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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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NoDQ.com said:
Tammy "Sunny" Sytch is back to Skyping, and mentioned on Twitter that she would be Skyping tonight. Here is a copy of the email that Sytch was sending last week to those who inquire about her Skype sessions:

It's $50 for 10 minutes of skype chat in lingerie with some skin (the top half)
$100 for 10 minutes of skype chat in lingerie, and you get to see everything.

I'll be skyping tomorrow night and thru the weekend, so let me know if you are seriously interested, and I'll give you the payment information. Once the payment comes thru, then we schedule your day/time

let me know!
Who will be the brave soul?
<3 the salt.

I still don't understand why Meltzer is the defacto news source for internet wrestling fans? He seems to miss 99% of his "insider" info.

No, he's pretty spot on most of the time. If you only get your news from shit reposting sites that alter or twist his words or post shit from other sources than yes you probably believe he is wrong. He is the leading authority in wrestling journalism.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
WrassleGAF poll results:


I was on the right side for each of these aka majority opinion.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I totally don't think Reigns will win at Mania. One way or another Reigns will NOT keep the belt even if he does win it - either the night of Mania or the night after, he's being relieved of it or Brock will be relieved of it.

That MITB case is there for a reason, friends. Putting Brock back into Chase Mode would be dope.


I totally don't think Reigns will win at Mania. One way or another Reigns will NOT keep the belt even if he does win it - either the night of Mania or the night after, he's being relieved of it or Brock will be relieved of it.

That MITB case is there for a reason, friends. Putting Brock back into Chase Mode would be dope.

I don't get. What would WWE win by doing that? Makes no sense when they are trying to make Roman this superman babyface.


I totally don't think Reigns will win at Mania. One way or another Reigns will NOT keep the belt even if he does win it - either the night of Mania or the night after, he's being relieved of it or Brock will be relieved of it.

That MITB case is there for a reason, friends. Putting Brock back into Chase Mode would be dope.
Honestly I enjoy the idea of Brock crushing Reigns like he did Cena and him going on a general rampage until HHH gets sick of a part-timer killing his roster and begins throwing everything he has at Brock to get the title off of him.


FGC Waterboy
Are we retconning history now?

Bryan was in a feud with Big Show and Mark Henry before Mania 28. He got really over after the 18 second thing and that wasn't supposed to happen.

After being really over he lost for 3 PPVs straight (still as a heel and with a romantic storyline with AJ, Punk and Kane). He then finally won at Summerslam against Kane with a rollup (still a heel too) and was then put on a comedy tag team with him.

Do you think all of this was supposed to make him a top guy? He got more over with each storyline because the dude is amazing at connecting with the crowd not because WWE was trying to push him to the top.

He also was only paired with the Shield for one PPV in their first match, not when they were the best faction around. Bryan helped the Shield more than the opposite.

All of this "Bryan never changes" or "WWE helped him a ton" is some retconning bullshit if I've ever saw that.

Pre WM 28 he was booked like crap; don't think anyone thinks otherwise. WWE mostly accidentally caught lightning in a bottle with the 18 second championship loss; it made Bryan (unintentionally most likely) sympathetic. But, Bryan got legitimately over through feuding with the Shield starting near the end of 2012 and finally beat the Shield in June 2013. People forget how awesome Bryan was in the tag matches with the Shield - and that was the timing on how he got over. Team Hell No gave him something of a personality (and kept him away from being written by Vince, since apparently that's the kiss of death ala Reigns); and Bryan was awesome when working with the Shield. It wasn't just some "one and done" thing with the Shield - it was 6+ months of feuding with them when the Shield was extremely hot. Hell, they even reignited the feud with the Shield for Elimination Chamber in 2014.

Part of why Bryan has succeeded is because his character has actually been developed and changed from time to time recently - unlike most of the other current main eventers. But to say WWE didn't push Bryan to the moon right before Summerslam 2013 and then re-pushed him again in 2014 (after they realized he was still very over and Punk left) is anti-vax truther level denial going on. He beat Orton, Sheamus, Cena, HHH, Orton (again) and Batista clean in under a year (and he ended the Shield's 6 month+ long unpinned / unsubmitted streak by submitting Rollins clean in a tag match). If he beats Reigns and Lesnar...who the hell does he face as a heel that he hasn't flat out cleanly beat? You have Rollins; and that's basically about it.

The dude makes SuperCena look weak at that point.


Here will be my one Mania bold prediction. HHH vs Sting is going to stink up the joint, Taker vs Bray is going to be better than anyone expected. Not having Taker/Sting is a mistake.
I'll also keep my plate of crow on standby


If God King Supreme Brock Lesnar is going to stay long after Mania, he needs a reign into the next Mania. Solidify him as greatness while all these other superstars are being built up around him but no one can knock him off the mountain.

