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February Wrasslin' |OT| Royal Reignble Fallout. NO HOLDS BARRED, SMARKS!


I just read that Vince's big project was Big E and Trips went and ruined that shit to make it all about Reigns....THANKS A LOT PAUL.

Jamie OD

I don't get the context of Reigns and McMahon with this particular episode.

Some of the problems with Reigns' push are caused by how Vince is directing him. Also, and I bet this was unintentional on the gif-maker's part, the baseball hitting Reigns represents how WWE is still able to succeed even if we all think otherwise.


"Smark" is the synthesis of "smart" + "mark" -- a fan of wrestling who is privy to the fact that it's not real. Perhaps the most famous smark is a journalist by the name of Dave Meltzer.

That definition would make Meltzer a smart, though, not a smark or mark, since he has connections to the business.

MC Safety

I really liked NXT "Five" Big E.

Somebody else did it before Big E. Someone in WCW and, I think, King Kong Bundy.

Big E. would have been a good choice for a contender. He seems to have a lot of charisma and a sense of humor. He's doing about as well as anyone could do as the non-dancing guy in the dancing guy gimmick.

Although I imagine the toweling off thing is someone's way of mocking E.


I just read that Vince's big project was Big E and Trips went and ruined that shit to make it all about Reigns....THANKS A LOT PAUL.

Eh, Vince has 40 "big projects" a year. He gets bored of them after a month or a couple of weeks and their push ends (shockingly, when they're no longer pushed they also stop getting over).

Roman is the first one he's been totally committed to in years.

It was Leakeed, actually.


woah weird

how does this get leaked? you never see this kind of thing.

Actually there's a lot of this off-air footage out there. It used to be that people who had these big satellite dishes in their back yard could catch the live, unedited feed of Smackdown as it was being taped. You'd hear the production staff on the commentary feed, the unedited commentary, etc. Even recently a whole episode of unedited Smackdown last year leaked with all the commentary intact. Since it's not live the commentators talk to the back more often, and it's edited off. You can hear Cole getting annoyed that he's being told to say the same thing over and over at one point.

And there's footage of rehearsals or voiceover recordings out there too, mainly from the 2000-2003 era Smackdown.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't get the context of Reigns and McMahon with this particular episode.

It's because the Simpsons are fucking stupid and a ghost of its former self, yet people still try desperately to keep it relevant.
Forgot this thread was up

We did it, yall. Wrestling officially no longer the carniest sport. $100 PPV price has been discussed for Mayweather/Pacquiao.


could never
I'm ready for new RAW/SD and unique PPV sets now... pls. They don't even have to be of high quality, fuck.


It's because the Simpsons are fucking stupid and a ghost of its former self, yet people still try desperately to keep it relevant.
The WWE isn't much different, friend.
Although THAT franchise's Triple H equivalent gets to run his 3-5 episodes of NXT per year in front of the main Sunday 8pm audience instead of behind a subscription wall.
How long was the Ramble avatar bet for? Eager to get my Monsoon avatar back. Also, is 'Prince Pretty' meant to be ironic? Y'know, because Breeze is ugly.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Grado is THE guy.

Also, this is a thing that is actually happening;


Do you REALLY want to see this?

How long was the Ramble avatar bet for? Eager to get my Monsoon avatar back. Also, is 'Prince Pretty' meant to be ironic? Y'know, because Breeze is ugly.

Sorry buddy, we are going a whole month. Feb 24.

Also he's not ugly at all.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
No, not really. I'm sure it'll be a train wreck and not the best way to get Grado over with an audience who aren't familiar with him. Dick Justice is fine at the comedy, but shit in the ring...to the degree that I'd actually say Grado's a better wrestler.

Weird aside, I wish Grado didn't have that tattoo. Makes it look like he's hiding a secret...
Kind of like Daniel Bryan huh. Coincidentally an enormous overlap of Simpsons avatars and DB stans.



Except in this case the "ghost" is still better than 90% of it's competitors, which can't be said for the simpsons.

also Roman needs his royal rumble promo face in that gif before he get's hit with the ball
So if Bryan hadn't gotten injured, and was meant to get destroyed by Bork at Summerfest, would Bray possibly have won his feud with Cena? Curious if they decided to change it to make Cena look stronger, which would make Bork look stronger, leading to Belee looking stronk.


Wrestling fans, we all believe in a world of hope and wishful thinking sitting through terrible shows that are proclaiming to be entertaining in the hopes we get the payoff we want.

It never comes yet we never leave.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So if Bryan hadn't gotten injured, and was meant to get destroyed by Bork at Summerfest, would Bray possibly have won his feud with Cena? Curious if they decided to change it to make Cena look stronger, which would make Bork look stronger, leading to Belee looking stronk.

