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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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Most reports are stating that this was about money. I'm sure all that you're saying is true, but the money was good enough that he could overlook all of that. Now that PPV bonuses may be dwindling, not anymore. I hate to say it, but let's not be marks. This is a money issue. No one is throwing away good money over storylines. His issue wasn't facing HHH, it was not facing HHH in the main event.

This whole "Its all about money" narrative you're trying to build is just silly. If it was really about money why wouldn't he just put up with atorylines for two months and collect his WM paycheck? You're trying to say that this supposedly greedy asshole has decided the best alternative to not getting as much as he wants is to get nothing? He's been complaining about not getting enough time off since he came back, far before the network was announced. I don't know why you're taking one or two sentences out of reports and saying that is his entire motivation. It sounds less try hard when you're trying to convince people Kane being mentioned on the CW is a big deal.





Super Bowl Champs tweet Daniel Bryan's catch phrase...Naw, It's just a fad. Batista has the real mainstream appeal.


more money than God
This whole "Its all about money" narrative you're trying to build is just silly. If it was really about money why wouldn't he just put up with atorylines for two months and collect his WM paycheck? You're trying to say that this supposedly greedy asshole has decided the best alternative to not getting as much as he wants is to get nothing? He's been complaining about not getting enough time off since he came back, far before the network was announced. I don't know why you're taking one or two sentences out of reports and saying that is his entire motivation. It sounds less try hard when you're trying to convince people Kane being mentioned on the CW is a big deal.
You're misunderstanding me. I never said he was greedy. This is his job, and he doesn't feel that he's adequately compensated for it. If PPV bonuses are going down, then he's absolutely right, and I support him. Secondly, this isn't my opinion. It's what most reports, including F4Wonline is saying. Thirdly, the reason why he doesn't put up with two more months of storylines is because he feels that the money NOW being offered is no longer worth putting his body through the abuse. As I've REPEATEDLY stated, he has issues with creative, but the money is the main issue. That's what reports are saying. It seems like he was pushing for a main event spot on the card because it would get him a bigger payday. Nothing wrong with that. If they straighten out the PPV bonus question, then he would likely return. There's a certain level of financial compensation whereby Punk would put up with the WWE's crap, but now that PPV bonuses may go down, the financial compensation has fallen below that level, and he won't put up with it anymore.

That's what's being reported, and it's far more realistic than him walking away simply because he's pissed off with creative. Stop being marks. This is a business, and it's about money. People want main event spots because that's where the money is. His gripe with his spot on the WM card is that he doesn't feel like he would get enough money in his current spot with PPV bonuses dwindling. It's not a narrative I'm pushing. It's what's being reported.
if punk was a bout the moeny he would have jsut finshed his contract up. im sure he makes a decent chuck of change off merch sales. He really wanted to main event maina and when that wasnt happing combine d with his injuries he said fuck it.

also the opening of raw should be intresting tomorrow.
You're misunderstanding me. I never said he was greedy. This is his job, and he doesn't feel that he's adequately compensated for it. If PPV bonuses are going down, then he's absolutely right, and I support him. Secondly, this isn't my opinion. It's what most reports, including F4Wonline is saying. Thirdly, the reason why he doesn't put up with two more months of storylines is because he feels that the money NOW being offered is no longer worth putting his body through the abuse. As I've REPEATEDLY stated, he has issues with creative, but the money is the main issue. That's what reports are saying. It seems like he was pushing for a main event spot on the card because it would get him a bigger payday. Nothing wrong with that. If they straighten out the PPV bonus question, then he would likely return. There's a certain level of financial compensation whereby Punk would put up with the WWE's crap, but now that PPV bonuses may go down, the financial compensation has fallen below that level, and he won't put up with it anymore.

That's what's being reported, and it's far more realistic than him walking away simply because he's pissed off with creative. Stop being marks. This is a business, and it's about money. People want main event spots because that's where the money is. His gripe with his spot on the WM card is that he doesn't feel like he would get enough money in his current spot with PPV bonuses dwindling. It's not a narrative I'm pushing. It's what's being reported.

