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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!


You watch Lashley in TNA and he's likely to hit more power moves per-match than any one 'big guy' wrestler in WWE. They're too fucking afraid of powerbombs and suplexes.

But why is that? Rusev would be a perfect guy for a vertical suplex or an Overhead Belly to Belly. A vertical suplex is not that dangerous to perform.

Who was it in the Rumble who hit a Belly to Belly and it looked like it nearly killed the other guy. I need to go look for that

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Like I'm not even a Hoyt fan but



both are over the top but one involves dropping yourself on the back of your own head for no real reason. the other completely gets over Lance's size


So you guys want the face of the company to be a homeless looking man who doesn't use condoms?
The face of the company now makes women give up the dream of being a mother and makes her sign something that says She has to leave his house in 24 hours if he wants her to.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Suwama coming for the old man's soul

Akebono's knees make me wince every time I see him. Like worse than when I see Muta. Like as bad as when I see Andre in the early 90s.
I saw Rikishi last year and I was in constant fear of his knees or ankles exploding, dude had such trouble getting in the ring (as the promotion doesn't have ring steps).


So Bryan gets to lose at Mania instead? Awesome.

Please make him win and Rollins cashes in on his ass.
Yeah a lot the "power" guys in WWE these days don't really come off as being all that strong. Be it the Ryback or Reigns types or just not letting guys who are strong do moves to display their actual power.


Another "don't tuck your head" situation

I remember seeing that, Albert got lucky there.
Here's how I would do Mania: Have Bryan beat Reigns at Fastlane due to interference from Rollins. This leads to Lesnar/Bryan for the title and Reigns/Rollins for the briefcase. Reigns wins the briefcase after a bullshit finish while Bryan takes Leanar to the limit and narrowly wins the title. Mania ends with a refreshed Reigns cashing in on a severely injured Bryan, reinforcing the narrative that Reigns basically had everything handed to him while Bryan had to work his as off to get where he is. Book Reigns as an arrogant heel for the rest of the year until the fans start cheer him. Bryan and Rollins would both remain in the title picture after Mania.

seems very good for me.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
jeez, Bryan is anti-vax AND pro pull-out. How can he be so stupid?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Sometimes I feel bad for shitting on Akebono because he really does try, and he's a lot better than when he was in HUSTLE or AJPW originally. This might be of too high praise, but he really does remind me of Andre a lot. He's kind of got an opposite problem of Andre though. He constantly improves as a wrestler but his health hurts him so there's only so much improvement he can make where as Andre just went downhill due to his body hurting him so badly. And from reading interviews, Akebono does wrestling because he loves it not because he needs the money.

But it's so noticeable when 48 year old Ultimo Dragon is tagged into this match(with his 65 year old Tenryu partner and 45 year old completely beaten up Akebono partner.) and when Ultimo gets in the ring, you can tell Atsushi Aoki is like 'oh thank god I can wrestle now' because the match pace multiplies by three.

And Akebono scores fave points for the theme alone.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I love big Bono, but there's a ceiling with him. Cool dude though, and all-around nice guy. Egg on toothpicks.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's time for a WWE Main Roster Fave Five, because I'm curious how people are. My Fave Five is all about who I enjoy watching most.

5. Bray Wyatt
4. Mark Henry
3. Luke Harper
2. Rusev
1. Seth Rollins


I don't know, I feel like I miss the parts where 'people booed the shit out of Naito' aside from some rumors from some random Japanese smark fans that 'that's totally what happened'

And does anyone really care about a 'Okada redmeption' storyline? Why is this so important? It's like Darth Vader in Star Wars prequels, does anyone REALLY want this? Why Okada? Why not someone else? Okada's already over, but since he's Gedo's pet project, he needs to be MORE over. Got to make Okada look stronk.

Okada's 'redemption' reminds me of Cena's 'worst year ever' in the sense that no one's going to buy it because it's clear as day to everyone that you're just doing it to book him even stronger. Not to make him more endearing. This is the storyline Goto should have, not fucking Okada Okada Okada Okada Okada.
In Cena's supposed "worst year ever", he:
- Beat Brock Lesnar in his first match back
- Ousted Johnny Ace from power
- Won MITB
- Main evented 10 out of 12 PPVs
- Won the Royal Rumble
- Made out with AJ
- Won Superstar of the Year

They basically didn't do any of the "worst year" or "redemption" story, then post-Rumble they suddenly wanted the ending and climax of the story anyway, even though they'd done none of the buildup. So suddenly it was his worst year ever and he was desperate for redemption he didn't give a shit about before the Rumble.

I would expect they'll actually do the "worst year" story for Okada, by contrast.
I haven't been a regular watcher for a good 3/4 months now, NXT and the Rumble aside, so that may screw my perceptions. Or not.

  1. Ambrose
  2. Rollins
  3. Lesnar
  4. Bryan
  5. Ziggles I guess


BNB vs Ziggler vs Ambrose
with Ziggler or BNB going over
at mania would be a fun match. Maybe make it a ladder match?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I wish WWE would just release Ziggler. He can make more money elsewhere, and isn't ever going to be someone at WWE.


So not worth it
It's time for a WWE Main Roster Fave Five, because I'm curious how people are. My Fave Five is all about who I enjoy watching most.

5. Kidd/Cesaro (they're a tag-team, it counts)
4. Ambrose
3. Brock Lesnar
2. Rusev
1. Seth Rollins

I kind of struggled to come up with five stand-out names to be honest.

Realistically only Rusev and Rollins were easy. Brock is a part-timer which made it hard to pick him, but it's hard to deny that when he does do stuff, it's absolutely outstanding. Ambrose should really get some better material, realistically he should've been the one to get Reign's push. Kidd and Cesaro have been a great team so far, I really enjoy watching them go.

Bryan hasn't done anything interesting since he came back and honestly, his look makes it very, very hard to take anything he does seriously. Yes, I've become that guy, he looks like a bum and its hard to not see him as one. I imagine he comes out there, does what he's told and then goes backstage to put on his hemp suit and bowler hat and just smokes some synthetic weed with Kofi (because he used to pretend to be Bob Marley, you see) and discusses how the government is injecting them with tracking devices disguised as measles-vaccination and the man is holding him down from the Mania main event... Seriously Bryan, go see a barber.

Other than that, I barely pay attention to the main roster, I watch the PPV's
And even then, I skipped all the mid- and undercard stuff for the past three months
. I watch Raw when I hear it doesn't suck, but normally skip around so much I end up with maybe seeing 30 minutes worth of show. I am probably missing out on some good mid- or undercard stuff.


I wish WWE would just release Ziggler. He can make more money elsewhere, and isn't ever going to be someone at WWE.

Tangentially related, but now that I've actually followed people's suggestions of not just bitching about WWE, but actually checking out other options, god I really wish Cesaro would go to NJPW. He'd be able to pull out all the suplexes and power bombs he wanted and I think he could be a star there. I'm having fun watching Brass Ring Club do their thing, but Cesaro's such a wasted talent.


I wish WWE would just release Ziggler. He can make more money elsewhere, and isn't ever going to be someone at WWE.

Many of the guys on the roster could probably make more outside of WWE.

Except the Miz, Big Show, and Kane.

Nobody wants to seeMiz work a match.

I'd pay 9.99 just to not see his face on WWE countdown talking about all of the wrestling he clearly never watched.


Cena wins the US title against Rusev at Mania
Cena wins the IC title on Raw the next they
They combine the title
He drops it to whoever

i'm metsfan4ever btw
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