Guys, I know it's not wrasslin' related but as a long time WA resident Seahakws fan, I'm freakin out right now.
Guys, I know it's not wrasslin' related but as a long time WA resident Seahakws fan, I'm freakin out right now.
What's jnc mean in message board speak? Tried googling it and found no results. I've seen it like 5 times in the Super Bowl thread.
What's jnc mean in message board speak? Tried googling it and found no results. I've seen it like 5 times in the Super Bowl thread.
I think its cause of a user in the NFL threads named jakncoke. It started popping up after the :lol smiley got taken away.What's jnc mean in message board speak? Tried googling it and found no results. I've seen it like 5 times in the Super Bowl thread.
Man, that's deep. Thanks guys!I think its cause of a user in the NFL threads named jakncoke. It started popping up after the :lol smiley got taken away.
News just in.
I don't get how WWE could miscalculate on this guy so bad. From his popularity to his physical condition he has been sub par all around to be thrust in the WM30 Main event scene. This had to be HHH all the way wanting that all Evolution Main event at a milestone WM.[/IG][/QUOTE]
The Rock was getting gassed a lot too, maybe they don't care that much
Yep but I'm not surprised. In terms of wrestling fans, people don't really view Batista any different than guys like Jeff Hardy or RVD. He isn't a mega-star just because he's been in a few shitty movies, and the Marvel movie he's in will not be as big as a deal as the others cause it isn't based on a recognizable property. But nah, let's have a third-tier wrestler come back after years of absence and just win the Rumble. Great booking.I don't get how WWE could miscalculate on this guy so bad. From his popularity to his physical condition he has been sub par all around to be thrust in the WM30 Main event scene. This had to be HHH all the way wanting that all Evolution Main event at a milestone WM.
Looks like Sheiky had some money on the Broncos, lolololol
This had to be HHH all the way wanting that all Evolution Main event at a milestone WM.
I don't watch sports because I think they are boring and this football game proves it. I'm just psyched that this party has rad snacks.
My superbowl party included whiskey and Metal Gear Rising. And now Ring Ka King, which starts out with as much talking as a TNA show.
I don't watch sports because I think they are boring and this football game proves it. I'm just psyched that this party has rad snacks.
I think Bryan's more of a Bret Hart, who wasn't giganto-huge, but young guys still knew who the F he was. (I did and I didn't even watch wrestling as a kid.)Yep but I'm not surprised. In terms of wrestling fans, people don't really view Batista any different than guys like Jeff Hardy or RVD. He isn't a mega-star just because he's been in a few shitty movies, and the Marvel movie he's in will not be as big as a deal as the others cause it isn't based on a recognizable property. But nah, let's have a third-tier wrestler come back after years of absence and just win the Rumble. Great booking.
The Rock wouldn't have gotten booed as much as Batista did at the Rumble. That's how much of a difference it is between those two guys even though WWE is treating Batista like he's the replacement for The Rock's role as a wrestler who has success outside of wrestling. But let's get real, even if Batista has more of a mainstream appeal than, say, someone like Daniel Bryan hence the ratings spike when Batista gets on TV, the fans of the actual product still view Daniel Bryan as being the top guy. It's the guy they want to see win the championship and main event Wrestlemania, so Vince is basically appealing to the audience of non-fans who have heard of the "celebrity" Batista and tuning in to see what his wrestling career is all about...only to see audiences shit on him with boos. Either way, it's bad for business, and it's hurting both Batista AND Daniel Bryan.
DB can get that mainstream appeal, but for some reason WWE doesn't want to market him. Guys like Cena, Orton, Batista were all focal points of marketing the product over the years hence why they have the attention of the mainstream, being in movies, being on tv shows, etc. DB could do all this, but WWE won't push him towards that, cause they only want their guys on top. To be fair, all three of their guys (Cena, Orton, Batista) for the most part did earn their place on the top, but DB has paid his dues and done more to get that position yet for some reason WWE does not want to capitalize on the hottest DB has ever been in his entire career.
I don't mind sports, but I don't really like it when it's one sided like this, even if a team I like is winning.
This is why I stick with sports entertainment.
RKK has Jazzy Lahoria. That's good shit.
Just read that ^^ and I agree. This fiasco just ended up hurting everyone in the end.
He's been the highlight of the Super Bowl tbh. Not even Romo gets ribbed this hard.
Now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if in the original WM plans, they planned for HHH in Randy's corner and Flair in Batista's corner.
Then Batista pokes Randy with his finger and pins him 1-2-3.
Then Bryan comes in to attack only to have his ass kicked.
Show ends with Motorhead.
I don't believe youplaying football videogames can be more exciting.
Sgt. Slaughter is also in that commercial, you know!
This Super Bowl game is as one sided as the last Royal Rumble
Let's see if Denver can pull a Cena. They'll need to use the 5TDoD.
D. Bry must be happy
Angle himself said he only has 3-4 years left in him.
Yes, Mania XXX will go down barring some massive meltdown.
I will predict that WWE becomes more International Flavored ala NBA, MLB and It wouldn't shock me if WMXXX occurs in Toyko Japan.
PPV will be non-existant by 2014 because of the amazing Internet Broadband capabilites.
I'm going to promise you guys something:
Barring any career-ending injuries, John Cena is going to be the new Rocky by WM 25. That guy has so much undiscovered ability and they haven't pushed him down our throats ala Lesnar who climbed to the top of the mountain before he actually got over (as a babyface, even.)
Linda, Hunter, and JR can go on about Randy Orton all the fuck they want. I guarantee Cena will be massive in a few years.
I really believe HHH will still be headlining. His idol is 53 and still going. He is only 34 and at 44 would still have 9 years to go before even reaching Flairs current age. I just hope he has dropped the title once or twice in this time period.
Rene Dupree will probably be a star by WrestleMania XXX. At that time, he will only be 29 or 30.
At this rate of decline (or even half of it), there won't be a WM 30.
Biggest stars at WMXXX:
John Cena
Rene Dupree
Randy Orton
Christopher Nowinski
Brock Lesnar
Shane Helms
Matt Hardy
Shelton Benjamin
Randy Orton
lolol. RAW tomorrow is going to be worth watching if only for the absolute trainwreck it promises to beJohn Cena missed today's house show in Kansas City.
The only thing we know is that he got poked in the eye last night in his match with Randy Orton in Orlando and apparently the injury was significant. We're awaiting an update.
This has felt like the longest week ever
Sok it's SUNDAY.
Six more days to go!