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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That much was very good. Particularly three parts, the opening exchange, Atsushi spends the whole match on Kotaro's arm but there's a specific part where he's all over it for like 3 whole minutes and once Kotaro is able to put him down with a powerbomb the crowd take a big sigh of relief, and there's a part where Kotaro does one of those fancy roll ups, Aoki rolls out, kotaro does it again, Aoki rolls out, attempts to pin him and there's some really, really tense kick outs. I'm surprise a pinning sequence could be that exciting.

And a big up to Atsushi and Kotaro's stablemates. They don't interfere, but they're both at ringside and are incredibly animated and vocal. Makes it feel like a huge deal. Like Kotaro is Ralph Macchio.
Cena didn't quit. He should've won by DQ when Rusev kicked him in the nuts and oh by the way, he stood up from the Accolade. No one has ever done that. You think he's going to tap out to the Accolade when he can just stand up instead? Obviously he's not gonna be able to stand up from the Accolade with his balls busted but he still didn't tap out. The Ref stopped the match, not Cena. He walked out of that ring under his own power afterwards. He was fine to continue but the ref stopped it needlessly.

Don't try to smear the facts, bean brain.

Cena lost to the Accolade, a submission maneuver. This means Cena lost via submission. This fact cannot be refuted, and will forever be on the record books in Titan Towers.

Face it: Cena gave up. If he were half the man you claim he is, he would've gotten back up after a kick to his micro-marbles and ended the match on his own terms.

but he didn't

Final thoughts.

I still think adding Bryan to the main event somehow would have been a cop out and lazy. I like Bryan as much as the next guy but having him crawl his way into the WM main event somehow without winning the rumble would have been lame. If they wanted to add a 3rd man they should have picked someone else. The main event of maina is going to be a sloppy mess anyway. 2 big guys who hit hard. Its never a good combo. Probably Brocks last match as well so who knows if he will give a shit. Its a step on the road to Rollins cashing in though. Thats a plus.

Bray versus Taker is going to be another shitshow of a match but the promos building up to it are going to be awesome. The entrances to this match will be longer then the match itself.

Triple H is the wet blanket to put out the fire of any big name coming back. He did it with Brock and is doing it with Sting.

Cena match went exactly like everyone expected. Maina is the stage where Rusev joins the long list of monster foreigner heels Cena has devoured.

The Diva's division is kind of in that spot again where they only have 2 people capable of carrying a feud so they are stuck doing the same dance week after week. Time to move some NXT talent up.

Hey. Cesaro did a thing. Good for him.
Don't try to smear the facts, bean brain.

Cena lost to the Accolade, a submission maneuver. This means Cena lost via submission. This fact cannot be refuted, and will forever be on the record books in Titan Towers.

Face it: Cena gave up. If he were half the man you claim he is, he would've gotten back up after a kick to his micro-marbles and ended the match on his own terms.

but he didn't


not big on this "Sting" guy tbh. i don't see why this dude is getting pushed to the moon so quickly. they need to turn him heel and let him simmer in the midcard for a lil bit first. then we'll see if he really deserves it


not big on this "Sting" guy tbh. i don't see why this dude is getting pushed to the moon so quickly. they need to turn him heel and let him simmer in the midcard for a lil bit first. then we'll see if he really deserves it
to be fair, it's cool to see the audience get so excited for a TNA original, the Survivor Series crowd popping for "The Vigilante" Sting, clearly familiar with his work as "The Icon" Sting was great to see, hopefully Mania ends with a Main Event Mafia reunion as the crowd cheers
rumor was reigns was getting this push regardless of what the fans were wanting

it's silly but he will be facing lesnar at wm and looking awful in the process

you wil learn to like it. not like any of you are gonna stop watching, or buying their dvds, or network subs, or sponsored items they promote on raw each week...
They gotta leave him off the card like they should've done at the Rumble. Vince hate that doctor up in Denver.

