Thank you. Those are fuckin' dope.Not got one from that show, but CWC suplex city was the shit too.
ready for berserk to come out
i'm getting that musou itch
Next week!
I have it on Amazon but I keep waiting for the PSN preorder to show up
Prowrestlingsheet are reporting that Emmalina was scraped because Emma failed to impress backstage officials with the gimmick.
I give up.
Sources tell us Emmalina was intended to be a throwback to characters like Sable and The Kat — however, delays were caused after officials felt like she wasn't committing enough to the role and ultimately they decided to just let Emma be evil again.
From Prowrestlingsheet:
That just sets back the women's division. I wonder how hard the pressure was put on Emma to "commit" to this gimmick?
The original idea was so cool. Shame the biggest backer of this got cut and others failed to invest in it.
Saying Emmalina was like Sable and The Kat is so untrue. The gimmick was amazing.
Have the Internet detectives figured out the proponent who got cut was?
How was Raw last night friends?
The Womens division has definitely changed, very slowly but it has. Saying it hasn't just because Mickie James and Nikki are still with the company is just silly
It had a great segment finally.
Is there a trick to the suplex? Every time I see someone use the move, I see their head hit the mat and think "wow, that must damage his/her neck."
Nikki also got a lot better at wrestling.
Is kerry von erich a WON Hall of famer?
Anyone attended PWG before? I received a receipt for my tickets, but never received my tickets yet? Do I receive tickets or do I just walk up and show my receipt?
of course:Saw this on the Who would you bang thread about the Polygon article and I can't unsee it, now you will all suffer.
Guyz im going to RAW on Monday what horrible segments should I be looking towards too.
You can bring your receipt but you basically wait in line and you tell them your name. They then look you up and give you your tickets at the door. Show up early if you are general admission.
Big Cass vs. Sheamus is probably happening.
The lack of mass public outrage over Linda McMahon's appointment to head of the Small Business Administration is concrete proof that the WWE's ratings are in the can. If anyone was watching the company they would know the McMahons are barely qualified to run their own "small business", let alone make decisions that affect others.
Although she's one of the more qualified cabinet appointments. That says something about the chucklefuck-in-chief's decision making abilities.
He is , I been looking at him lately and I believe that he totally is a hall of famer.No but his dad Fritz is. I think Kerry is still on the ballot.
What a double edged sword for Vince. He doesn't get raked over the coals for he and his wife buying a government position, but it's a sign of what a lack of mainstream attention WWE actually receives. Either is a nightmare scenario for him.
I just see it as she is considered sane so she is not going to get any coverage with all the crazy bullshit thats going on right now.
She needs to say or do something batshit crazy to get some coverage. Trump has out storied someone being killed by two female assassins.
holy shit Metalik returns tonight!!!
It's also because it's a minor position and she's a nobody to them. It's not like he put her up for Secretary of State.
Yeah I never heard of it before she was nominated in it.
She is minor compared to a racist in charge of DOJ and someone in charge of the EPA who doesn't believe in climate change or someone in charge of schools who never went to a public school.
there hasn't been rest holds on 205 Live for weeks nowCan't wait for him to hit some sweet rest holds.
I just see it as she is considered sane so she is not going to get any coverage with all the crazy bullshit thats going on right now.
She needs to say or do something batshit crazy to get some coverage. Trump has out storied someone being killed by two female assassins.
Dudes, its mostly because the SBA is barely a cabinet level entity.
It's also because it's a minor position and she's a nobody to them. It's not like he put her up for Secretary of State.
You guys are right that it's definitely a minor appointment, but there would totally be more kerfluffle about this (even just jokes) if the WWE was more popular and the government wasn't currently in the running for the Carniest Shit This Century Award.