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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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FGC Waterboy
Roman hasn't flashed any kind of potential mic skill to rival Douchetista though. I give Batista a lot of shit but I thought he was solid on a microphone. I think Roman has the potential to be the next Sid Vicious. He's got the look and a few really good power moves, but keep him away from a microphone at all costs.

Check out Reigns' NXT promos. He OOZES Douchetista in awesome ways. I still think they're going to turn Reigns at WM and have Authority 2.0 with Reigns, Rollins, and Sheamus.

Then he came back and got bullied by Daniel Bryan fans who called him "Bluetista." I think this is why we're finally starting to see pushback to Daniel Bryan fans.

Not this time, not again.

There is definitely a pushback brewing against DB fans (who are starting to suspiciously sound like the CeNation fans with how many main eventers Bryan would have beaten in a year and a half) - and I say this as a pretty big mark for Bryan (Seattle for the win) all things considered. I get why they don't want to give the Lesnar rub to Bryan - if Lesnar had committed to another year with WWE before the Rumble, I am 100% convinced we'd have Bryan vs Lesnar at WM 31 with Lesnar wrecking Bryan. But you are only gonna be able to give this rub once, and Bryan frankly doesn't need it. Having Bryan beat Reigns & Lesnar would turn Bryan into a souped up version of LOLCENAWINS. But I think not having a backup plan for Reigns not being fully ready was pretty bad. Even if it was "Lesnar beats Bryan, but gets cashed in on by Rollins and then leaves the WWE for a while"; that should have been an option.

The problem is that I don't know where Bryan fits into the card in WWE, especially with Balor / SZ / Neville / Kenta all coming up in the next year or two.

Aside: There's definitely an intriguing "what if?" going on with the injuries to Bryan / Reigns / Orton? / Sheamus as well as Lesnar still playing coy about coming back next year. If Bryan doesn't get injured, and then you go on as planned (Bryan gets wrecked by Lesnar at SSlam, and Cena gets wrecked by Lesnar at RR); and Reigns has 3 more months of singles matches to prepare him - I wonder whether we don't think this is a genius move.
Yeah, a couple of the bad guy motivations really made no sense.
It would have been lazy but they should have just directly connected Murphy's killer to OCP.
Michael Keaton's worried about secrets spilling out so that leads him to threaten to kill Murphy's wife and kid 5 mins later?
Umm what?


But hey keep talking about WWE and how much you hate it, because people will get curious.

Honestly if you want to stick it to WWE, don't pay, don't watch, don't talk about their product. Completely ignore it.

But nobody wants to go that far. They'll hatewatch - wwe still wins. They'll only support the WWE wrestlers they like - WWE still wins. They'll "only watch NXT" - WWE wins again.

Bottom line is not very many people are willing to cut WWE -entirely- out of their lives, and WWE wins.

Personally I really like WWE's product right now. I have no qualms about being a subscriber because it's worth watching for many different reasons, for me. YMMV though, and that's fine.

I do enjoy NXT so I can support than product without any problem.

Watching the other programming is something I would try to stop doing if there was an alternative that I liked. Like there isn't I'l skim it to see if there's anything cool or if any trainwreck happens.

EDIT: That doesn't mean I'll pay for their Network and that's all that matters to me.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
D-Bryan fans have led to two revolts already that stopped big face pushes. Shamus got got and then Captain Soulpatch got clobbered with it last year. They are doing a better job with Reigns this time but for awhile it looked like he was going to be number three.
Michael Keaton being a dick in Robocop was hilarious, as was him in Need for Speed being the enigmatic billionaire for no reason



D-Bryan fans have led to two revolts already that stopped big face pushes. Shamus got got and then Captain Soulpatch got clobbered with it last year. They are doing a better job with Reigns this time but for awhile it looked like he was going to be number three.
The ultimate karmic justice came when Dave Bautista spent the last year as an A-list Hollywood actor while Daniel Bryan spent the year in bed nursing a broken freakin neck.


FGC Waterboy
I do enjoy NXT so I can support than product without any problem.

Watching the other programming is something I would try to stop doing if there was an alternative that I liked. Like there isn't I'l skim it to see if there's anything cool or if any trainwreck happens.

EDIT: That doesn't mean I'll pay for their Network and that's all that matters to me.

I think WWE should do whatever they can to get NXT off of Hulu; I bet they could get a fair amount of ardent fans to subscribe for the network just for NXT. Right now, you can watch NXT just fine on Hulu.


love on your sleeve
Some of the mental gymnastics I'm seeing in defense of Reigns is pretty amusing.

"He's not good at A, B, or C and is at best mediocre at D but he's not as bad he used to be at least!"


Anyway, here's Kudo vs Combat Toyoda in a barbed wire exploding ring match straight out of Fire Pro.


