This comes as a knockoff Punk promo to me. Might as well considering there is a huge gap waiting to be filled in.
Guys. I'm over. I'm over!
I see he's been taking artificial enthusiasm lessons from Cena.Looks like Sheamus is trying to get a "maybe?" chant started.
I like the cheese. Half of the appeal of Chikara to me is the weird 80s culture/comic book pastiche thing they have going for them. It's clear that it's exactly what Quack wants as his brand of wrestling and, to me, it works well as a very specific offshoot.
darkbanjo said:I think it's the equivalent of having 'territories', but it's based on taste rather than geographical location. Since iPPV can be broadcast anywhere and there tends to be some crossover in terms of roster. You've got to have a shtick, and Chikara certainly has that.
It's a shame that the majority of the CHIKARA roster was made up of scrawny white guys who were basically rookies (or still wrestled like rookies after 10 years like Icarus) doing really slow and awkward lucha spots. The talent was never there to match up with the creativity in stories in my opinion. Even with stand out talents and outside guys.
I agree, but I feel the cheesy nature of CHIKARA is at odds with this super serious storyline they've been trying to run for the past 7+ months while the promotion is out of action - a lot of people just want CHIKARA back doing what it does best, but instead we've got these Ashes videos and some low-rent, comic book mystery stuff that's only appealing to the most hardcore of CHIKARA fans.
It's a shame that the majority of the CHIKARA roster was made up of scrawny white guys who were basically rookies (or still wrestled like rookies after 10 years like Icarus) doing really slow and awkward lucha spots. The talent was never there to match up with the creativity in stories in my opinion. Even with stand out talents and outside guys.
I got home at 8 AM and I just woke up with the mother of all headaches. Dear me,I feel like The Rock after taking a Stone Cold Stunner.
Wow.Just reading the F4W board and saw Meltzer confirm that TNA demanded of anyone who purchased the company that they would have to keep Dixie on in an executive and on-screen role. No wonder there's been no takers.
Just reading the F4W board and saw Meltzer confirm that TNA demanded of anyone who purchased the company that they would have to keep Dixie on in an executive and on-screen role. No wonder there's been no takers.
no he didn't he said she would have a title with the company to save face but no power at all and the on air role. Jarrett and Keith then said we'll just start our own company.
I'm in for Colt vs Gulak, also, Kingston vs Rourke should be fun.
Ah, Dave hadn't added that snippet to the thread when I read it.
I'm watching the very first episode of NXT on Hulu and it's hilarious. Daniel cutting down the douche that is the Miz and Miz's insistence on Daniel having an awesome catchphrase. Retrospect isn't kind to the Miz.
Mr. 1.9 is literally the worst nickname in history.
HHH got into bodybuilding like Cena and Vince. That's why he's not necessarily going to push small people either once he's in charge.
Unfortunately I just heard Frank O'Rourke had to pull out of the event today. Not sure if the rumor is 100% though. Seems like he's pulling out of quite a few shows lately.
Don't you mean Bo Dallas?Yet Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn are the top faces in NXT right now.
haha u follow jbl
Domino from "Deuce and Domino" fame follows me on twitter and I dont know why.
Is your name Power Uti?Domino from "Deuce and Domino" fame follows me on twitter and I dont know why.
Man, Killer Instinct is SO much better now that they have ragequitter jail. I'm in love again, and Spinal is fantastic!
It's a shame that the majority of the CHIKARA roster was made up of scrawny white guys who were basically rookies (or still wrestled like rookies after 10 years like Icarus) doing really slow and awkward lucha spots. The talent was never there to match up with the creativity in stories in my opinion. Even with stand out talents and outside guys.
CHIKARA often struggled to produce top quality matches when it really mattered, so often the pay-off was never quite as good as the build. However, I think it also worked in their favour, to a degree - compared to the rest of indie wrestling, CHIKARA always kept things relatively simple. You wouldn't see a bunch of finisher spams, or near-fall after near-fall and, generally, none of the matches outstayed their welcome - however, it was always rare for a CHIKARA match to break the **** barrier, imo. That being said, I did generally find CHIKARA to be consistently more entertaining that a lot of their rivals.
Wrong Side of Town is great, it's fantastic, must-see. Batista is a delight.
You sure it wasn't a tombstone? Hope you sold it too?I got home at 8 AM and I just woke up with the mother of all headaches. Dear me,I feel like The Rock after taking a Stone Cold Stunner.
No doubt.Sometimes all a guy has to do to be liked is not care what people think of him.
E: DM, wtf was
<gives DM the Million Dollar Dream> you can have all the Rome you want
Punk invented promos.This comes as a knockoff Punk promo to me. Might as well considering there is a huge gap waiting to be filled in.
There a full clip of that? is dean doing the figure 4 on miz while making fun of him? thats hilarious
Awwwww, well ain't that cute...
Botchamania 242 is up. It's basically 95% a re-cap of the crowd turning on the Royal Rumble so very few actual botches this month.
Punk watched 80's early 90's wrestling. That's how he knows/learned promosPunk invented promos.
P.S shut up Bill, I have you on ignore and yet somehow your dumbassery seeps into my eyeballs
Muahahahaha /s
Botchamania 242 was taken down on Youtube. Never seen one go down so fast.