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February Wrasslin' |OT2| Where TNA Careers Never Existed

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Brock is gonna snap that fucking briefcase over his knee

Brock standing over the corpses of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose in the middle of the ring and a snapped in half briefcase in the corner of the ring would be wonderful televised spectacle.

Can the Shield beat Brock 3 on 1? Tune into Summerslam on the WWE Network.
they can't


Brock is gonna snap that fucking briefcase over his knee

Brock destroys the briefcase and then declares that if WWE ever brings it back that he will destroy it again and again. Basically a way to retire the stupid MITB contract.

Brock standing over the corpses of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose in the middle of the ring and a snapped in half briefcase in the corner of the ring would be wonderful televised spectacle.

Can the Shield beat Brock 3 on 1? Tune into Summerslam on the WWE Network.
they can't

Brock destroying each member individually, causing them to reunite to end Brock, is something i'd watch


love on your sleeve
You guys need to understand Seth is also a Vince McMahon endorsed push as much as Reigns is. Two guys haven't gotten this kind of push from management since the Cena/Orton/Batisa trio in 04-05. Seth is getting set for a long term run as the top heel and I've never seen a top heel who didn't get his fair share of title reigns. Fucking Randy Orton won 12 world titles during the Cena era.
There is definitely a pushback brewing against DB fans (who are starting to suspiciously sound like the CeNation fans with how many main eventers Bryan would have beaten in a year and a half) - and I say this as a pretty big mark for Bryan (Seattle for the win) all things considered. I get why they don't want to give the Lesnar rub to Bryan - if Lesnar had committed to another year with WWE before the Rumble, I am 100% convinced we'd have Bryan vs Lesnar at WM 31 with Lesnar wrecking Bryan. But you are only gonna be able to give this rub once, and Bryan frankly doesn't need it. Having Bryan beat Reigns & Lesnar would turn Bryan into a souped up version of LOLCENAWINS. .

But having Reigns beat Bryan and Brock (not to mention Rollins and Orton) in like his first 5 singles matches isn't even more LOLCENAWINS?
You guys need to understand Seth is also a Vince McMahon endorsed push as much as Reigns is. Two guys haven't gotten this kind of push from management since the Cena/Orton/Batisa trio in 04-05. Seth is getting set for a long term run as the top heel and I've never seen a top heel who didn't get his fair share of title reigns. Fucking Randy Orton won 12 world titles during the Cena era.

Every time I think about stuff like that I remember Vince also endorsed Ambrose on Austin's podcast and he's now fucking 0-8 in PPV singles matches and I can't help but laugh
D-Bryan fans have led to two revolts already that stopped big face pushes. Shamus got got and then Captain Soulpatch got clobbered with it last year. They are doing a better job with Reigns this time but for awhile it looked like he was going to be number three.

The ultimate karmic justice came when Dave Bautista spent the last year as an A-list Hollywood actor while Daniel Bryan spent the year in bed nursing a broken freakin neck.


FGC Waterboy
Brock destroys the briefcase and then declares that if WWE ever brings it back that he will destroy it again and again. Basically a way to retire the stupid MITB contract.

Brock destroying each member individually, causing them to reunite to end Brock, is something i'd watch

That...that would be awesome. Brock vs the Shield in a fatal four-way would be one of the few ways you could get the title off of Lesnar and keep him strong.





FGC Waterboy
But having Reigns beat Bryan and Brock (not to mention Rollins and Orton) in like his first 5 singles matches isn't even more LOLCENAWINS?

Oh, it would be decently close to LOLREIGNSWINS; but I think the understood assumption is that if Reigns wins, Rollins is not giving him a long title run. If he fended off the Rollins cash-in without Ambrose interference...ugh.



Reigns has been built to look strong, but he's going against Brock Lesnar, he kind of has to be.

On the other hand, Brock Lesnar beat John Cena and Seth Rollins convincingly after almost being stretchered out.

No one has come close to beating Brock since winning the title.

Why wouldn't Brock just step over Reigns?

Because you need to build new guys? I mean after building him at the cost of Bryan, having him win the Rumble with the Rock rub why make him lose? Lesnar beating a guy with two single PPVs matches doesn't accomplish anything.
You have a guy who is the best wrestler in the world and super over with fans. On the other hand you have a guy who has had very few singles matches, shown questionable wrestling ability, and is getting a majority of boos with some cheers. Who do you put in the main event of Mania? I'm not really surprised though. WWE feels they no longer have to make events special since they are including them with the network.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Just think of the ultimate heel heat Rollins would get if Brock wins a highly contested fight with Reigns and then gets cashed in by Rollins and the Authority, possibly with Heyman as well.

His promo on Monday would be amazing.


