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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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See but Ventura and Heenan justified why. Lawler on commentary did the whole "warping reality to suit the heels" thing and it just got super annoying. That and heel Lawler was a psychopathic sadist

True, true. And back then they had managers to do some of the more dastardly deeds back then too, to sort of shift blame from the wrestlers.

One of my favorite things is when Gorilla would point something out and they'd say, "I didn't see that!" or "I missed it, my monitor went out." I guess I'm old.


Can we start throwing trash into the ring again? Especially when Roman wins the title at Mania.

If you want to stir controversy, do it live (and not just some lazy Internet activism shit).

Have some indy hype:

Ospreay has to take this one.


If everyone knows its a mistake then they collectively need to find their nuts and tell Vince it's a mistake. Right now they're as much a part of the problem as Vince.

I can't believe everyone but Vince wants to go with Bryan.

The majority of people backstage are probably pro-Reigns. It is what it is but I can't believe it's all Vince's idea. Specially since there were reports that Vince wanted The Rock at Mania and HHH was pushing for Reigns.

It can't be a mistake when there are literally no consequences.

Also this.
True, true. And back then they had managers to do some of the more dastardly deeds back then too, to sort of shift blame from the wrestlers.

One of my favorite things is when Gorilla would point something out and they'd say, "I didn't see that!" or "I missed it, my monitor went out." I guess I'm old.

Lawler would do that too, except every single match, while making fun of Rocky Maivia's dead grandfather

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, Tharpe-des isn't going to be best pleased;


Looks good on Shinsuke, but then again, what doesn't?

Shinskee looks horrendous. HORRENDOUS. I'm enjoying their Twitter feud, mostly because t's dragged a bunch of NJPW and Shinsuke artist stans into it.


I was 7 in 1993 and I didn't watch WCW until Nitro. I didn't care about Crow Sting, I just knew he existed and would pop up on TV from time to time and interact with nWo. I've never actively wanted a Sting v. Taker match because I never cared about Sting.

My only fond memory of Sting is having a Sting action figure I found at a garage sale with my grandfather when I was a little kid, and learning who it was after getting it.

I'm not saying Sting was bad. I'm saying he never mattered to me. At this point, his relevancy is "he never went to WWE".

Fair enough. I guess I share the same feelings towards Ricky Steamboat. Even as a child I thought of him as the dullest wrestler to lace up wrestling boots. He grew on me but still all I remember from Steamboat is chops and crossbodies.
Act has a blog post up apologizing for the match. Mentions that the post had to be ghostwritten/typed by her mom because of how swollen her face is.

Hope Yoshiko gets blackballed.


Lawler would do that too, except every single match, while making fun of Rocky Maivia's dead grandfather

And I guess that's the point. Everything in moderation. If it happens all the time then it no longer has any weight behind it. I guess there's a fine line between being a heel commentator or just being an asshole.


The announcers today are too neutral to me. JBL will sometimes stick up for the heel, but also tends to praise the face too.
One thing that stuck out to me was when Triple H attacked Sting from behind after he did the sign point with his bat, Sting countered with a shot to the midsection and Cole goes "Oh no! - why would he say that?
If everyone knows its a mistake then they collectively need to find their nuts and tell Vince it's a mistake. Right now they're as much a part of the problem as Vince.

That's assuming they haven't. Which is unlikely. What is more likely is people voicing concern and Vince doing it anyways because "I'm Vince McMahon and I know what the hell I'm doing".

It can't be a mistake when there are literally no consequences.

Of course there are consequences. Sure, they aren't as drastic as going out of business or anything, but merch numbers, ratings, and house show numbers are metrics which can dip when you push the wrong guy. It won't be as dramatic as the Attitude Era swings because there is no mainstream alternative, but it can still dip enough to be bad.
A foreigner point of view about the Yoshiko/Act situation via German wrestler Alpha Female.

Yoshiko is and always was a bully. Things like that happened all the time backstage/at training/ streets. Act loves wrestling and would continue to fight even she knows she will die! Stardom has two parties, the ones who are "old school" and love to fight and kind of think pro wrestling is real and the other side do not agree with them, but can't help it. Because guess what, the leaders like Takahashi and Natzuki having the mentality "if you can't take it, stay out!" Do I agree? NOT at all! Its a disgrace! This needs to stop! This is also a shame, because it affects the whole stardom rooster, but believe me not all of them are like that. I hope act has a speedy recovery. She will be back, there is no question about it! I worked for stardom a long time, I know what is going on. I know act, she is a real life hero! !

