positive he would approve.

Vince still hasn't seen or even know WTF Pirates of the Caribbean is about.


Because he doesn't look like Big Dave Batista.

False. The real reason is because he's made himself more valuable as someone who makes other people look good. And he did it to himself. Trying to make himself look better and more noticeable made everyone else look better instead. Also, he might have a good unscripted promo on WWE.com, but he's terrible at on screen, scripted stuff.


Also, he might have a good unscripted promo on WWE.com, but he's terrible at on screen, scripted stuff.
I'd be hard-pressed to think of anyone that excels at scripted promos vs. unscripted stuff.
Kane is the only person that comes to mind but he's an overachiever.
I'm watching the very first episode of NXT on Hulu and it's hilarious. Daniel cutting down the douche that is the Miz and Miz's insistence on Daniel having an awesome catchphrase. Retrospect isn't kind to the Miz.

Mr. 1.9 is literally the worst nickname in history.


I was trying to think when the IC/US titles started really meaning nothing and I've come to the conclusion that it was when Bryan won the US title from the Miz that really set the whole thing into motion. And if you think about it, it makes sense. Bryan's entire WWE career has been made up of WWE giving him something important to make it look like they're behind him and then jobbing him out.

He was the most popular and had the most potential on NXT and they made him never win a match.

He beat Miz for the US title and then proceeded to go into that whole virgin/vegan storyline with the Bellas and Gail Kim.

Then there was the whole MITB thing where he won it and at that point he was by far the weakest MITB holder losing to guys like Heath Slater.

Then he got the WHC and that was probably the strongest push he was given until the whole Sheamus thing.

I'm kind of wondering if new or returning WWE watchers even knew the kind of burials Bryan was given almost 5 years ago when he started. In hindsight it's pretty amazing how over he is now.


Huh, I think this download of Smackdown I'm watching is a satellite feed. No breaks and just the commentators going quiet during the matches.

EDIT: It is. "Commercial Break 1" just came up.


Great...more swerves from TNA.

Lockdown matches so far:

Bobby Roode, EC3, Rockstar Spud, and James Storm (who turned heel) vs MVP, Gunner, and the Wolves in Lethal Lockdown

Magnus vs Samoa Joe


Great...more swerves from TNA.

Lockdown matches so far:

Bobby Roode, EC3, Rockstar Spud, and James Storm (who turned heel) vs MVP, Gunner, and the Wolves in Lethal Lockdown

Magnus vs Samoa Joe

I knew that turn was coming while I was trying to get through Impact. Had I finished the show and the review, I had a few lines devoted to how that whole segment clearly meant one of them would be turning with in the next 2-3 weeks.


I knew that turn was coming while I was trying to get through Impact. Had I finished the show and the review, I had a few lines devoted to how that whole segment clearly meant one of them would be turning with in the next 2-3 weeks.

I guess I forgot to mention the even bigger mess in TNA booking:

Lethal Lockdown is for control of the company, so they either brought in MVP for an investor storyline that lasted less than 2 months (maybe since he doesn't have a contract) or Dixie's going to be off TV.


What's with the generic riff for the Elimination Chamber promo? They can't be arsed getting an official song for once?

EDIT: They're advertising Orton defending the title against Cena in April in Saudi Arabia? And the title is the main selling point on it? That seems a little dumb unless they are keeping it on Orton that long.


Why don't they push him. :(
Supposedly he pissed off some people backstage and executives. He was going to get a big push last year to hold a title for awhile then he had an "incident" backstage and he got punished for it. I dont think Ive seen any report of exactly what he did, but it is clear something happened that started his downward trend jobing to hacks. No idea how long they are punish him, but he has been eating shit for awhile losing to horrible wrestlers in and out of the ring.

Hopefully writers/executives can get past it and give him another push because he has the talent, look, mic skills to have some great feuds and matches. He isnt friends with Triple H and isnt a giant roid experiment like Batista, so that hurts him. WWE has a solid roster for hungry talented young wrestlers that could put out a quality product in and out of the ring, they arent freaks like Batista, Lesnar though. Vince has always loved giant freaks on roids, no matter if they have good in ring skills or mic skills, Vince continues to sign them. They come in as an unstoppable force and tear through the roster until they meet Cena and he beats them a few times. Finally Triple H buries them and the cycle repeats. Khali, Ryback, Big Show, Tensai are a few examples that come to mind, but there is countless other examples. Im surprised Triple H doesnt push some of the great talent that is smaller since he is best friends with a Hall of Famer HBK and people told him he was too small.


