Anth0ny are you really saying WWE only caring that 75% of their audience loves the guy they're currently pushing is a bad thing?
No, just saying we're going to have to endure some baaaaaaaaad matches if Reigns turns out to be the guy. Worse than Cena, from the looks of it.
complete silence and indifference by the crowd during the actual wrestling matches seems to mean nothing to them. he gets the pop when the music hits and he comes out through the crowd, and then... ?
Do you think the "hardcore fans" even pay for the Network? Or do you think they just watch readily-available streams?
This is a good question. Obviously kids don't have credit cards so they'd need their parents to sign them up. Is that worth $10 a month for a parent? Does their kid really need to pay to watch more wrestling every week? They can watch 2 hours on Monday before going to bed and then more on Smackdown. Are Cena fans really interested in the back catalog? Or something like the Triple H/Vince podcast?
Meanwhile, the "hardcore" fans do have money. They are interested in old shit, and definitely interested in something like the podcast. At the same time, they can torrent all of that shit and find a stream for PPVs. You're basically paying $10 for convenience.
Hard to say either way. It's probably more kids getting their parents to pay if I had to guess. 1 million hardcore fans of the current product seems like a bit much to me.