Many girls left, some didn't even debuted. Iroha is leaving soon. Asuka ramey left. My hope is that yoshiko will be banned forever. Nanae said she is having a surgery on her ankle soon and will be out for a month or so. That means that the other girls hopefully get the chance to change some things. I know from the chats with the girls that they are terrified, few really just want to quit! This is not wrestling I used to love!

Sounds like Stardom may hit a crossroads over this situation. I wouldn't mind a change of the guard.


While I want sting vs taker it makes more sense to have next year since thye got to fill 100000 seats

I still want Taker vs Sting to happen but honestly WrestleMania 27 was the best chance they ever had to make that match happen - The Streak was still alive and the match would have been in the heart of WCW country.

I think Triple H is way better than you are giving him credit for. Especially compared to Undertaker at this stage.

Outside of the Daniel Bryan WM30 match, he hasn't impressed me much in his last few Mania matches. His match vs Brock at WM29 wasn't even the best HHH/Brock match (and Punk/Brock was better, too). His last two matches with Undertaker were two of the shittier "the streak" matches, the last one requiring gimmicks out the ass. His WM26 match with Shaemus was eh. His WM25 match with Orton was a snooze fest.

Taker meanwhile had two GOAT matches with HBK, I subjectively think Taker outperformed HHH in WM27 and WM28, Taker and Punk stole the show at WM29. His WM30 match against Brock stunk but that was due to a concussion early in the match. It's subjective but I think Taker's body of work the last 5 WrestleMania's has been better than HHH's.

I can't believe everyone but Vince wants to go with Bryan.

The majority of people backstage are probably pro-Reigns. It is what it is but I can't believe it's all Vince's idea. Specially since there were reports that Vince wanted The Rock at Mania and HHH was pushing for Reigns.

Perspective needs to be applied to this, however. HHH was probably pushing for Roman over The Rock because he wanted a full time guy to go over Brock instead of having the main event be two part-timers. And when these reports were coming out, a lot of people were thinking Bryan was done for good.
I was pretty sure that Sting was using the Scorpion before Bret started using the Sharpshooter, but my memory isn't always the greatest.

Also, the sooner the shakey-cam goes away the better. It adds a certain amount of fun when it's done with the giant swing, but now they do it for everything. It's like they're trying to make the product physically unwatchable.


FGC Waterboy
Reigns managed me to get bored during a Bryan match. I have no hope for his match with Brock unless it's Brock just decimating him.

I think this is more likely to happen then people believe. If Lesnar stays with WWE, I expect him to WRECK Reigns. Could see Lesnar being champ till WM 32, where someone finally knocks him off (you could do Rock vs Brock here, if you want mega star power).

If they were going to hold off Shaemus until after WrestleMania I don't think they'd be hyping his return over a month before Mania, sadly.

Yeah I didn't like Roman kicking out of the Knee That Beat Cena & HHH especially since Bryan didn't get to kick out of a spear

There was uneven selling on all sides. Bryan basically no-selling a (german?) suplex on the outside was pretty bad as well (remember when everyone jumped on Cena for no-selling a DDT on the outside during the Nexus match? This isn't any better).

WWE has hyped up the idea of Sting vs Taker multiple times in the past and built the two up as huge cornerstones of their respective companies (there's even a Monday Night War episode dedicated purely to those two), Sting has also said he wants to face Taker. Suddenly HHH comes in and starts a WWE vs WCW feud with Sting and proclaims that he is the absolute embodiment of WWE. This has HHH ego masturbation all over it.

Sting vs Taker is the absolute best match to have as a follow up for Undertaker's first Mania loss because of the massive unpredictability of it.

The problem with Sting vs Taker is...

Nobody in their right mind would think Sting vs Taker would be a match worth a shit.

This. Also, HHH can lose to Sting and give fans a happy moment. Who loses in Sting vs 'Taker?
I can't believe everyone but Vince wants to go with Bryan.

The majority of people backstage are probably pro-Reigns. It is what it is but I can't believe it's all Vince's idea. Specially since there were reports that Vince wanted The Rock at Mania and HHH was pushing for Reigns.