The pussification of pro wrestling has cost us a lot; but ladies death matches are one of the things I miss the most.
Everything about Reigns screams awesome finish/hot tag. His moveset is perfect for comebacks and very good at getting crowd reactions, and he's got bags of physical charisma/the scream taunt before the spear is ace.

It's just the promos and the remainder of matches that issues come up. He's perfect for squashes or Rumbles.


D-Bryan fans have led to two revolts already that stopped big face pushes. Shamus got got and then Captain Soulpatch got clobbered with it last year. They are doing a better job with Reigns this time but for awhile it looked like he was going to be number three.

Sheamus face push wasn't stopped by Bryan. Bryan was simply pushed to the main event while Sheamus went on with his planned feud with Del Rio.

I think WWE should do whatever they can to get NXT off of Hulu; I bet they could get a fair amount of ardent fans to subscribe for the network just for NXT. Right now, you can watch NXT just fine on Hulu.

If they gave me the option to pay like 3 bucks for just the NXT stuff I would be all over it. Probably their only way to get my money right now.


D-Bryan fans have led to two revolts already that stopped big face pushes. Shamus got got and then Captain Soulpatch got clobbered with it last year. They are doing a better job with Reigns this time but for awhile it looked like he was going to be number three.

Sheamus' push never stopped after WM 28, they plowed on with it. It failed because the push was terrible and Sheamus was boring/annoying.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Sheamus face push wasn't stopped by Bryan. Bryan was simply pushed to the main event while Sheamus went on with his planned feud with Del Rio.

I used to think that about Shameless but his fan approval really was torpedoed by the 18 second match at Mania. After that is when his matches started getting boring/boo'd/Jerry Lawler chants.
Remember that Raw where Sting appeared, and that distraction was enough to let lolcenawins happen so Dolph/Rowan/Ryback could get reinstated, and HHH spent the next 3 minutes screaming STANG into a microphone

That. That's what it's referencing.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh ok now I got it. Lol that was a clever sign.

Thank you for legit answering my question.
Everything about Reigns screams awesome finish/hot tag. His moveset is perfect for comebacks and very good at getting crowd reactions, and he's got bags of physical charisma/the scream taunt before the spear is ace.

It's just the promos and the remainder of matches that issues come up. He's perfect for squashes or Rumbles.

reminds me of when WCW broke up the rock n roll express and Ricky Morton(seth) turned heel and Robert Gibson(roman) went face. such a disaster. Tho seth has done pretty for himself


I used to think that about Shameless but his fan approval really was torpedoed by the 18 second match at Mania. After that is when his matches started getting boring/boo'd/Jerry Lawler chants.

Was he really over before? I don't recall his Road to Mania being anything special.

But I agree that the victory didn't help him at all.


It would have been lazy but they should have just directly connected Murphy's killer to OCP.
Michael Keaton's worried about secrets spilling out so that leads him to threaten to kill Murphy's wife and kid 5 mins later?
Umm what?

There were two things the OCP guys did that baffled me completely in terms of logic.

1- Why do a risky upload to RoboCop's brain moments before he has to make a public appearance? This would have prevented the whole issue of Murphy cold shouldering his wife and kid, which would have prevented her from getting pissy and going to the press.

2- Why even keep Murphy away from his wife and kids? That does nothing but risk PR disaster.

I also dont get Keaton's reason for wanting to off Murphy. Trying to kill Murphy is exactly what causes Commissioner Gordon's character to spill the secrets to Murphy. He created his own fucking problem by doing that.


You know, I thought that Cena/Rusev was great.

...even with Cena clearly yelling at the nearest mic: "MAKE IT LOOK LIKE YOU ARE GONNA TAP!!!"
reminds me of when WCW broke up the rock n roll express and Ricky Morton(seth) turned heel and Robert Gibson(roman) went face. such a disaster. Tho seth has done pretty for himself

I still say the Shield breakup was best for all three members. Rollins and Ambrose are doing very well; the only issue is Reigns going too high too fast

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Bryan is just as 'boring/annoying' to me as Sheamus is. Both are solid wrestlers with annoying characters.

I don't even know what Bryan's character is to this day. He hasn't been the reluctant face in over a year.


Was he really over before? I don't recall his Road to Mania being anything special.

But I agree that the victory didn't help him at all.

He wasn't really that over. Mainly because he did absolutely fuck all for months before the Rumble win, and then did nothing between the Rumble and Mania.


Already mentioned this before but I thought Reigns did some good selling last night. Some might not agree because he kicked out of the flying knee, but he made Goat man's arsenal look pretty damn neat last night.

Good OL' Jr always keeps yammering about, "you have to know how to sell if you're going to get anywhere."

Anyhow just a thought. In some ways he was actually the more charismatic wrestler in last night's match.


