WWE Network, PlayStation Plus, a yearly charge for Amazon Prime.What subscription services (WWE Network, Marvel Unlimited, Crunchyroll) are you guys signed up for and what's your total monthly bill?
I'm not sign up for squat.
We follow each other on Twitter. I'm definitely not an alt. I'm also not that interesting
Didn't realize there were only 2 anime fans in here. I guess nobody else here can admit it. Understandable.
+1, but I lurk most of the time.
What subscription services (WWE Network, Marvel Unlimited, Crunchyroll) are you guys signed up for and what's your total monthly bill?
I'm not sign up for squat.
We still don't know what happened
Has naked pictures of girl and naked pictures of self
Netflix/Hulu/Wwe/amazon prime.
I need to renew my GB sub.Netflix, HockeyStreams, Spotify
something like 25-30$?
I also got one year of GiantBomb when it was on sale
+1, but I lurk most of the time.
Looks like he's having a bad reaction to something against his vegan, non-GMO diet.
That denial is almost as bad as the 'Daniel Bryan might win the Rumble' denial.
I watch "the anime."We follow each other on Twitter. I'm definitely not an alt. I'm also not that interesting
Didn't realize there were only 2 anime fans in here. I guess nobody else here can admit it. Understandable.
If only he wasn't anti-vax he could have prevented this outbreak.
What subscription services (WWE Network, Marvel Unlimited, Crunchyroll) are you guys signed up for and what's your total monthly bill?
I'm not sign up for squat.
+1, but I lurk most of the time.
I redact my earlier confession.
If They Had An Arrangement Then It Isn't Cheating. If They Didn't Have An Arrangement Then They Are DumbThat denial is almost as bad as the 'Daniel Bryan might win the Rumble' denial.
What subscription services (WWE Network, Marvel Unlimited, Crunchyroll) are you guys signed up for and what's your total monthly bill?
I'm not sign up for squat.
I redact my earlier confession.
Netflix $7.99/month
WWE Network $9.99/month
Spotify Premium (Student Discount) $4.99/month
Amazon Prime (Student Discount) $49.99/year
Would explain a lot of things in my life.It's just more proof you're living an anime.
Netflix and Google Play Music.What subscription services (WWE Network, Marvel Unlimited, Crunchyroll) are you guys signed up for and what's your total monthly bill?
I'm not sign up for squat.
WWE, Crunchyroll, PS+, Prime, NBA.TV, MLB.TV, Giantbomb
Don't pay for cable so I guess its about the same price as if I had it.
Top five anime tv (no order)
1) Cowboy bebop
2) Bersek
3) GTO
4) EVA
5) DBZ
1) Akira
2) Ghost in the Shell
3) Ninja Scroll
4) Macross Plus Movie
5) Wings of Honneamise
I consider Mayasaki world separate.
Cena can't be Naruto.
Why won't SenPly notice me?~
And why not?
Dang, you watch a lot of those china art shows.
Well Raw bombed yesterday:
8pm: 3.786
9pm: 3.670
10pm: 3.518
Avg: 3.658.
Down 600,000 compared to last week.
Well Raw bombed yesterday:
8pm: 3.786
9pm: 3.670
10pm: 3.518
Avg: 3.658.
Down 600,000 compared to last week.
Well Raw bombed yesterday:
8pm: 3.786
9pm: 3.670
10pm: 3.518
Avg: 3.658.
Down 600,000 compared to last week.