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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!

There was someone in here earlier claiming Neville's a superior wrestler to Bryan, which just blew my mind that anyone could think that. I'm a fan of Adrian's ability but don't see him as a singles guy and the only real highlights of his title reign came from working with Sami, who did a great job of forcing Neville to change up his match-structure. Incidentally, that's also why Sami's miles better than anyone else Neville faced for the title, or Neville himself.

Adrian Neville would be amazing if WWE had multi-man spotfests again; I mean he's come a long way as a wrestler since his days doing that on the indie scene, but man was he entertaining. The disappointing thing for me now is that there aren't many guys in WWE who can work as the base for Neville to do all his stuff, other than maybe Cesaro & Sami (who he's already worked with).
Yeah but check out this beautiful Hurricanrana!
I agree with you on the pose, bean breath, and it's even more repugnant because the inbreds all mimic it every time Balor does it (which, as you astutely pointed out, is about 10 times per minute). I keep hoping that one of the inbreds will hit another in the face while doing the pose, causing a chain reaction where everyone falls, hits their heads, and ambulances are called en mass, but "Full Sail University" is a for-profit university that does not offer a program in medicine, forcing the EMTs to take even longer to get the inbreds to a hospital.

I just hope Triple H and NXT officials can beat these bad habits out of them before they're called up to Raw.
Notice how Cesaro's career went downhill after this match? He sandbagged John and now he's paying for it.

Steve Austin is keen on Cesaro, that means a lot in this business. It's too bad WWE cut his legs out from under him by teaming up ZIggler & Ryback, in what is basically Kidd & Cesaro except with more charisma, muscles, and mainstream appeal.


Holy shit. Lucha Underground was superb this week. Best. Wrestling. Show. On. Television. The action was phenomenal, the stories were all interesting, and the cliff hanger was a big "WHOA." Absolutely stellar. Watch this show.


The truth is Cesaro tried to catch John in a stalling powerbomb, but Cesaro's strength failed him in the biggest match of his career. John, realizing his partner in the ring had failed, called an audible.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Underrated grumpy old man

Hogan probably thought he was cool, but he didn't realize he was just being a top tier grumpy old man character. Staring down the police, attempting to literally murder Billy Kidman with a hummer, screaming KIDMAN randomly, whipping the shit out of Kidman, burying Kidman in promos.

Best Hogan.
Let's not forget what happened to the last guy that sandbagged someone:


FYI, here's what the move looks like when executed properly. Most of the effort is done by the person receiving the move and as you can see, even someone relatively weak can be made to look strong:



I never understood why a facebuster three inches from the floor is supposed to be finisher material, goes for Hey Jay Stylez too.
Let's not forget what happened to the last guy that sandbagged someone:


FYI, here's what the move looks like when executed properly. Most of the effort is done by the person receiving the move and as you can see, even someone relatively weak can be made to look strong:


that second one looks weak as hell. He drops him on his butt the way you'd drop a 2 year old on the bed.

Sort of on topic with regards to finishers, but I was watching ROH while at the gym yesterday and there's some dude that does a GTS-esque move way better than Punk ever did.
that second one looks weak as hell. He drops him on his butt the way you'd drop a 2 year old on the bed.
Sort of on topic with regards to finishers, but I was watching ROH while at the gym yesterday and there's some dude that does a GTS-esque move way better than Punk ever did.

yup. Almost like a tech throw
I never understood why a facebuster three inches from the floor is supposed to be finisher material, goes for Hey Jay Stylez too.

Because you can't protect your face with your arms so your nose goes squish? unless it's Kane who tactically uses his knees to avert such a crisis, smart guy.


Let's not forget what happened to the last guy that sandbagged someone:


FYI, here's what the move looks like when executed properly. Most of the effort is done by the person receiving the move and as you can see, even someone relatively weak can be made to look strong:





The real report on Reigns/Big Show house show

Street Fight - Roman Reigns beat Big Show - Roman was cheered by about three quarters of the crowd. Big Show got no reaction whatsoever. This was a terrible, boring match. You could hear a pin drop in the building during most of it. Maybe a handful of 'Daniel Bryan' chants throughout. Match ended with Roman spearing Big Show through a table.

Welcome to our future


Any other man would have dropped him on his neck. Cesaro saved Cena's life.

That's the thing, Cesaro is in full control of the flow here. He either choked in the spotlight, not trusting in the ability of his partner to execute, or he purposefully sandbagged.

Either way, it destroyed the fluidity and I imagine John was furious. I would not be surprised that he went straight to Vince and let him know "this kid ain't got it."


The real report on Reigns/Big Show house show

Welcome to our future

yet it doesn't matter because:

Roman was cheered by about three quarters of the crowd

and that's all they really care about.

once they start selling the multi-colored vests and roman reigns wigs to all the cena fans they'll know for sure that they have their new guy
Once again DMczaf talking out of his a**. Normally I don't like to put people on blast but seriously, frick this goofball.

I did a YouTube search for Roman Reigns and Big Show with the filter set to display the results in order of the most recent uploads. I found FanCam footage of Roman Reigns vs. Big Show in a Jacksonville Street Fight, dated Febuary 7, 2015:


Judge for yourself.

And DMczaf? You can kiss my a**.


That's the thing, Cesaro is in full control of the flow here. He either choked in the spotlight, not trusting in the ability of his partner to execute, or he purposefully sandbagged.

Either way, it destroyed the fluidity and I imagine John was furious. I would not be surprised that he went straight to Vince and let him know "this kid ain't got it."

Cena protects his spot more than Hogan ever did.

Even when they did the squash match at Summerslam he was back beating everybody the next week.


yet it doesn't matter because:

and that's all they really care about.

once they start selling the multi-colored vests and roman reigns wigs to all the cena fans they'll know for sure that they have their new guy

Anth0ny are you really saying WWE only caring that 75% of their audience loves the guy they're currently pushing is a bad thing?


Anth0ny I feel like you are saying that the wishes and desires of hardcore fans should take precedence over the wishes and desires of the real WWE Universe.
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