So, can we all agree that John Cena is one of the absolute worst at covering up when he's calling a match? There were at least two distinct points in his match against Rusev last night where you could clearly see his lips moving and calling the match. Dude needs some lessons.
It would have been cooler against Taker

It was alright. Sting didn't need to point at the sign so many times though. They also need to tell Sting to keep that ugly bathrobe trenchcoat at home.

I agree, but HHH will pull a better match out of him. Sting was a god to me in 1997-1998

And of course in 1989-1994.

I just want him to go out like he deserves.


Bryan is just as 'boring/annoying' to me as Sheamus is. Both are solid wrestlers with annoying characters.

I don't even know what Bryan's character is to this day. He hasn't been the reluctant face in over a year.

Bryan's story until yesterday was of a guy that was trying to prove he wasn't a fluke and that was trying to regain a belt that he never lost.

That was his character story.

And that Bryan/Sheamus comparison is really dumb. Not only is Bryan a much better wrestler he also has changed is character tons of times already while Sheamus has been Cena light for more than 3 years.
Some of the mental gymnastics I'm seeing in defense of Reigns is pretty amusing.

"He's not good at A, B, or C and is at best mediocre at D but he's not as bad he used to be at least!"
When he stops improving I'll so pointing out that he's still improving. He's coming along steadily. Not quickly enough to be worthy of the wrestlemania main event next month, and I will continue to stress that. But I don't see how people can be sure he won't get there. He got the look. He had some raw charisma that we've started to see refined in this Bryan feud. He's certainly got the right genes for wrestling too (and in thirty years don't be surprised when the companies top face is one of Jon and Trinity's kids).

I've been watching him improve since he went solo. It's been steady. Give him some more time before shitting on him.

If anything we should feel sorry for him. Look at how good Sheamus had become in the ring and imagine where the could have been if their let him just gradually grow into a character.
Madusa expected to be the next Hall inductee

lol they're gonna have her apologize to Papa Vince in her speech for tossing the belt at Mania
Just received this in an email as a New York Mets season ticket holder


Tickets are $25 - $55 with $15 "VIP packages" for meet & greets


At first I was going to make a comment about Ken Anderson being a wrestling legend but then I saw Garret being the third largest in the poster. "Wrestling Legend" Garret Bischoff.


When he stops improving I'll so pointing out that he's still improving. He's coming along steadily. Not quickly enough to be worthy of the wrestlemania main event next month, and I will continue to stress that. But I don't see how people can be sure he won't get there. He got the look. He had some raw charisma that we've started to see refined in this Bryan feud. He's certainly got the right genes for wrestling too (and in thirty years don't be surprised when the companies top face is one of Jon and Trinity's kids).

I've been watching him improve since he went solo. It's been steady. Give him some more time before shitting on him.

If anything we should feel sorry for him. Look at how good Sheamus had become in the ring and imagine where the could have been if their let him just gradually grow into a character.

A lot of people agree that he can get there. The problem is the push is now and it's being made at the expense of wrestlers that people like more. How hard is to get that?
Whether or not Reigns is "ready" has nothing to do with his ring work, promo work or anything like that. It has more to do with his reactions. You put him in front of a crowd, and he never comes across as someone who the people are hungry for to main event Wrestlemania. Not even the semi-main. It hasn't clicked. Not to say it won't, but there's not much time for it to.

The problems with his ring work or mic work or whatever are problems, but could be set aside as minor if he was clicking.
It wasn't surprising that Hardbody had attacked Alex; he was in his own world anyway. He was constantly submitting weird angles and stories to the office trying to get himself a push.

He came up with the idea of painting his face and becoming Sting's Black nemesis, Stang. Then he came up with another beauty that had DDP bringing a special magic diamond crystal to the ring. Hardbody would attack him, steal the crystal, and drop it into a tank of piranhas. This chicanery would force DDP to jump into the piranha tank to retrieve the magic crystal live on PPV.

They stopped what would have been a star making angle for Hardbody, WCW dolts. Stang would've been top tier

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Bryan's story until yesterday was of a guy that was trying to prove he wasn't a fluke and that was trying to regain a belt that he never lost.

That was his character story.

And that Bryan/Sheamus comparison is really dumb. Not only is Bryan a much better wrestler he also has changed is character tons of times already while Sheamus has been Cena light for more than 3 years.

Daniel Bryan has been the same character as long as Sheamus. He's still the AJ No/Hell No character who whines about not getting fair shots. He's just cheered now instead of booed because he's booked against heels rather than faces. Or because the Bryan fans will try their hardest to prevent people from cheerign whoever they like.


Daniel Bryan has been the same character as long as Sheamus. He's still the AJ No/Hell No character who whines about not getting fair shots. He's just cheered now instead of booed because he's booked against heels rather than faces.

...and he doesnt get fair shots
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