Balor will debut leading Bullet Club with Nakamura, Anderson and Gallows to help Shane win.
I know exactly why I've got this erection.
Balor will debut leading Bullet Club with Nakamura, Anderson and Gallows to help Shane win.
So what you're saying is that in a Hell in a Cell match with no DQ, the Balor Club make their debut and beat the crap out of Undertaker for Shane to win. Gotcha.
Dean needs to come out in his hospital gown and try to fight Bork.
wouldnt that make shane a heel however, they want to keep him face maybe
He never made it to the hospital famwhy didn't you at least put him in a hospital gown. you morons
That was terribly pathetic and telegraphed.
Guys I'm getting serious Attitude Era vibes from tonight's Raw.