Jimmy King
Here's to hoping Ambrose, Ziggler and Harper get something good for Mania.
This is totally amazing in my mind. Thanks, Bronson. Someone needs to do the youtube video.
So, WWE could make a Luke Harper DVD and use bunch of CHIKARA footage without having to pay CHIKARA a dime? That is kinda shitty.
I'm not the biggest fan of the name either, but it's one of those things I've just accepted. Plus, Hanson is pretty damn impressive.
Kind of sad he never managed to be somebody. So he's...himself.
Here's a quick cut out of Ishii for KRNFLX.
Thanks Vince for posting those. A lot of good avatars there for people not stuck with Prince Pretty.
To be fair, odds are that any wrestler's nickname will be shitty. 'sup, Messiah of the Backbreaker.
I'm not sure what else BJ Whitmer could have been? He wasn't going to get picked up by WWE, and I don't think he could put a match together well enough or had the connections to go to Japan. He's not the best base, so I don't see him going to Mexico. He's kind of the typical indy wrestler.
WWE.com ran a poll over the weekend asking who was more deserving of the WrestleMania main event - Daniel Bryan or Roman Reigns - with Bryan earning over 87% of the vote.
I dunno, I'm pretty goddamn partial to 'Stardust Genius' myself
Our votes counted!
To be fair, odds are that any wrestler's nickname will be shitty. 'sup, Messiah of the Backbreaker.
out of touch old man...
why not have just had bryan win the rumble and they culd of kept roman in till the end to make him look strong. then booked like reigns vs hhh to get him more over.
It's time for a WWE Main Roster Fave Five, because I'm curious how people are. My Fave Five is all about who I enjoy watching most.
5. Bray Wyatt
4. Mark Henry
3. Luke Harper
2. Rusev
1. Seth Rollins
Just for you guys from the Twitterverse...
Is it tugging on your heart strings?
It's time for a WWE Main Roster Fave Five, because I'm curious how people are. My Fave Five is all about who I enjoy watching most.
5. Bray Wyatt
4. Mark Henry
3. Luke Harper
2. Rusev
1. Seth Rollins
At the moment, fave five all around:
5. Dean Ambrose
4. Luke Harper
3. Daniel Bryan
2. Seth Rollins
1. Brock Lesnar
Just for you guys from the Twitterverse...
Is it tugging on your heart strings?
I really hate this year's WM logo...it looks like a f2p game app.
It's time for a WWE Main Roster Fave Five, because I'm curious how people are. My Fave Five is all about who I enjoy watching most.
5. Bray Wyatt
4. Mark Henry
3. Luke Harper
2. Rusev
1. Seth Rollins
I'm totally over Brine, because the more I think about Seth cashing in on Lesnar the more perfect it seems.
vince pls
I'm totally over Brine, because the more I think about Seth cashing in on Lesnar the more perfect it seems.
vince pls
Fave Five most Enjoyable WWE Peoples
5. The Bellas
4. Cesaro & Kidd
3. Luke Harper
2. Seth Rollins w/ J&J Security
1. Rusev
Really Alucard? Again?
Fucking hell.
Its tugging on my short term memory since it was posted like two hours ago.
It's time for a WWE Main Roster Fave Five, because I'm curious how people are. My Fave Five is all about who I enjoy watching most.
How are you gonna say "Fave Five" and list 9 people!
5. Finn Balor
4. Dolph Ziggler
3. Bray Wyatt
2. Seth Rollins
1. Daniel Bryan
Those are my fave WWE five currently. Yes I'm a Daniel Bryan fan and I won't apologize for it haha.
Damn no Rusev love...
At the moment, fave five all around:
5. Dean Ambrose
4. Luke Harper
3. Daniel Bryan
2. Seth Rollins
1. Brock Lesnar
Luke Harper has fans?
Luke Harper has fans?
Luke Harper has fans?
He's their best hoss aside from BrockLuke Harper has fans?
He's really awesome and fun to watch.
Real talk, whenever Rollins moves on from J&J Security, it'll be a sad day. His current heel run is one of the best things WWE has done so far this decade. Very believable and he's not hurting his character with every loss he suffers.
WWE main roster does not include NJPW, ROH, or Lucha Underground no matter how much you want it to.
Luke Harper has fans?