HHH got into bodybuilding like Cena and Vince. That's why he's not necessarily going to push small people either once he's in charge.


They're saying during this amazing Christian return that he's never been in an Elimination Chamber match. I vividly remember one Chamber where someone got injured and Edge was lobbying for Christian to be the replacement and Bishops accepted. Can't remember the rest of the PPV though, so did he not get in the match in the end?


They're saying during this amazing Christian return that he's never been in an Elimination Chamber match. I vividly remember one Chamber where someone got injured and Edge was lobbying for Christian to be the replacement and Bishops accepted. Can't remember the rest of the PPV though, so did he not get in the match in the end?

It's true. He was never in an Elimination Chamber match.

Jericho has been in the most with 8. Followed by HHH and Orton with 6. Though Orton will have 7 this year.

HHH has won the most Elimination Chambers with 4.

Jericho has eliminated the most people in the Chamber with 10. Though I guess Cena will tie or beat that since he currently as 9.


It's true. He was never in an Elimination Chamber match.

Jericho has been in the most with 8. Followed by HHH and Orton with 6. Though Orton will have 7 this year.

HHH has won the most Elimination Chambers with 4.

Jericho has eliminated the most people in the Chamber with 10. Though I guess Cena will tie or beat that since he currently as 9.

Yeah, I've just looked it up. It was New Years Revolution 2005 and Edge was asking Bischoff to have Christian replace him in the chamber and he fights the winner the next night on Raw. Bishcoff actually said no, so clearly I just decided to create my own PPV in my head where Christian was in the main event.


Supposedly he pissed off some people backstage and executives. He was going to get a big push last year to hold a title for awhile then he had an "incident" backstage and he got punished for it. I dont think Ive seen any report of exactly what he did, but it is clear something happened that started his downward trend jobing to hacks. No idea how long they are punish him, but he has been eating shit for awhile losing to horrible wrestlers in and out of the ring.

Hopefully writers/executives can get past it and give him another push because he has the talent, look, mic skills to have some great feuds and matches. He isnt friends with Triple H and isnt a giant roid experiment like Batista, so that hurts him. WWE has a solid roster for hungry talented young wrestlers that could put out a quality product in and out of the ring, they arent freaks like Batista, Lesnar though. Vince has always loved giant freaks on roids, no matter if they have good in ring skills or mic skills, Vince continues to sign them. They come in as an unstoppable force and tear through the roster until they meet Cena and he beats them a few times. Finally Triple H buries them and the cycle repeats. Khali, Ryback, Big Show, Tensai are a few examples that come to mind, but there is countless other examples. Im surprised Triple H doesnt push some of the great talent that is smaller since he is best friends with a Hall of Famer HBK and people told him he was too small.

HHH is Ziggler's only backer. Vince wanted him sent back to OVW/fired like the rest of the Spirit Squad, didn't care for him, and doesn't see upside in him. If it wasn't for HHH, he wouldn't even be a jobber. As for Vince and his muscle guy fetish, shit isn't the 80s anymore where everyone was a jacked up monster. We're in an era where guys like HBK seem tall and a guy like Roman Reigns at 6'3 265 lbs is seen as a monster on the roster. People who are too smarky for their own good have been saying for 15-20 years that Vince only hires big guys and all that shit when that hasn't really been the case since the late 80s and the majority of major stars from late 90s on were not at all the meat heads that are associate with Vince. Cena is a body builder, but isn't that tall. Austin wasn't that. Rock wasn't that. Foley wasn't that. Orton isn't that. Punk isn't that. Batista is that, but he was legitimately over. It's true that a lot of guys got a chance that wouldn't have otherwise if they weren't as big as they were, but they didn't last long and weren't top stars. The average height for WWE now is like 6 feet.


What's with the generic riff for the Elimination Chamber promo? They can't be arsed getting an official song for once?

EDIT: They're advertising Orton defending the title against Cena in April in Saudi Arabia? And the title is the main selling point on it? That seems a little dumb unless they are keeping it on Orton that long.

Their Dubai tour in October was non-canonical. It didn't stop them from doing a re-cap on Raw where Big Show was heavily featured although he had just been fired on television.


could never
Sometimes all a guy has to do to be liked is not care what people think of him.

Very true.

He's bad in the ring but if he can just stop giving a shit a little bit more and bring it to TV as a persona I could start being more interested in him I guess.
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