Not wanting to go with Reigns does not mean everyone else wanted to go with Bryan. And all the "Vince wants X and Hunter wants Roman" stuff is both unconfirmed and was reported way before it became clear Reigns wasn't ready. Ever since around the Rumble, it has been consistently reported that Vince is the only one 100% behind Roman.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Act has a blog post up apologizing for the match. Mentions that the post had to be ghostwritten/typed by her mom because of how swollen her face is.

Hope Yoshiko gets blackballed.

100% agreed

A foreigner point of view about the Yoshiko/Act situation via German wrestler Alpha Female.

Sounds like Stardom may hit a crossroads over this situation. I wouldn't mind a change of the guard.

Alpha Female better be ready to throw them bungalows though. She's one of my favorites of all time, hope she's ready.


I have very fond memories of him in WcW. I would have listed him as my #2.

I didn't give two shits about his TNA run though. I don't believe I watched more than 15 minutes of it.

I can't say I cared about Undertaker growing up. I was team WcW during the attitude era and disliked his American Badass gimmick. I definitly have respect for him these days and looking back though.

Fair enough. I guess I share the same feelings towards Ricky Steamboat. Even as a child I thought of him as the dullest wrestler to lace up wrestling boots. He grew on me but still all I remember from Steamboat is chops and crossbodies.

Those Undertaker and Steamboat thoughts are about what I was getting at with Sting, yeah.

I respect what's Sting's done, and I'm sure he was awesome back in the day if I were to watch some of the old stuff, but man I never cared when it was happening.

The biggest part of Sting at Wrestlemania for wrasslin fans over a certain age is the huge wave of nostalgia good feels it should stir up, and I just don't have it. It's been cool and I'm enjoying the interactions, but I know I'd enjoy this more if I were a Sting dude back in elementary school.
Real talk. More than ever I'm convinced Roman can be a big star. Batista didn't have great chemistry with a lot of people in the ring, and got over and became a big star.

Roman we can all agree that he's not ready. We can all agree that Bryan is way more over, and that the comeback David vs Goliath story would have been a much better story.

But I think at this point, if we're ignoring how much Roman has come on since the Shield split up I think we're being unfair.

Yes, he isn't ready. Yes, it wasn't that long ago that his brain melted mid promo, but his promo work against Bryan and against Brock in the studio Raw showed some real growth, and yes, Bryan carried him to a good match last night...

But it wasn't that long ago at all that Orton *couldn't* carry him to a good match. I think that says more about Roman's continued improvement than it says about Bryan being better at carrying people than Randy.

Every month he's adding something new to his (still limited) moveset, and he hits things pretty damn well. If that keeps happening, I think it's just the typical WWE 'we're pushing the right guy, but way too early' thing. I think Roman is going to be fine. If they keep the baby girl shit toned down as they have been since the Rumble ended... yeah. He'll survive being pushed before he's ready.

He's got 'it' I think. But he's not ready yet. And they're trying to rush things at the expense a handful of people who are currently more over. Like, hell, Ryback is probably more over than Roman currently. By a whisker. But yeah, that's saying a lot.

I don't think it makes sense to build this Mania around him, but maybe just maybe they can make it work. He was in a three star match last night. Maybe they can get that up to four, even if he's still mostly being carried.

And yeah, I have zero interest in Sting vs Taker. Taker can't carry a match anymore, and I doubt Sting can, but HHH sure still can.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Real talk. More than ever I'm convinced Roman can be a big star. Batista didn't have great chemistry with a lot of people in the ring, and got over and became a big star.

Roman we can all agree that he's not ready. We can all agree that Bryan is way more over, and that the comeback David vs Goliath story would have been a much better story.

But I think at this point, if we're ignoring how much Roman has come on since the Shield split up I think we're being unfair.

Yes, he isn't ready. Yes, it wasn't that long ago that his brain melted mid promo, but his promo work against Bryan and against Brock in the studio Raw showed some real growth, and yes, Bryan carried him to a good match last night...

But it wasn't that long ago at all that Orton *couldn't* carry him to a good match. I think that says more about Roman's continued improvement than it says about Bryan being better at carrying people than Randy.

Every month he's adding something new to his (still limited) moveset, and he hits things pretty damn well. If that keeps happening, I think it's just the typical WWE 'we're pushing the right guy, but way too early' thing. I think Roman is going to be fine. If they keep the baby girl shit toned down as they have been since the Rumble ended... yeah. He'll survive being pushed before he's ready.