This way, when someone finally does knock him off, they will be ready...and WWE will be better for it.
I don't get. What would WWE win by doing that? Makes no sense when they are trying to make Roman this superman babyface.

It'd be them trying to bail themselves out of another bad situation, like they did last year. Only problem with it is even last year when they actually did it, they tried to act like it was the plan all along, making even Variety magazine roll their eyes out of their skull.

It's best if they prove even the doubters here wrong and fully stick with Reigns. Even having him beat Rollins at the cashin. At least when they stick to their dumb guns, even the haters acknowledge it's genuine.

Kinda hard to say it's just the plan that's dumb when the main person running the company thinks it's brilliant and best.


If God King Supreme Brock Lesnar is going to stay long after Mania, he needs a reign into the next Mania. Solidify him as greatness while all these other superstars are being built up around him but no one can knock him off the mountain.

This way, when someone finally does knock him off, they will be ready...and WWE will be better for it.

If HHH was running WWE creative I could legitimately see them running with Brock for another full year. It would basically be the "year of hell". Vince wants Roman though.


love on your sleeve
You're crazy if you think Seth is losing his cash-in. There's only one MITB briefcase now, they can't afford a failed cash-in like in years past.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Seth is only losing his cash-in if Brock retains.

Totally disagree, I think Seth NEEDS to be victorious with it because he cannot beat any WWE champion in a fair fight due to the narrative they've been building. People will want to see someone finally get ahold of our precious Seth and get their title back.


Totally disagree, I think Seth NEEDS to be victorious with it because he cannot beat any WWE champion in a fair fight due to the narrative they've been building. People will want to see someone finally get ahold of our precious Seth and get their title back.

If Brock retains the title they aren't going to waste Brock losing the title on a MITB cash in. If Roman wins (which I'm sure he will) then Rollins is absolutely sniping the belt from him.


If HHH was running WWE creative I could legitimately see them running with Brock for another full year. It would basically be the "year of hell". Vince wants Roman though.

My plan would be to carry out Roman vs Brock at Mania and have Roman loose convincingly while still looking good.....good enough for Rollins to come out and try to cash in at Brock. I would also have him fail but he would come close.

Then we'd have Brock on 4 PPVs throughout the year between now and Mania. All four would be different guys trying to knock brock off. We'd do vs Bryan, vs Rusev, vs Rollins and maybe some fatal four way or triple threat at the end of the cycle. Brock will beat them all, but show wear over time.

Come Mania, you pull the trigger on whoever is most over to get another shot and have them knock off Brock.
Reigns is getting a long reign likely, so either prepare for Rollins to lose his cashin or win and hold it for even less time than Dolph and Harper held gold in 2014 combined.

Face it, Papa Vince ain't having his big plan for the year ruined two years in a row. And if it happened, Bryan would be the most likely to suffer for it as vengeance for not liking what he told us to like. We're talking both "wouldn't be set free to Japan", and "wouldn't even touch the gold by ko'ing the champ and raising it up to cheers to end a Raw/SD"


Could you imagine how hot Rusev would be if his contract with WWE was over next week? How people would be falling over themselves trying to book him? Goddamn what a sight that would be.

My friend, who I had over for Fastlane and has literally seen one NJPW match (I showed him Nakamura/Ibushi from WK9 a couple weeks ago) brought up how awesome Rusev would be in Japan. Dude is a transcendent talent.


Reigns is getting a long reign likely, so either prepare for Rollins to lose his cashin or win and hold it for even less time than Dolph and Harper held gold in 2014 combined.

Face it, Papa Vince ain't having his big plan for the year ruined two years in a row. And if it happened, Bryan would be the most likely to suffer for it as vengeance for not liking what he told us to like. We're talking both "wouldn't be set free to Japan", and "wouldn't even touch the gold by ko'ing the champ and raising it up to cheers to end a Raw/SD"

If Rollins doesn't cash in or loses it, I give Roman until SummerSlam. I fully believe Vince will expect Roman to immediately start delivering Cena level sales and drive up ratings and when Roman does neither and will see ratings dive a few weeks after Mania he will panic and pull the trigger on another Cena reign.
OK, had a read over the Fastlane OT the mix in opinion is an amazing read.

Things I enjoyed about Fastlane and the last 'Season' (WM - WM) of WWE. This is probably a bit markish, but I don't care. I find more fun in following the stories than thinking who's legit the better wrestler.

