I see more of Dusty than Flair.
Uh, what else. Fin Balor should obviously beat Adrian Neville because Adrian Neville is fucking terrible.
There was someone in here earlier claiming Neville's a superior wrestler to Bryan, which just blew my mind that anyone could think that.
Friend Bootaaay (and any others who would like to answer), what do you think about wrestlers dipping into their opponent's warcrate while facing them?
Friend Bootaaay (and any others who would like to answer), what do you think about wrestlers dipping into their opponent's warcrate while facing them?
Friend Bootaaay (and any others who would like to answer), what do you think about wrestlers dipping into their opponent's warcrate while facing them?
That Monster promo truly was GOAT.
Friend Bootaaay (and any others who would like to answer), what do you think about wrestlers dipping into their opponent's warcrate while facing them?
I think you have to be real careful about it. It used to be done more in the attitude era, although only Rock and Austin really did it sparingly.
I like it when it's an insult, which you often see in Japanese wrestling - Shibata hitting a slingblade on Tanahashi just to be a dick and provoke a reaction, for instance, or Tanahashi sending a message to AJ Styles by putting away one of his team mates with the Styles Clash. Also, it allows the guy to show some good fire when, in spite of the punishment he's taken, he kicks out at one because he can't abide the insult of being hit with his own move.
When it's a finisher trade sequence, as you occasionally see in WWE PPV matches, then I couldn't care less. "Oh, you hit me with my finisher and I'll kick out, then I'll hit you with your finisher and you kick out, then we'll hit our own finishers on each other two, maybe three times before we finally end this shit". Very rarely will a match have the grandeur behind it to warrant such treatment. Rock/Austin at Mania comes to mind, but not many others.
I always found it entertaining when Rock used the Angle Slam or the Stunner. But it can only be used on special occasions of course.
Friend Bootaaay (and any others who would like to answer), what do you think about wrestlers dipping into their opponent's warcrate while facing them?
I'm actually fascinated by the way Fin Balor has an aura of someone who is not only too big, too talented, and too compelling for NXT, but he seems like he's too good for WWE too. I look forward to seeing how WWE drops the ball on him.
What about the Triple Threat between Angle, Rock, and Undertaker? TBH that was the first match that came to mind when I thought of the question.
I don't know if the Lucha Dragons are any good or not. I'm sure they're a fine, El Matadors-level tag team. But dear god is their theme song some repugnant pandering bullshit.
I don't see it. His face after a match or anytime he makes an expression of intensity has a look akin to that of a new-born baby's, covered in afterbirth.
Am I alone in thinking this?
He just has this disgusting, gross look. Also with Fin Balor, I think low-rise trunks are now officially dead and wrestlers should revert back to their trunks hitting just below the navel. Pick up your damn trunks, Balor, I don't want to see that sh*t.
Hah, look at this fresh faced rookie making his first tour of Japan in 1973;
Have a cookie if you guessed it was.Ric Flair
What about the Triple Threat between Angle, Rock, and Undertaker? TBH that was the first match that came to mind when I thought of the question.
I don't think I've ever actually seen that match (I quit watching WWE in 2002), worth a watch on the Network?
Bootaaay, do you doubt Fronz Roody?
Hah, look at this fresh faced rookie making his first tour of Japan in 1973;
Have a cookie if you guessed it was.Ric Flair
Friend Bootaaay (and any others who would like to answer), what do you think about wrestlers dipping into their opponent's warcrate while facing them?
I like it when it's an insult, which you often see in Japanese wrestling - Shibata hitting a slingblade on Tanahashi just to be a dick and provoke a reaction, for instance, or Tanahashi sending a message to AJ Styles by putting away one of his team mates with the Styles Clash. Also, it allows the guy to show some good fire when, in spite of the punishment he's taken, he kicks out at one because he can't abide the insult of being hit with his own move.
When it's a finisher trade sequence, as you occasionally see in WWE PPV matches, then I couldn't care less. "Oh, you hit me with my finisher and I'll kick out, then I'll hit you with your finisher and you kick out, then we'll hit our own finishers on each other two, maybe three times before we finally end this shit". Very rarely will a match have the grandeur behind it to warrant such treatment. Rock/Austin at Mania comes to mind, but not many others.
He has aura, bean breath. You can't teach aura. Fin Balor is WWE's version of Mark Wahlberg.
Yeah but check out this beautiful Hurricanrana!Oh man that's terrible.
Damn, Ric was a hoss.The pose in the original photo doesn't help, it's easier to see the resemblance in other photos - here he is with Dusty & Murdoch;
And here the hair definitely helps identify him;
Oh lordy, someone get this rookie some lessons. Preferably from Steve Rodgers.
**Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn were working on the main roster shows this weekend and defeated The Ascension on Saturdays show in Salt Lake City, Utah.
I think Harley Race might be TMF of TMFs.
He just always looks like he'd kill your whole family.
Nice surprise cameo from Kevin Nash in John Wick, friends. Solid performance.
Ox baker bro