He's got 'it' I think. But he's not ready yet. And they're trying to rush things at the expense a handful of people who are currently more over. Like, hell, Ryback is probably more over than Roman currently. By a whisker. But yeah, that's saying a lot.

I don't think it makes sense to build this Mania around him, but maybe just maybe they can make it work. He was in a three star match last night. Maybe they can get that up to four, even if he's still mostly being carried.

And yeah, I have zero interest in Sting vs Taker. Taker can't carry a match anymore, and I doubt Sting can, but HHH sure still can.

You'll be ostracized from some of our more smarky members but I appreciate your honesty. I also feel Roman will have it.


I do actually think Roman will have it, but we're still at least a year away from that and forcing it this soon could hurt more than help. I keep thinking he'll just be knocked down to Sheamus/Ryback level.
I was pretty sure that Sting was using the Scorpion before Bret started using the Sharpshooter, but my memory isn't always the greatest.

You are correct, Sting was using it first and then Bret learned it from Konnan of all people. Riki Choshu was the originator however and it's properly called the Sasori Gatame (scorpion hold).


Yeah, I think eventually Roman can be good enough to be the face of the company, but they're giving him too much too soon. It definitely reminds me of the Sheamus and Ryback pushes (moreso Sheamus, and even then this is a stronger push than Sheamus got). They're serving up a half-baked guy in the main event of Mania and I just think they're doing more harm than good. Don't think Reigns winning the title at Mania so soon is in their best long-term interests, but hey, all you can do now is sit back and watch the disaster unfold.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You are correct, Sting was using it first and then Bret learned it from Konnan of all people. Riki Choshu was the originator however and it's properly called the Sasori Gatame (scorpion hold).

I didn't know Bret learned it from Konnan. Fuck. This changes everything.


Roman being the next guy will probably never happen, his whole push have been so fucked up and he has no cred with the hardcore fans. If they waited a year , who know what wold have happen but now he a ryback. It also doesn't help that we knew he would be guy for like two year.


Act has a blog post up apologizing for the match. Mentions that the post had to be ghostwritten/typed by her mom because of how swollen her face is.

Hope Yoshiko gets blackballed.

Apologizing for the match is such a Japanese thing to do. Yeah Yoshiko probably doesn't deserve to get booked anywhere, but you just know some skeezy promoter smells money.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Real talk. More than ever I'm convinced Roman can be a big star. Batista didn't have great chemistry with a lot of people in the ring, and got over and became a big star.

Roman we can all agree that he's not ready. We can all agree that Bryan is way more over, and that the comeback David vs Goliath story would have been a much better story.

But I think at this point, if we're ignoring how much Roman has come on since the Shield split up I think we're being unfair.

Yes, he isn't ready. Yes, it wasn't that long ago that his brain melted mid promo, but his promo work against Bryan and against Brock in the studio Raw showed some real growth, and yes, Bryan carried him to a good match last night...

But it wasn't that long ago at all that Orton *couldn't* carry him to a good match. I think that says more about Roman's continued improvement than it says about Bryan being better at carrying people than Randy.

Every month he's adding something new to his (still limited) moveset, and he hits things pretty damn well. If that keeps happening, I think it's just the typical WWE 'we're pushing the right guy, but way too early' thing. I think Roman is going to be fine. If they keep the baby girl shit toned down as they have been since the Rumble ended... yeah. He'll survive being pushed before he's ready.

He's got 'it' I think. But he's not ready yet. And they're trying to rush things at the expense a handful of people who are currently more over. Like, hell, Ryback is probably more over than Roman currently. By a whisker. But yeah, that's saying a lot.

I don't think it makes sense to build this Mania around him, but maybe just maybe they can make it work. He was in a three star match last night. Maybe they can get that up to four, even if he's still mostly being carried.

And yeah, I have zero interest in Sting vs Taker. Taker can't carry a match anymore, and I doubt Sting can, but HHH sure still can.
Here's the thing, I semi-disagree. Yes, Roman has improved, and yes, they at least are trying to damage control as best as possible.

But I can not see this 'it' you see in Roman. Nothing about Roman Reigns screams "the guy" at me. Nothing. I could be wrong, but I've seen no reason to believe otherwise yet.

And even if he does have it, I think they've screwed him up for good. If he beat Brock in a bad match, I don't think that's something that people will forget after 2-3 years. This a definitely hyperbolic, but The think WWE may have killed his Main Event career, not that I thought he'd ever have one.

