Jimmy King
I actually think WWE might do a better job at fetishizing the past than SNL. What an awful anniversary show.
I actually think WWE might do a better job at fetishizing the past than SNL. What an awful anniversary show.
Life is Strange was amaaaazing. Like, top flight stuff.
Let's fucking go.
You have the worst taste in entertainment.
I too liked "Life is Strange"
Too bad it had a cast of FILTHY MILLENNIALS
OH SHIT you're right
Though Chloe may make Vince happy, one step closer to The Blue Dot being reality
Life is Strange was amaaaazing. Like, top flight stuff.
Let's fucking go.
Chloe was like the most FILTHY MILLENNIAL character though
Love the game. Played it the other day. I feel like my choices have more meaning in this than something like Walking Dead. Can't wait to play episode 2. I still need to play through episode 1 and choose different options than what I did.
Come on man, he probably didn't even hear a word she said. I bet he tuned out the whole thing.
I absolutely loved that they straight up let you rewind to check all the choices if you want to. Fuck it. Just let me pick.
I'll ask this in the OT for it too, but the thought I had was interesting to me; if you go back and keep changing your answers to make people happy in real life, are you really you? Cause getting shit wrong is part of life
You have the worst taste in entertainment.
Nah son Sunny's got my back on this, you can't handle the one-two combo
Seriously I recommend it. Music, world, characterization, it's all there. All original. Telltale can stuff it. Remember Me was best in class in art direction and I expect the same from DONTNOD here.
Chloe was like the most FILTHY MILLENNIAL character though
I'll ask this in the OT for it too, but the thought I had was interesting to me; if you go back and keep changing your answers to make people happy in real life, are you really you? Cause getting shit wrong is part of life
Let me just say that shopping for a house is damn hard. Between being disappointed by seeing things in person that don't match the pictures, or going "WTF" to some prices, it's a clustermuck.
Yep. Telltale can stick it, brother. Life is Strange is actually worth playing.
For sure. I'm supposed to believe this unique little snowflake has a domineering stepdad who busts her ass for everything, yet she has blue hair, tattoos, and beer bottles in her room. But oh no, don't let him see she has a friend. What? Fuck Millenial Couches
The one thing I did not fuck with was the circle of life. I let big girl get hit on the head, I let the bird die. But knowledge? I was on a quest for knowledge. No page left unturned. But don't fuck up the circle of life.
The one thing I did not fuck with was the circle of life. I let big girl get hit on the head, I let the bird die. But knowledge? I was on a quest for knowledge. No page left unturned. But don't fuck up the circle of life.
Are you using a Realtor or looking for a FSBO?
Reverse time to before it crashes, open window.How do you even save that bird on the window? I tried doing different things, but couldn't figure it out.
How do you even save that bird on the window? I tried doing different things, but couldn't figure it out.
Just doing open houses and looking at online listing for now. Probably gonna go through a realtor at some point. All of this is new to me and my wife. First house. Gotta get informed.
Reverse time to before it crashes, open window.
lolAh that makes sense. I never saw it crash into the window, so I just assumed it had been there for awhile lol
Had a few laughs but really no different than Vince trotting out Hulk and Ric Flair every two months for a Raw Reunion for pity cheers. Think I might have liked a clip show instead.I actually think WWE might do a better job at fetishizing the past than SNL. What an awful anniversary show.
Just doing open houses and looking at online listings for now. Probably gonna go through a realtor at some point. All of this is new to me and my wife. First house. Gotta get informed.
Just doing open houses and looking at online listings for now. Probably gonna go through a realtor at some point. All of this is new to me and my wife. First house. Gotta get informed.
Ric Flair said:I appear on WWE programming about eight or nine times a year now. I think I could offer more and I think the management would like to use me more but it is about the others that have to follow me that they have to consider as well. I can be a very tough act to follow. I can still be active and will be for many more years to come, but they also have to take into account the other superstars at the same time.
Are you using realtor.com? They've made great strides recently making sure their data is accurate, but it also depends on how hands-on your local MLS is with their data custodians.
Realtor.ca on this end, and some Remax stuff since they seem to be really popular around these parts. Looking for 4 bedrooms minimum. (1 master, 1 office, 2 for kids) And a basement office, garage, storage space, backyard deck, and generally open space in the basement for a library and/or gaming/exercise room. We'll see. Looks like we're gonna have to spend minimum 300,000 to make this happen. Probably closer to 350,000.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone.
Jeezus, no wonder it's hard to find something. You're asking for a lot of stuff, but I guess a basement office might not be that weird up there?
Alucard's really holding out for something else
Every wife's dream.
Same here. It sucks.Let me just say that shopping for a house is damn hard. Between being disappointed by seeing things in person that don't match the pictures, or going "WTF" to some prices, it's a clustermuck.
Same here. It sucks.
It was super easy a few years back when houses in every range were on the market for rock bottom prices.
ill fetishize the past, if you know what im sayin
I think I need to do some research on market trends and expectations for the next 18 months. Up, down, or stable...I wonder how it's gonna go.
You're in Canada right? I'd imagine the housing market is already heading down due to how your economy is going.
You need a whole basement office to write ROH reviews?