British Monsoon
Alberto Del Rio is someone's favourite WWE Superstar?
One person isn't "peeps". One person is a "peep" and you aren't paying his mortgage.
Me and Shark Johnson are two people, pal. Two peeps.
Christian is indeed the shit and possibly the most underrated wrestler of the last ten years.
Really? I always imagined Vince as being very approachable as a boss, given how big that company is I've always figured he's the kind of boss you can knock on his door, drop by and have his ear (if he has time of course) for whatever.
I can imagine if Punk can air his grievances and Vince can talk him down and give him some time off, he can get him back and they can even turn this story into a worked shoot.
AJ Styles mentioned Christian in his recent shoot interview as well. Said he was a great Ring General and he learned alot from him during Christian's time in TNA. Said his time working with Christian was one of his most favorite times in TNA, because he had so much fun.
Christian, Style and Tomko as a trio was probably the best TNA has ever been too.
This is the new gear Ryder got for the Royal Rumble.
This is the new gear Ryder got for the Royal Rumble.
Christian is so good he can't even get his own DVD. I guess Shark will have to settle for watching the first 1/3 of an Edge DVD.
Even though it's kind of funny, it's still astonishingly baffling just how hard WWE have sabotaged Ryder.
He's lucky he even has a job. Dude isn't good, isn't charismatic, and really brings nothing to the table. I have no idea how he got over in the first place because his Youtube show wasn't good to begin with.
The opening to Raw tomorrow will be glorious.
I don't know who they throw out there to curb the onslaught on Punk chants.
He is that bad. He's not good at wrestling. He's not good at talking. He definitely shouldn't be a face, but instead a dip shit comedy heel who gets beat up a lot. Kind of like what he started out as in the gimmick. He should be the guy in the authority that Mad Ox gets to be mean to when everyone else is mean to him.
Vince: Ahoy-hoy!
Bryan: Mr. McMahon, this is Daniel Bryan, friend of the big quitter. Well, I just wanted to tell you, I'm a big quitter too - and I quit! *winks*
Brie: Daniel, Mr. McMahon can't see you winking.
Bryan: So-- *screams and hangs up*
Hello. This is Zack Ryder in the Morning. Woo Woo Woo to you. Today, part four of our series on the agonizing pain in which I live every daaaaaaaaaay.
I'm also a Christian mark. Along with AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose and all those other names Shark Johnson rattled off.Me and Shark Johnson are two people, pal. Two peeps.
Christian is indeed the shit and possibly the most underrated wrestler of the last ten years.
Bastista is in the ring for a promo.
Cole: And here come the YESes!
Vince: Oh, no! No, don't do that! You're supposed to be
cheering him!
JBL: Hall of Famer Pat Patterson now in the ring pleading with
the crowd for... for some kind of sanity.
Cole: Uh-oh, and a barrage of YESes now knocking Pat
JBL: Wow. This is uh... This is a black day for sports entertainment.
I need a wrasslin show to do right now. One that's already online and free that I don't have to download or pay for. And isn't from a company I've done.
I need a wrasslin show to do right now. One that's already online and free that I don't have to download or pay for. And isn't from a company I've done.
I need a wrasslin show to do right now. One that's already online and free that I don't have to download or pay for. And isn't from a company I've done.
I need a wrasslin show to do right now. One that's already online and free that I don't have to download or pay for. And isn't from a company I've done.
I need a wrasslin show to do right now. One that's already online and free that I don't have to download or pay for. And isn't from a company I've done.
News just in.
So far this SB is a squash match.