Bray beat Ambrose to prove that Ambrose wasn't carrying Roman in the Shield so Roman would look stronk. My god, how far back does this go?
So if Bryan hadn't gotten injured, and was meant to get destroyed by Bork at Summerfest, would Bray possibly have won his feud with Cena? Curious if they decided to change it to make Cena look stronger, which would make Bork look stronger, leading to Belee looking stronk.

whoa whoa whoa slow it down there buddy. That would not only require forethought, but continuity. I'm sure the Roman look stronk vs. Brock part was planned before mania though


So if Bryan hadn't gotten injured, and was meant to get destroyed by Bork at Summerfest, would Bray possibly have won his feud with Cena? Curious if they decided to change it to make Cena look stronger, which would make Bork look stronger, leading to Belee looking stronk.

Bray had already lost the feud by the time Bryan got injured.
It's all a work.

Everyone is talking about the Rumble, Reigns, Wrestlemania 31, and their disappointment that the streak being broken and Lesnar's title run was just a way to make Reigns "Look Strong". We must take a moment, as wrestling fans, to remember the ongoing storyline that is much larger than Wrestlemania, and much much larger than Lesnar, Rollins, Bryan, or Reigns. I'm talking about the big one, the 30 year storyline. At the end of the day it all points to the same ending. But before I get there it is important that I re-establish the story leading up to where we are now.

At Wrestlemania III Hulk Hogan lifted up Andre the giant and showed the world that through steroids and backstage politics anything is possible. At that moment he was a god among men. His muscles were huge, he was young (33 years old), and he was unstoppable. February 5, 1988, The Main Event occurs and Hogan's 1474 day title reign comes to a close. Many think that his could be the end for Hogan, but in actuality it was just the sowing of the seeds for the greatest story ever told.

In October 1988 WCW is founded. This was thought to be a great thing for wrestling fans and for the wrestlers. There was competition, and that would benefit everyone.
Hogan regained the title numerous times over the years, but he was never the unstoppable man he once was. The moment that title left his waist we knew the truth: Hulkamania could never last forever. New babyfaces took over the main event scene: Warrior and Savage.

The steroid trial happened and we thought we were watching was a new generation of wrestlers rising to the top: Hart, Undertaker, and Michaels. These were men that did not rely on oversized steroid induced muscles. No, they relied on promos, acrobatic skill, and a mastery of in-ring psychology to get over. The wrestling landscape had changed. Matches were becoming more complex. Gimmick matches arose (Iron Man, Ladder, & Hell in a Cell). Now Hogan was still wrestling during this period, but he started to be seen as a has-been. He was a man who was past his prime and needed to accept that Hulkamania was over.

The Attitude era came, and the crowd was enamored with the complex and long storylines. However, if they only knew the storyline that hid in the shadows, they would've marked out in awe at the genius of it. The Rock and Austin moved wrestling to a landscape where story was king. The Rock was and still is one of the most over wrestlers of all time, and a connection to him is a connection to stardom.

The Finger Poke of Doom occurs and wrestling fans take this as the prime example of how WCW fell apart and how Hogan's need to place himself at the top was a major piece of that. WCW is bought out by WWE and the Invasion angle occurs, which is seen by many to be only a shadow of what it could've been. WWE establishes dominance in the English speaking world as the premier wrestling company.

During this period The Undertaker's streak quietly grew. Each win made the streak larger and more arcane. It was something that could only occur once, it was an enigma that survived massive shifts in the industry. Through shoot interviews and tell-all books we learn about the man behind the undertaker. He's seen as a locker room leader. He's the judge in wrestler's court. We knew this man to be a senior of WWE, and while not everyone liked him he was nearly unanimously respected. We saw the streak as something that he would retire with, when in actuality it was a lump sum that grew with interest after each win, and it was waiting to be cashed in.

In 2002 a man named Brock Lesnar debuts. He did not have the lean build seen in the post-steroid wrestling world, instead he was massive. His physique made him a colossus in a world of giants. His physique combined with his natural abilities and skills to allow him perform powerhouse moves while moving with the agility of a cruiserweight. Brock, at 25, became the youngest WWE champion of all time. He was the next big thing. He had no love for the industry, it was only a job for him. This led to him leaving in 2004 so that he could pursue a career in the NFL. Brock later returned to combat sports in the form of UFC. He become UFC Heavyweight champion and later retired from MMA with a 5-3 record.

At Wrestlemania 21 John Cena won the WWE championship, and begun his tenure as the new face of the company. He held the belt numerous times over the following decade, and established himself as a force to be reckoned with, as he would never give up and never give in.

At Summerslam 2005 the pieces begin to fall into place. After nearly 17 years the storyline is still in its infancy. Vince Mcmahon has the major players playing their roles, but it is time for the final seed of the storyline to be sown, for after this the storyline would enter into a necessary long hibernation state. Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan have a feud planned which would last many matches. However, Hogan decided to have that match be the one and only. During this match Shawn Michaels played an integral role by overselling all of Hogan's moves. Hogan was victorious but the audience knew something was amiss. Rumours begun to spread about Hogan's continual refusal to put over new talent and his refusal to take a bump. The wrestling world began to see that Hogan is a shell of the man he once was. His muscles are gone and his body is broken. Hulkamania was dead.