He probably will not be off the card but, it is either pre-show or opening match vs ziggler. He is being demoted hard. Bryan is being demoted so low Brie has a 99% chance of having a match higher on the card than him let that sink it
to be fair, it's cool to see the audience get so excited for a TNA original, the Survivor Series crowd popping for "The Vigilante" Sting, clearly familiar with his work as "The Icon" Sting was great to see, hopefully Mania ends with a Main Event Mafia reunion as the crowd cheers

True, he's caught on better than his colleague Xavier Woods. But at least other indie darlings can do, like, flips n shit!
rumor was reigns was getting this push regardless of what the fans were wanting

it's silly but he will be facing lesnar at wm and looking awful in the process

you wil learn to like it. not like any of you are gonna stop watching, or buying their dvds, or network subs, or sponsored items they promote on raw each week...
The public wants what the public gets.


rumor was reigns was getting this push regardless of what the fans were wanting

it's silly but he will be facing lesnar at wm and looking awful in the process

you wil learn to like it. not like any of you are gonna stop watching, or buying their dvds, or network subs, or sponsored items they promote on raw each week...

how long has it been rumored that roman reigns would be the guy to face brock at mania?

I want to say since last mania. as soon as lesnar beat the streak, were there not talks of roman beating him and getting the rub? I can't quite remember.
Even though I got what I wanted today with Reigns winning, I know I'm gonna be more and more sad the closer it gets to WM since I'm going and the main event is likely going to suck.

Who knows though, Reigns and Lesnar could prove me wrong and I would love to eat crow.
Does anyone know where that sound byte from the intro of the LAW comes from where someone is cutting a promo about fans booing and hissing him and how they need to get on their knees and kiss his feet?


He's taking on all the controversial topics of our day and age.

For Data, here is match I like about Faby Apache, vs her sister in AAA, hair vs hair match, trying to find some of her matches against her dad, those were fun.

Faby Apache y Mary Apache Cabellera Vs Cabellera Triplemanía XVI

Every time I come across AAA, there's an 8-man tag where at least half of the wrestlers are out of shape 40 year olds that just walk around, kicking every once in a while, and stand around as they watch someone get pinned.


how long has it been rumored that roman reigns would be the guy to face brock at mania?

I want to say since last mania. as soon as lesnar beat the streak, were there not talks of roman beating him and getting the rub? I can't quite remember.
It was pretty immediate, yeah. That's the whole problem- Vince is booking like it's 1986.

He's taking on all the controversial topics of our day and age.

Every time I come across AAA, there's an 8-man tag where at least half of the wrestlers are out of shape 40 year olds that just walk around, kicking every once in a while, and stand around as they watch someone get pinned.

AAA is a mess, the thing I dislike the most is the constant intervention of the seconds or the referees, is so rare to have a clean match there, one of the reason I gave up on them. So many luchas ruined by that shit.


what happened to Meltzers "inside info" that the plan is to make Rollins look like a star?
because he looked like a pussy running away from Orton
how long has it been rumored that roman reigns would be the guy to face brock at mania?

I want to say since last mania. as soon as lesnar beat the streak, were there not talks of roman beating him and getting the rub? I can't quite remember.

it was like right around the time the shield broke up that reigns was getting a huge push and after SS the rumor was reigns facing brock at WM with the possibility of the rock vs brock. guess the latter fell through cause I think vince was pushing for the rock while hhh was pushing for reigns. either way they wanted one of their boys in a match against brock and there is nothing that's going to change that unless he gets injured again between now and WM. wonder how things would of played out if bryan didn't get injured. if they would of did the same story or went with something else.

I just want Bryan vs Cena II @ WM ith bryan winning but they're going to waste a cena match on rusev...
it just sucks that WM in general have sucked for nearly a decade now.

like every big match is so predictable usually or wont be very good.

WM30 was just okay honestly. the big matches were mediocre.

two big surprises were rock beating cena and undertaker's streak being defeated. everything in between those two moments is just average/predictable.