I don't understand how people can still be complaining about Roman after last night. Let me guess, Daniel carried him? lol


Dan Meltzerz is reporting that Daniel Bryan was seen looking very upset backstage after Fastlane "I tried to say hi and shake his hand but he told me to go suck my own dick" current rumor is that Bryan was very upset with his booking at Fastlane and was overheard asking Fandango if he wanted to work a match with him at Wrestlemania

Personally i can't believe Bryan would behave so unprofessionally


Roman looked pretty good last night. His instincts will get there. He definitely hasn't had the proper build to this moment, but hey.
You have a guy who is the best wrestler in the world and super over with fans. On the other hand you have a guy who has had very few singles matches, shown questionable wrestling ability, and is getting a majority of boos with some cheers. Who do you put in the main event of Mania? I'm not really surprised though. WWE feels they no longer have to make events special since they are including them with the network.
I love you.


So not worth it
I don't understand how people can still be complaining about Roman after last night. Let me guess, Daniel carried him? lol

They had a wonderful three star match everyone will have forgotten about by tomorrow, sure.

I'm sure the Mania match will be great, at least as good as the WM27 WWE Title match, one for the record books that will spawn a great multiple IC champion for years to come. Belee DAT!


love on your sleeve
Every time I think about stuff like that I remember Vince also endorsed Ambrose on Austin's podcast and he's now fucking 0-8 in PPV singles matches and I can't help but laugh

Man, at least Ambrose is always on TV, always getting mic time, always involved in a real feud and always getting matches on Raw and PPV. Look at midcard guys like Swagger, Cesaro pre-Kidd team-up, the 3 poor souls in New Day, and realize how much worse it really could be for Dean.


Friends, has grabbing the brass colored tag team championship belts meant Cesaro and Kidd have now somewhat literally grabbed their figurative brass rings?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Russev and Cena at Mania is going to be the same match, only with Hogan and super patriotic Cena...and I'm going to love every second of it.


So not worth it
Man, at least Ambrose is always on TV, always getting mic time, always involved in a real feud and always getting matches on Raw and PPV. Look at midcard guys like Swagger, Cesaro pre-Kidd team-up, the 3 poor souls in New Day, and realize how much worse it really could be for Dean.

"Why isn't he connecting with the crowd? Let's push someone else, dammit!"

All the guys you mentioned had the Ambrose spot of getting TV time and always losing until booking killed crowd interest in them. See also: Wade Barrett.
Friends, has grabbing the brass colored tag team championship belts meant Cesaro and Kidd have now somewhat literally grabbed their figurative brass rings?

I look forward to the Usos facing Cesaro/Kidd five million times between now and WrestleMania, when they will fight in a preshow match.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Emergency meeting was held and they said that they hope Act will get better soon. Discussion of punishment. They will make an announcement as soon as possible. Yasukawa showed repentance (her blog post earlier) so anything handed down may be lenient. Last year Fuka said she lost some trust in Act. And Act promised she would change things about herself. Yesterday at the hospital, Act said she wanted to get back Fuka's trust and was crying. Fuka thought Act was doing a good job at mending that trust. While Fuka was leaving, Act said "I love puroresu" please stand by me. Don't let me go. This morning, someone spoke to Act via telephone, and Act said "I still like Yoshiko," which caused Fuka to cry. Act and Yoshiko were fighting behind the scenes, and she thinks it is time that they address that situation personally. If Act wants to return to Stardom, Fuka is willing to take her in and make sure she is comfortable in the environment.

So Act had previous incidents which might be what have set Yoshiko way overboard. This some drama.


Russev and Cena at Mania is going to be the same match, only with Hogan and super patriotic Cena...and I'm going to love every second of it.

Cena's fancy WrestleMania intro this year is performing the fusion dance with Hogan in order to become John Hogan the ultimate WWE Superstar. The side effect is that Vince dies due to an uncontrollable loss of blood to his brain as it all rushes to his dick.


Cena didn't tap out. He was also beat with a low blow which in wrasslin' terms means rematch. He will come at Rusev saying that he can't beat him clean, but Lana will deny Cena another shot at the title. Then he will ask for some kind of stipulation match that is non-title, because this time it's personal Jack!


I totally don't think Reigns will win at Mania. One way or another Reigns will NOT keep the belt even if he does win it - either the night of Mania or the night after, he's being relieved of it or Brock will be relieved of it.

That MITB case is there for a reason, friends. Putting Brock back into Chase Mode would be dope.

I can totally see Vince trying to continue to force the Reigns push by having him beat Lesner and then immediately taking down Rollins when he tries to cash in.

Let's not forget how much Vince loved Super Cena. Why would he be any different with Reigns if he truly is the golden one right now?
Cena didn't tap out. He was also beat with a low blow which in wrasslin' terms means rematch. He will come at Rusev saying that he can't beat him clean, but Lana will deny Cena another shot at the title. Then he will ask for some kind of stipulation match that is non-title, because this time it's personal Jack!
Thank you, Sandman.
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