Brock Lesnar would return to the WWE as a part time worker. He re-established the dominance that he held during his initial run. He was the Beast. The final player in the storyline is a man named Roman Reigns. He comes from a wrestling family; his cousin is The Rock. His job is to be the greatest heel ever seen.

At Wrestlemania XXX, the hibernation period ended, and the storyline entered into its closing chapters. Hulk Hogan came out to the ring and he was confused. He knew not where he was and any fan could tell that Wrestlemania III hung over him as both a crescendo of achievement and a curse of never being able to reach that point again. The lump sum that was the Undertaker's streak was finally cashed in. Brock Lesnar was the one to end the streak. Many were upset with this, but it was necessary to make a future wrestler look strong. The final act was about to begin on Vince McMahon's masterpiece.

At Summerslam 2014 Brock Lesnar would defeat John Cena in the way that a gorilla would defeat a cardboard cutout of a cartoon character. The man who broke the streak was now the man who conquered the face of the company in a way that no one had ever done before. At the 2015 Royal Rumble Roman Reigns won, which resulted in a outpour of negative feedback from the crowd. Vince McMahon was called out of touch and there were demands made that he step down. He knew the truth, and it was eating away at him. His greatest moment was before him, the crowd was ready.

Now that we are caught up, here's the truth: KEVIN NASH WAS RIGHT - IT'S ALL A WORK

All of it. Everything. Kayfabe was and still is in effect. Vince McMahon operates on such a deep level of kayfabe so that he may hide the true storyline from us. It's all fake, all of it.

Michaels's injury - work. They needed people to believe that wrestling could ruin a man's body.

Montreal Screwjob - work. They needed people to believe that backstage politics were a real thing.

WCW - WORK. The whole company was set up by Vince McMahon as part of the storyline. Hogan needed to look out of touch.

UFC - Work. Brock Lesnar needed to look strong.

NJPW, ROH, Lucha Underground, TNA, CHIKARA, etc. - All a part of WWE. They needed people to believe that there was real competition in the industry, and not just one massive corporation under Vince McMahon.

Guerrero - Still Alive. They needed people to believe that steroids were killing wrestlers, and that there would no longer be drug use in wrestling. He's currently a trainer at NXT. Upon meeting new arrivals he's known to say "I lied, esse."

Benoit and Family - Still Alive. This was to further the belief that wrestling was more than a show, and that they were real people who took real damage. He now works with Lesnar on perfecting Lesnar's German suplexes. When asked about it he said "I thought it was a bit over the top, but the crowd really bought it."

Warrior and Savage - Totally Alive. Their deaths were faked so that it seemed like a large amount of time had passed since the era of Hogan.

Vince is not trying to make Reigns look strong. He is trying to make Hogan look strong. At Wrestlemania 31 Reigns will win the belt from Lesnar. Later, Hogan will win the rumble. People will complain that he's old and decrepit. He's not. At Wrestlemania 32 Hogan will come out more ripped and full of steroids than a Greek god. He will put on a five star match which will end with him unveiling his double backflip moonsault.

We're still building here. This story started at Wrestlemania III, and it's a 30 year story, one more to go. At Royal Rumble 2016 Vince will play his final card. It'll be a 50-man rumble. Number one will make his entrance: From Grenoble in the French Alps. Standing 7 foot 4 and weighing over 500 pounds: ANDRE, THE GIANT. He will dominate the rumble. His inability to move in his later years was a work. He's agility far surpasses Lesnar's. He will eliminate all fourty-nine men.

Wrestlemania 33 - Silverdome - 200 000 in attendance - http://youtu.be/guG9cVs3ms4

Hogan defends the title in what will be known as the greatest spectacle of all time. Vince, now slightly older will come out to the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you. I told my story, I now bid you all goodnight."

Hogan, Andre, and McMahon walk to the back as Hogan's theme plays. Watching Vince's final speech, Kevin Nash looks up at the falling confetti, he smiles and says to himself "I tried to tell 'em, but they never believed me." The next day WWE and all other wrestling promotions will close their doors, as the story of pro wrestling will be at its close.

TL:DR Vince McMahon is very determined to show "those damned millennials" how deep kayfabe goes.

What a mark...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Worth crossposting - new Network content, some dope old shit:

Wwe Honors Black History Month
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WCCW 196 - 02/01/2015
Championship Wrestling 12/6/83 - 02/01/2015
WCW Main Event 620 - 02/01/2015
Hall of Fame: Bobo Brazil - 02/01/2015
Hall of Fame: Tony Atlas - 02/01/2015
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