+1. Punk isn't your hero, standing up to the evil Triple H who is holding his buddy Bryan down. He's a guy who wants a better spot, but doesn't want to deal with the political bullshit anymore if he's not going to make as much money.


more money than God
if punk was a bout the moeny he would have jsut finshed his contract up. im sure he makes a decent chuck of change off merch sales. He really wanted to main event maina and when that wasnt happing combine d with his injuries he said fuck it.

also the opening of raw should be intresting tomorrow.
Things changed when the network was announced. Now the money he gets will decrease, and he doesn't feel that it's worth it anymore. Once again, I am NOT criticizing him for that. I agree with him. All I'm saying is that people who think he's leaving simply because creative sucks, Batista is coming in, Bryan isn't main eventing, etc. need to stop. These are your gripes. These are fan gripes. Maybe Punk has some of them, but this is mainly (as it has been reported) financial issue.
I'm sure the financial aspect is a part of it, but let's not pretend he's also not totally tired and displeased with his spot in the company. Not saying he's leaving cuz of Batista or Bryan, i don't think anyone here is saying that specifically. He can have issues with creative that have nothing to do with those guys or having to feud with HHH.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
people taking wrestling super srs

stro, i'm going to have to doubt you on this one. so far the only thing i've been told that's entertaining about this guy is that he says one thing. and you think santino's not complete waste of time which makes me doubt. also you just like him because he talks like kanyon.


people taking wrestling super srs

stro, i'm going to have to doubt you on this one. so far the only thing i've been told that's entertaining about this guy is that he says one thing. and you think santino's not complete waste of time which makes me doubt. also you just like him because he talks like kanyon.

Nah. Dude is legit funny. Santino used to be super enjoyable comedy wrestler, but he hasn't really done much in the last 2 years or so. Enzo is great for all the stupid shit he says besides SAWFT.
smdh @ everything about this thread rn
people taking wrestling super srs

stro, i'm going to have to doubt you on this one. so far the only thing i've been told that's entertaining about this guy is that he says one thing. and you think santino's not complete waste of time which makes me doubt. also you just like him because he talks like kanyon.
like this sawft mf'er


I saw it. It was pretty good. On TV, he hasn't done much in a long time, but he's also been out hurt and on Superstars/Main Event if he was wrestling. But at Santino's peak, he was hilarious.
I saw it. It was pretty good. On TV, he hasn't done much in a long time, but he's also been out hurt and on Superstars/Main Event if he was wrestling. But at Santino's peak, he was hilarious.

Looking back I think Santino's most recent appearances have been pretty weird. Essentially he was built as a contender to Cesaro on his return and then he vanished from TV. The booking hurt Cesaro and didn't benefit Santino as he went AWOL after it. Still I think they could be poised to run with a Emma/Santino vs Summer/Fandango at the moment, I hope they run with it.

i hate Kane and Bryan.

Then what is it that you love Lambda?


Can't wait for Cena and Sheamus to save Bryan tomorrow night and do yes chants and Seahawks chants. Cena and Sheamus protecting their little buddy :*
NXT stars who will be most succesfful on the main roster:

1. Sami Zayn
2. Tyler Breeze
3. Big Cass/Enzo
4. Aiden English
5. Adrian Neville

I worry that PAC will just be in the Kofi spot once he gets called up due to his terrible speaking skills and style that only works so many times before you've seen it all.

Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say

But nothing comes out when they move their lips

Just a bunch of gibberish

And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Bo

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Surfer Sting sends me into a blistering rage. Or as he is better known, 'guy who would have never been nothing if Magnum TA hadn't got injured' or 'guy who ended Rick Rude's career'
Surfer Sting
Great Muta
90s Steiners
Bob Sapp
early 90s Shamrock


Shit man, all those guys are great, Surfer Sting was my favourite guy 15 years ago. But if nobody's appealed to you since Sapp you need to give up on it. Otherwise Enzo's a comedy act but in the best possible sense, he say dumb shit and an inflated sense of worth but he's got a 7 foot friend to back it up.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You're missing Owen Hart from your MMA-ish wrestlers. He is well known and respected in MMA circles for his matches with Shamrock and his great kicks(to the groin of Ken Shamrock)



I really can't understand people who hate Surfer Sting. Did you hate him as a kid? Do you just generally hate super baby faces? Because Sting is the best super face and actually put people over. Also, Sting was way better than Magnum ever got the chance to be, even at an early point in his career.
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