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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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It's nice to know I've made an impact! I'd block you but I enjoy the good laugh I get from your posts.


/s is sarcasm. I was being facetious, as I am want to do. I was mostly being goofy because you spammed the whole goddamn NPWD card when we were literally talking about it a few pages back

But hey, thanks for solidifying that the amount of respect I give you is the correct amount!


could never
Ahh I thought the crowd at one point chanted "We want refunds" it was "We want divas" lmao, even better.

/s is sarcasm. I was being facetious, as I am want to do. I was mostly being goofy because you spammed the whole goddamn NPWD card when we were literally talking about it a few pages back

But hey, thanks for solidifying that the amount of respect I give you is the correct amount!

yeah i don't know know about dorky internet things like that. I also don't have time to check every single post in the thread because I have a life. Keep up the good work!

yeah i don't know know about dorky internet things like that. I also don't have time to check every single post in the thread because I have a life. Keep up the good work!

Dorky internet things

....So....CHIKARA? :p

And mofucka we're all wrestling fans, don't try and pull that I have a life nonsense! I'M NOT FOOLED
Botchamania 242 is up. It's basically 95% a re-cap of the crowd turning on the Royal Rumble so very few actual botches this month.

The best part of this is how he basically plays the entire Orton/Cena match and you can really see just how TERRIBLE of a match it was. There's nothing there. Absolutely nothing. It's supposed to be this amazingly heated feud, and Orton killed Cena's Dad, and Cena's angry, and Orton's crazy, and they go out there and have an OVW tryout match from 2001 while the crowd is on Mars chanting for anything but the crap they're pushing. They both suck, indeed.
So. Jesse Sorensen did an interview on the Monster Factory podcast. It somehow made TNA look even more evil than before, which is impressive.

Jesse tells a story about a debter calling him for one payment of $50, 000. He told the lady on the phone he thought the company was paying for it and she had no idea what he was talking about.

Dixie Carter and Bruce Prichard told him to send the bills to the office, which he did. But they kept getting sent back to him and his mom. His mom ended up losing her restaurant in the bankruptcy when all was said and done.

Says he was paid decently—around $30,000 a year. But it didn’t come close to covering the medical bills. He says his checks were always late too. He also notes he had two other jobs during this time—waiting tables and managing a gym.

Mentions the restaurant he worked at was right next to Hogan’s beach shop and it was embarrassing because wrestling fans would be there and notice him there and ask why he was waiting tables.

Notes that most people in TNA had second jobs and most found their “shoot” jobs paid better. Jesse says Dixie’s excuse for the terrible pay is that people are “starting out” but Jesse doesn’t feel people working for the No. 2 company in the world should have to work two or three jobs to get by. Jesse says he makes more than double in his regular job than he ever did for TNA.

Gets annoyed when people assume he was making a fortune with TNA because he wasn’t and needed three jobs to get by, deal with his medical bills, etc.

When the firings started happening, Jesse recalls sitting in catering with the Hebners, and saying he was worried he’d get fired. They assured him TNA would never fire him due to all the bad press they’d get.

Mentioned when Kurt Angle came to see him in the hospital he told he’d back in the ring in 4 months. Jesse pointed out that was unrealistic since he could barely move and wasn’t even sure he’d be able to have a normal life again, let alone wrestle. Kurt told him to stop feeling sorry for himself and get his ass up. Jesse was able to walk again for the first time later than afternoon.

Says him and Zema Ion and him don’t talk anymore, but there’s no animosity there. Says he’d be open to a rematch on the indie scene, but TNA would have to be willing to let Ion work an ippv. Does seem annoyed that Ion didn’t call him for months and months after the injury, but thinks it was probably down to guilt.
Those of you just joining National Pro Wrestling Day, in the ring are Latvian Proud Oak, Estonian Thunderfrog, and Lithuanian Snow Troll (The Baltic Siege) vs. The Brown Morning of Belarus, The Proletariat Boar of Moldova, and Azerbaijan's Sexiest Man Mr. Azerbaijan (The Bloc Party), managed by Polar Baron.


The best part of this is how he basically plays the entire Orton/Cena match and you can really see just how TERRIBLE of a match it was. There's nothing there. Absolutely nothing. It's supposed to be this amazingly heated feud, and Orton killed Cena's Dad, and Cena's angry, and Orton's crazy, and they go out there and have an OVW tryout match from 2001 while the crowd is on Mars chanting for anything but the crap they're pushing. They both suck, indeed.

Well here is Meltzer star ratings for the matches:

Bryan and Bray: 4 stars
Cena vs Orton: 3.25 stars
The Rumble: 3.25 stars
Lesnar vs Big Show: 1.25 stars

The match was hated not because it was terrible. It was because people didn't want this match. They wanted Bryan to have the title and not these two. If was Bryan vs someone and they had the same match people would be chanting this is awesome.

It was people rejecting what they were giving before it even started with the two the fans see as the same old same old.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Something that came out of yesterday's creative meeting: Batista will putting up his Maiia title shot up in a match. Not clear how or when. He will be turning heel soon. A mashup of when turn on Rey and Hollywood Rock.
Never has it been more blatantly obvious that you set up an entire thing just to give yourself an award than just now

Did they open up the whole center or just half? If it's just half then that's probably only like 5-600 people.


Something that came out of yesterday's creative meeting: Batista will putting up his Maiia title shot up in a match. Not clear how or when. He will be turning heel soon. A mashup of when turn on Rey and Hollywood Rock.

Well, if this is true...

Cena wins title at Elimination Chamber

Bryan wins the title shot off Batista... Bryan/Cena main event at Mania for the title

You do Orton/Batista with no title involved as the first match at Mania to get that shit out of the way ASAP
Never has it been more blatantly obvious that you set up an entire thing just to give yourself an award than just now

Did they open up the whole center or just half? If it's just half then that's probably only like 5-600 people.

I think just half of the Palmer Center is opened up. Wouldn't be bad for a TNA show.
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