sidenote on cage matches... I fucking hate it when they have the "open door" stipulation... Makes the whole point of a cage stupid.
The door stipulation is stupid because it's so much faster than going over the cage and there's no reason to ever not go for the door. If I was in a cage match against someone I'd let them get almost to the top of the cage and then just fucking sprint to the door.
Another stupid thing in cage matches = pinfalls (normal cage matches that is, not hell in a cell)
grab that brass ring, seph
one of the 343i devs is in that thread and he's like "murder/rape are worse than getting a wrong drive through order" and I really wanted to reply with "so is paying 60 bucks for something and having it not work for 3 months". but i have trouble being a dick sometimes, i'd make a shitty heel.
So, when will Itami actually hit the GTS? In his next match, or are they gonna super slowburn it?
They're probably going to save it for when he either uses it to get a #1 contendership or win the belt