Shane and Taker are gonna kill each other for like 10 minutes.
Then Vince will send lots of heels to the ring to make sure Shane doesn't win.
That will be countered when lots of Shane's buddies interfere to even the odds, a mixture of current babyfaces and Attitude Era relics. Maybe The Rock will even run in for one last Taker/Rock face to face. Gonna be hype as hell.
After a crazy brawl, The Undertaker will sit up and be standing in between both sides with a confused look on his face, and after like 30 seconds of deep thought will turn on Vince's heels tossing everyone out of the ring.
Then The Undertaker will lay down and allow Shane to pin him for the good of This Business™. So wow much generational
The Undertaker retires. Vince is off of TV for years. HHH loses to Roman and him and Steph go away, disgraced and embarrassed. Shane takes control but we never see him again after The Raw After Mania™ because lol @ Shane coming back to this nonsense. New day-to-day GM gets put into power, maybe Daniel Bryan, and a new era begins.