To have genes in me that are far older before American was created, being British, is a far more honour with me than being an American. This country is the best <3
America is a nice place for a holiday but no affordable education or healthcare plus the state of the economy compared to Australia means no envy from me
Really, I'm impressed with how you Euros have been able to build laziness into your society and bill it as something noble. That must have been a bitch to pull off.
Totally off-topic (the topic is junk anyway) but to be truthful, Sweden and Norway are a bit boring -_- very nice places to live in though. And that totally makes up for the borefest.
To have genes in me that are far older before American was created, being British, is a far more honour with me than being an American. This country is the best <3
I love America, truely, honestly, I do. I've been there, loved it. I have every intention of coming back to any part of that country many times in the future, for as long as I'm able to. Hell, I might even try and migrate there after my retirement, that would be nice.
That said, the only thing to dislike about the country is its major superiority complex. It's one thing to be patriotic, it's a whole other thing to be obnoxious and pompous. It's okay to be at least a tiny bit critical of yourselves at times. Also, it wouldn't hurt to understand that their are other countries in the world and they might actually be better then you at times.
For instance, I once dared to offer some critisism on a forum of -what I thought at the time- mostly American friends on the US Goverments handling of the New Orleans ordeal. Needless to say, it was not appreciated, in fact one person went as far as making a lengthy post about how a Dutch person should not meddle in such things and rejected my entire critique based on the fact that we -as a country- knew nothing about water management and how dared I have an opinion on this matter.
Dare I say, had said American checked his patriotism at the door and did his research, he would've known that if there's one thing people come to us for, it's fucking water management, seeing as how more then half our country lies below sea level and all. Unfortunatly I could not rebuff, as said American promptly banned me from the forum for saying bad things about their president.
Now, I'm all for opinions, but nobody is perfect and neither is the US. Every country has flaws and being patriotic doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't allow yourself to be critical of your customs, your views of your country and your views of the world.
Once again, I love the hell out of the US, consider lots of US people my friends and love many american products (media, games, foods, etc.), but if there's one thing to dislike about the US folk, it's their flawed patriotism. Realise you're way is not always the best way and you might even find the world more receptive to your thinking.
I feel I've been way to serious going about this post. So in closing... FUCK YEAH! AMERICA!
My parents worked hard, I am reaping the benefits of their hard work, I will work hard and my kids will reap the benefits of my hard work. America: It Worked For Me!
Britain is far older than America and we have more culture and heritage across the world. I should have rephrased that to be more clearer :lol: I wouldn't sacrifice my history and culture if I had a choice between the two.
First link talks about medical debt, which has nothing to do with what I typed.
The second link shows that students with outstanding loans is still not the norm. According to the link, there are still over 70% of students who are doing fine with their loans. If people are smart, they should be able to manage their loans and educational costs well.
How can anyone hate America, it's made up of people from every other country in the world... that just seems misanthropic or self-loathing or something....
I've been thinking about how to reply to this for a while now. I don't really know how, except to say that if less than a month free a year is enough to convince you that Anglo-American capitalism is a particularly noxious branch then I wish I could share your happiness.
Totally off-topic (the topic is junk anyway) but to be truthful, Sweden and Norway are a bit boring -_- very nice places to live in though. And that totally makes up for the borefest.
Nah, it's true. We are pretty boring.
I love Stockholm and think it's the most beautiful city in the world, but it's extremely boring if you compare it to a city like Berlin.
I envy the choice, food, television, size/diversity of country, NFL, and military.
However I also like my free healthcare, public transport, and that I can walk places in my country(UK) ie 'City centres and local shops'.
I love American girls too, having gone out with one a couple years back.
The second link shows that students with outstanding loans is still not the norm. According to the link, there are still over 70% of students who are doing fine with their loans. If people are smart, they should be able to manage their loans and educational costs well.
30% of students strugglin with college debts is fuckin terrible, man. I mean no disrespect.
It isn't always up to one's work and effort, it's a system where you can get fucked beyond what you can manage. Where the more your parents had the more and better educated you get.
Mindless patriotism, one way or the other, is nothing but a source of problems.
That said, I'd hate living in a country with such a gun culture, and where the things I've read over here lately about what goes on in their colleges makes me feel disgusted. Not the best country to be bisexual either.
I think things will get better as the economy improves. IMO, the biggest problem facing graduates is finding a job after they graduate from college. We have had almost 3 years of a recession that has really hurt them and this does not help the student loan situation. And like I mentioned above, students need to be smart about their loans and it really is no big deal.
How can anyone hate America, it's made up of people from every other country in the world... that just seems misanthropic or self-loathing or something....
The punchline to this thread, of course, is when korey returns to tell everyone in the thread who is not American that the only reason they have anything bead to say about America is because they are envious.
I've been thinking about how to reply to this for a while now. I don't really know how, except to say that if less than a month free a year is enough to convince you that Anglo-American capitalism is a particularly noxious branch then I wish I could share your happiness.
I'd say 1/12 of the year was perfectly reasonable. That's not including Bank Holidays either, of which there are plenty.
I wasn't offering my feelings on Anglo-American capitalism, I was pointing out that we're not in exactly the same boat when it comes to giving up our free time.
My parents worked hard, I am reaping the benefits of their hard work, I will work hard and my kids will reap the benefits of my hard work. America: It Worked For Me!
Haha, well, you should, you don't need visa for Croatia, and hopefully in few years we will not need visa for USA.
But there are amy countries you can't go into with American passport - or at least without damn serious troubles. On the other hand, I need only simple papers or simple visas for going into any country on the whole planet.
That was my point, but nevermind. Welcome to Croatia, you will like it here.
30% of students strugglin with college debts is fuckin terrible, man. I mean no disrespect.
It isn't always up to one's work and effort, it's a system where you can get fucked beyond what you can manage. Where the more your parents had the more and better educated you get.
The poster also ignores the fact it is getting worse as tution keeps rising and the government also has tons less money to give in general. 30 % is still a huge problem.
The area where America is really uncontested is movie-making.... That is the type of area where Americans can really say "you just can't compete, World"... Also, Silicon Valley.
A lot of the stuff about freedom, democracy, multiculturalism, etc. is not unique to America. They're things that are part of the American myth, but the rest of the world goes "huh? we have that too! Why would you brag about that?"
The area where America is really uncontested is movie-making.... That is the type of area where Americans can really say "you just can't compete"... Also, silicon valley.
A lot of the stuff about freedom, democracy, multiculturalism, etc. is not unique to America. They're things that are part of the American myth, but the rest of the world goes "huh? we have that too! Why would you brag about that?"
Haha, well, you should, you don't need visa for Croatia, and hopefully in few years we will not need visa for USA.
But there are amy countries you can't go into with American passport - or at least without damn serious troubles. On the other hand, I need only simple papers or simple visas for going into any country on the whole planet.
That was my point, but nevermind. Welcome to Croatia, you will like it here.
Thanks I also doubt I would want to go to countries that I am not welcomed in. Seems too dangerous for an American. For now though, I would say that there really isn't too many restrictions on travel and I have been able to go to many countries with no problem.