- The Rhodes Family Feud

The way they've built this up over the last 12/18 months has been great, everything from the Brothers teaming together, to Cody feeling like he's let Goldust down and saying his brother deserves a better partner leading to... Stardust.
I'll admit now I wasn't much into Cody Rhodes before Stardust, but I'm a big fan now. I'm a total mark for any wrestler who'll go 100% into their character, so to see the Stardust character grow has been amazing. I'm totally buying in to Stardust taking over from Cody Rhodes and the way that sort of shadows Goldust's past is great. So, it's good to see Goldust warn Cody about the dangers ahead.
I wasn't too sure about bring Dusty into it, but I think it's working well. It's one of those stories that crosses generations and has plenty of backstory for long term wrestling fans to appreciate.
I wasn't too sure about the ending (was it botched?) on the PPV but the story has been totally hooked and look forward to see how it develops and ends.

- Rusev

To think Rusev made his 'debut' at the 2014 Royal Rumble and this Raw debut the following April, it's been one hell of a year for the Russian. He's another one that is totally into his character and I love it. I guess not being American means a bit of his gimmick is 'lost' on me, since he's not pissing on my Country or it's heroes, but he does it so well and the reactions he gets are great.
What I like even more are HIS reactions. He doesn't ignore them, he reacts to the crowd shouting his angry Russian/English. Even last night when the crowd were chanting for Jerry Lawler, he reacted to that by shouting at Jerry Lawler (just a shame the commentary totally ignored it). Again, I'm a total mark for any wrestler who interacts with the crowd and plays off their reactions - think of the best wrestlers and they all did this. Hogan, Flair, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Rock, etc

There's probably more I've missed and can't remember instantly off the top of my head (which is probably saying something), but I think I'll do another 'What I liked' after Wrestlemania for a true 'Season Review' as I know there's more, but Rusev and The Rhodes Family are my two favourite things about WWE right now.


Even if Lesnar re-signs they're taking the title off him at Mania. Here's where I think they go provided Lesnar re-signs:

Reigns wins the title at Mania, Lesnar disappears.

Rollins cashes in at Raw after Mania, wins title

Reigns chases Rollins at ensuing PPVs over next couple of months (Extreme Rules, Payback), getting screwed out of the title in various ways by the Authority

Reigns finally triumphs at MITB or Battleground and regains the title. Brock returns and beats the shit out of Reigns following his match.

If Reigns wins at MITB, they set up Lesnar/Reigns/Rollins at Battleground where Reigns pins Rollins, and then Lesnar vs. Reigns 1v1 at SummerSlam.

If it's at Battleground, they just go Lesnar vs. Reigns 1v1 at SummerSlam.


Lesnar being Reigns at Mania would be even more dumb than this whole Road To Mania so far.

So it has a good chance of happening.


Reigns has been built to look strong, but he's going against Brock Lesnar, he kind of has to be.

On the other hand, Brock Lesnar beat John Cena and Seth Rollins convincingly after almost being stretchered out.

No one has come close to beating Brock since winning the title.

Why wouldn't Brock just step over Reigns?


FGC Waterboy
My plan would be to carry out Roman vs Brock at Mania and have Roman loose convincingly while still looking good.....good enough for Rollins to come out and try to cash in at Brock. I would also have him fail but he would come close.

Then we'd have Brock on 4 PPVs throughout the year between now and Mania. All four would be different guys trying to knock brock off. We'd do vs Bryan, vs Rusev, vs Rollins and maybe some fatal four way or triple threat at the end of the cycle. Brock will beat them all, but show wear over time.

Come Mania, you pull the trigger on whoever is most over to get another shot and have them knock off Brock.

I honestly think they will go one of two ways

1) Reigns turns heel w/ Heyman, Rollins cashes in on Lesnar after Reigns gets DQ'd destroying Lesnar with a chair. Reigns & Sheamus join Authority 2.0; Reigns gets Heyman as a mouth piece, Rollins is the sniveling weasel-y WWE champ for a while. (Probably the case if Lesnar does not re-sign)

2) Lesnar wrecks Reigns, and proceeds to destroy everyone for the next year. The Authority "renews" MitB for Rollins, but you do Lesnar vs Orton between WM and Summerslam, Lesnar vs Bryan at SSlam, Lesnar vs HHH at Royal Rumble, then go Brock vs Rock at WM 32 to try to sell out Texas. (Or, go Brock vs Taker part 2 at Texas, with the stip that if Taker loses, he retires).

I think the entire "Reigns beats Lesnar, life goes on" is too predictable even for modern WWE. No one thought Lesnar would beat 'Taker, and no one thought they'd have Bryan main event Mania last year - and both happened.
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