For the record, I started watching wrestling in December 2011, just for some context.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Roman being the next guy will probably never happen, his whole push have been so fucked up and he has no cred with the hardcore fans. If they waited a year , who know what wold have happen but now he a ryback. It also doesn't help that we knew he would be guy for like two year.
I knew he had the look when he debuted and everyone was marking for Dean Ambalamps and Seth Dickpic.


That's assuming they haven't. Which is unlikely. What is more likely is people voicing concern and Vince doing it anyways because "I'm Vince McMahon and I know what the hell I'm doing".

Of course there are consequences. Sure, they aren't as drastic as going out of business or anything, but merch numbers, ratings, and house show numbers are metrics which can dip when you push the wrong guy. It won't be as dramatic as the Attitude Era swings because there is no mainstream alternative, but it can still dip enough to be bad.
Roman is beefy and looks good on a poster. He's the right guy.

If you don't like either John Cena or Roman Reigns, then you aren't the WWE's target demo. If you watch in spite of not liking either of them, they've learned they don't have to appeal to your tastes. All they have to do is string you along with some former indie guys, you'll talk about fantasy booking and all the potential these guys have to be stars. I'm not so arrogant as to think I know what's going on in other people's heads, but I know that's what was going on in mine until I caught on to the fact that the guys I like will never be as important as the guys I don't. So I gave up. Not enough people are willing to do that for them to change anything. Casual fans will eventually latch on to Roman, hardcore fans will continue watching to see if Dean Ambrose will ever win the WWE title (not likely). And so it goes until the end of time.
I didn't know Bret learned it from Konnan. Fuck. This changes everything.

Apparently Patterson asked Bret if he knew a "scorpion death hold", which he didn't, and the only person in the locker room who could teach him it was freaking Konnan. Sting adopted his version from Ronnie Garvin, who may have been the first wrestler to use it in the US. No idea where Garvin or Konnan picked it up from, though.


Real talk. More than ever I'm convinced Roman can be a big star. Batista didn't have great chemistry with a lot of people in the ring, and got over and became a big star.

Roman we can all agree that he's not ready. We can all agree that Bryan is way more over, and that the comeback David vs Goliath story would have been a much better story.

But I think at this point, if we're ignoring how much Roman has come on since the Shield split up I think we're being unfair.

Yes, he isn't ready. Yes, it wasn't that long ago that his brain melted mid promo, but his promo work against Bryan and against Brock in the studio Raw showed some real growth, and yes, Bryan carried him to a good match last night...

But it wasn't that long ago at all that Orton *couldn't* carry him to a good match. I think that says more about Roman's continued improvement than it says about Bryan being better at carrying people than Randy.

Every month he's adding something new to his (still limited) moveset, and he hits things pretty damn well. If that keeps happening, I think it's just the typical WWE 'we're pushing the right guy, but way too early' thing. I think Roman is going to be fine. If they keep the baby girl shit toned down as they have been since the Rumble ended... yeah. He'll survive being pushed before he's ready.

He's got 'it' I think. But he's not ready yet. And they're trying to rush things at the expense a handful of people who are currently more over. Like, hell, Ryback is probably more over than Roman currently. By a whisker. But yeah, that's saying a lot.

I don't think it makes sense to build this Mania around him, but maybe just maybe they can make it work. He was in a three star match last night. Maybe they can get that up to four, even if he's still mostly being carried.

And yeah, I have zero interest in Sting vs Taker. Taker can't carry a match anymore, and I doubt Sting can, but HHH sure still can.

100% agree. I think Roman can totally become a huge star.... a year or two from now. I'm worried that pushing him too early right now is going to hurt him long term though. Hardcore fans are probably going to boo him for years now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Apparently Patterson asked Bret if he knew a "scorpion death hold", which he didn't, and the only person in the locker room who could teach him it was freaking Konnan. Sting adopted his version from Ronnie Garvin, who may have been the first wrestler to use it in the US. No idea where Garvin or Konnan picked it up from, though.

If I were Bret Hart I'd keep that info under wraps.

Did you finish Gary Hart's book? I keep getting sidetracked but I'm about 50% through with it and loving it.


What does the schedule look like?

Nashville - Reigns should be ok
Newark - Reigns DOA
Pittsburgh - Reigns DOA
Des Moines - Reigns should be ok as long as he is kept away from Seth
Los Angeles - Reigns probably DOA
San Jose - Raw after Mania - Reigns DOA
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