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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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Anybody have 300 bucks they don't want?

Rollins didn't get pinned and wound up being the only member of his team standing after Orton dealt with them. Looks like a star to me.

And I buy people telling Dave the triple threat was a possibility just so people would be stunned when no it turns out the plan all along remained the plan this year unlike last year because Vince is genuinely insane in a way that would terrify Charles Manson.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Plans changed dicks

"At the time my source was very confident about what was going to happen. We talked about it a lot...he would have known. So a change like this means, I don't know...maybe Vince didn't want to go that direction? I don't know why he WOULDN'T go that route but who knows why Vince does what he does, you know? I don't know. Vince is...who knows what Vince is thinking, sometimes. I don't know."


Which is part of his appeal. I think giving him "fair" shots would actually weaken his mass appeal dramatically. He needs to keep being screwed more than he is given shots.

I think the more accurate statement is "made at the expense of a specific wrestler that the hardcore fanbase likes more". Even Meltzer and MetsFan have said that Reigns won Superstar of the Year legitimately. Lot of less hardcore fans like Reigns a lot.

To be honest, Bryan has been helped by creative far, far more than Reigns ever has been. Imagine if Bryan had been stuck wrestling Kane and the Big Show repeatedly during his rise instead of the super-over and super hated Shield. Honestly, Reigns' booking has dispelled any myths that WWE was trying to sabotage Ziggler & Bryan with bad booking - WWE can't even book the guy they WANT to get over well. Definitely far more aligned with incompetence instead of malice.

Are we retconning history now?

Bryan was in a feud with Big Show and Mark Henry before Mania 28. He got really over after the 18 second thing and that wasn't supposed to happen.

After being really over he lost for 3 PPVs straight (still as a heel and with a romantic storyline with AJ, Punk and Kane). He then finally won at Summerslam against Kane with a rollup (still a heel too) and was then put on a comedy tag team with him.

Do you think all of this was supposed to make him a top guy? He got more over with each storyline because the dude is amazing at connecting with the crowd not because WWE was trying to push him to the top.

He also was only paired with the Shield for one PPV in their first match, not when they were the best faction around. Bryan helped the Shield more than the opposite.

All of this "Bryan never changes" or "WWE helped him a ton" is some retconning bullshit if I've ever saw that.


so fast lane (which I watched for free due to the british sub extension) was meh, the mania card looks terrible and I have no interest in resubbing

what demographic am I to vince
You're part of the irrelevant demographic to Vince. Although he figures he's got you by the balls and that you'll pay money to watch Mania even if you hate the card because you took the time to watch a terrible Fast Lane show. Because you just can't help yourself and you will still give money to Vince for a mediocre product and a card full of men wrestling past their prime.
I haven't read any thoughts on Fastline yet, but I rather enjoyed it. Rusev/Cena was a pretty good match and attempted to tell something of a story (as best as you can with John Cena). Rusev's in-ring 'acting' is immense, he's pretty much 100% on point and in character all the time.

The Bryan/Reigns match was good, I wasn't sure how it would end but I got a feeling from the start that this was perhaps the type of match Daniel Bryan would have wanted with Brock Lesnar with the way he played up his smarts and sold Reign's strength. I thought both of them put on a good match.

Pinfall, submission, pass out, knock out, and referee stoppage whenever the refs remember that they can stop the match without calling for a DQ.

Also that much forgotten NWA Rule TNA pulled the one time it suited them where the Title could change hands on a DQ for some reason... can't even remember what match that was now.

It is bad, but the "With my Baby Tonight" song was over

hahaha Yeah I remember that now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Could you imagine how hot Rusev would be if his contract with WWE was over next week? How people would be falling over themselves trying to book him? Goddamn what a sight that would be.
Dear lord how skinny was Super Dragon in his WCW matches? Looks like Excalibur wearing Dragon gear. Nevertheless that was a fun little match and seeing the crowd lose their shit at all the highspots was great. Now I want to go see if I can track down the Toryumon guys matches in WCW.
You're part of the irrelevant demographic to Vince. Although he figures he's got you by the balls and that you'll pay money to watch Mania even if you hate the card because you took the time to watch a terrible Fast Lane show. Because you just can't help yourself and you will still give money to Vince for a mediocre product and a card full of men wrestling past their prime.

I'd be interested to see their numbers post mania

If fast lane wasn't free I'd have just checked the results to see if bryan won (in which case I WOULD have reupped, bryan/lesnar would be amazing, wouldn't even care who won).
Could you imagine how hot Rusev would be if his contract with WWE was over next week? How people would be falling over themselves trying to book him? Goddamn what a sight that would be.

I only realised halfway through his match with Cena that guy has had little more than 12 months on the Main Roster since his Royal Rumble appearance. He's the most improved Superstar by far.


You know I kinda hope when Vince goes forward with this Sheamus/Bryan match at WM, Bryan is the heel. Shit, have Sheamus come back tonight and just have Bryan ambush him from the crowd for no reason and beat the shit out of him.


You know I kinda hope when Vince goes forward with this Sheamus/Bryan match at WM, Bryan is the heel. Shit, have Sheamus come back tonight and just have Bryan ambush him from the crowd for no reason and beat the shit out of him.

That would made no sense.

Sheamus is the natural heel in that story with Bryan having passed him by even when Sheamus beat him in 18 seconds.

I mean it writes itself.
Hooray for Owen beating Rocky's boring ass IC title reign. It wasn't a great match, but I'm glad Owen won the title.

Also, the first Rock Bottom ever?



That would made no sense.

Sheamus is the natural heel in that story with Bryan having passed him by even when Sheamus beat him in 18 seconds.

I mean it writes itself.

I know, but since Vince is dead set on putting Bryan in a throwaway match at Mania, I'd at least like Bryan's dick persona back instead.
Also that much forgotten NWA Rule TNA pulled the one time it suited them where the Title could change hands on a DQ for some reason... can't even remember what match that was now.

TNA had established that the title would change under dq in the early years to get rid of the championship advantage. They never used it and stopped mentioning it for years until they decided they wanted a title change but didn't want Abyss to go over Sting. I think it was around 06 or 07.
TNA had established that the title would change under dq in the early years to get rid of the championship advantage. They never used it and stopped mentioning it for years until they decided they wanted a title change but didn't want Abyss to go over Sting. I think it was around 06 or 07.

Ah yeah, I think that was it. Good memory!
That would made no sense.

Sheamus is the natural heel in that story with Bryan having passed him by even when Sheamus beat him in 18 seconds.

I mean it writes itself.

If the company's going to keep treating him a certain way to spite their fans, they need to just grow some balls and go all out with it.

Have him team at Mania with Ryback/Dolph/Rowan against Sheamus/Kane/Show/Rollins, turn on his team, and then get his ass kicked by all 7 of them for 5 full minutes while commentary laughs at him
<3 the salt.

I still don't understand why Meltzer is the defacto news source for internet wrestling fans? He seems to miss 99% of his "insider" info.
I'm not going to defend dirt sheets that much when yeah, they are wrong a lot, but it's really impossible to have much degree of accuracy when the guy in charge routinely changes his mind and throws out the script hours before a show starts.
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