I'd kill for more Enzo. I love that man.
Ugh Aiden English bores me to death that singing shtick works in small places. But once he gets to bigger arenas he's going to get WHAT'ed to death and I will laugh
Less than 24 hours until the most interesting RAW yet!
Last RAW I'll watch I swear, so fucking done with this company!!!!!
More entertaining than the actual Super Bowl was.
Most reports are stating that this was about money. I'm sure all that you're saying is true, but the money was good enough that he could overlook all of that. Now that PPV bonuses may be dwindling, not anymore. I hate to say it, but let's not be marks. This is a money issue. No one is throwing away good money over storylines. His issue wasn't facing HHH, it was not facing HHH in the main event.I don't think it's about money at all. Punk doesn't spend alot of his money, he has a touring bus and that's about it. He probably got an amazing deal three years ago and has been selling tons of merchandising since (and because he does, he gets a bigger payoff for his merchandising too). He doesn't buy expensive cars, he doesn't party all day and night and he's not supporting a drug addiction or paying off four ex-wives. Hell, if money was an issue he definitely wouldn't have walked off in the highest paying period of the year, he would've left afterwards.
His issues are that he's burned out, beaten up and that he feels the creative team is not utilizing him properly, which is a valid complaint because he's been directionless since his feud with Heyman ended (and they continued that feud a good 2 or 3 months beyond it's natural end too).
More entertaining than the actual Super Bowl was.
Hey guys,
I got a chance to do an email interview with TJ Perkins aka Manik. He talked about his TNA contract, working with Hogan, the X Division, and more. Check it out:
If you're wondering why he's been off television since October 2013, here's his response:
"Im still under contract for the rest of the year and have an option for another year until the fall of 2015. Ive just had time off, not for any reason in particular. Just a big paid vacation. The timing was nice because of the holidays, and also I sprained my ankle really bad in my Xplosion match with Chris Sabin."
Big Cass is legit entertaining and good. He's huge and funny without it feeling totally goofy. Unlike a giant dressing in wigs and diapers.
Her fixation on powerbombs actually comes from a match I was watching on youtube with Brodie Lee. She still likes him as Luke. Her favorite WWE wrestlers are Kane and Daniel Bryan.
She was using CM Punk figures to ward off nightmares a few weeks ago.
Oh yeah, she did tell me not to boo Batista during the Royal Rumble though. She'd decided that if someone we were cheering for got eliminated, we were then required to cheer for the next person to come out, and we were not allowed to break the rules even if the audience was pooping all over him.
Damn. I didn't know Luke Harper was so agile.
Edit: Well, and CM Punk. She was using CM Punk figures to ward off nightmares a few weeks ago. That'll be awkward when she starts asking where he is.
So, uhh...Botchamania 242 has been taken down due to WWE copyright issues?...
So, uhh...Botchamania 242 has been taken down due to WWE copyright issues?...
that Enzo guy looks like a comedy gimmick. should be a good replacement for Santino.
that Enzo guy looks like a comedy gimmick.
Watched NJPW Road to the New Beginning tonight. It was...okay. Nothing but tags, and I didn't quite get the stories of almost any of the matches, but the guys who immediately made an impression on me were Alex Shelley and KUSHIDA. Those guys are a tag TEAM. Goddamn.