I want to see like a cena heel turn. it's going to happen one of these days. I want it to happen at this WM against daniel bryan.
Stro is a man without a home, so now he is lashing out everywhere to get attention. Sad state it has come to.
He got banned from Reddit?!


how long has it been rumored that roman reigns would be the guy to face brock at mania?

I want to say since last mania. as soon as lesnar beat the streak, were there not talks of roman beating him and getting the rub? I can't quite remember.

Well, it's been abundantly clear he'd be main eventing WM 31 since at least late 2013.


I just want Bryan vs Cena II @ WM ith bryan winning but they're going to waste a cena match on rusev...

oh yeah, another month of build with cena/rusev, I'm sure that won't get tiring. probably another month of cringeworthy shit between ambrose and bnb as well. plus heyman (who is going to try way too hard to get roman over, comparing him to his family in every promo and making him seem like a god) vs. roman on the mic. I'm also going to assume that the bryan/sheamus program kicks off tomorrow, too.

I don't think I'll be watching raw for the next month. it's not even because of "GRR FUCK YOU VINCE I'M NOT WATCHING RAW ANYMORE"
well partially
but I have a shit load of midterms/essays coming up and 3 fucking hours every monday just isn't going to work.

I'll keep up via review a raw.
they want that sting match to be the second biggest match on the card so I guess they aren't going to book cena or bryan very well

shame cause they could have a great program at WM with a planned cena heel turn for the win on bryan, would be great.

sting/big nose
jobber battler royal or huge match with ziggler, ryback, etc
diva match
Interesting note from the NXT Spoilers

Balor wasn't painted up for his title match against Owens, so Super Balor is still undefeated. Nothing can kill Super Balor.
oh yeah, another month of build with cena/rusev, I'm sure that won't get tiring. probably another month of cringeworthy shit between ambrose and bnb as well. plus heyman (who is going to try way too hard to get roman over, comparing him to his family in every promo and making him seem like a god) vs. roman on the mic. I'm also going to assume that the bryan/sheamus program kicks off tomorrow, too.

This is the most likely card. I think one or two matches will likely be cut. Most likely either Bryan vs Ziggler/Sheamus or the Tag Title match. The Bold matches are a lock to be the last 5 matches on the card besides possible like a 5 minute divas match in between.

Brock vs Reigns
Cena Vs Rusev
Triple H vs Sting
Bray vs Undertaker
Orton vs Rollins

Divas match
Ambrose vs BNB
Tag Title Match
Bryan vs Ziggler most likely with the possibility of it being Sheamus or even a triple threat.
Miz vs Mizdow
battle royal


This is the most likely card. I think one or two matches will likely be cut. Most likely either Bryan vs Ziggler/Sheamus or the Tag Title match. The Bold matches are a lock to be the last 5 matches on the card.

Brock vs Reigns
Cena Vs Rusev
Triple H vs Sting
Bray vs Undertaker
Orton vs Rollins

Divas match
Ambrose vs BNB
Tag Title Match
Bryan vs Ziggler most likely with the possibility of it being Sheamus or even a triple threat.
battle royal

Damn, looks like the first Mania I won't watch in years. I made the mistake of staying up to watch Mania 29 in spite of the card and I'm not making that mistake again.
The following people are currently not on the card and we already have 7-8 matches we're sort of forced to do:
Ambrose (the IC title isn't an automatic WM slot with so much else going on)

You'd say it takes a genius to screw up that badly, but hogwash! Even the world's most terrifying evil genius could never, ever in their lifetime pull off something like this. It fits in the "reality is stranger than fiction" category. This is a business that makes its money off the masses paying to see people they want to see wrestle/wrassle, not an investment bank or real estate firm.
no matter how hard Bryan got berried at Fastlane
which i didn't watch so idk if that's even true
he's not gonna not be on the WM card, guys

not saying it'll be a good spot or anything tho
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