So, my first sighting of this language was in the neon signed abandoned world. I had gotten 16 cubes before even going into any of the doors, so I got to see inside those three doors one after the other. I didn't really know what to make of the alphabet, except that from the billboard it seemed to be typed vertically. I got to the forth area, the village with people, and decided that I'd try and work out what the language is on my own. Took a trip back to the neon area, and saw a sign that had four symbols, and when you rotated, it had the same bottom three symbols but the top one was different.
I realised that one of the words was probably FOOD, and deducted that the other word was probably GOOD. So I knew the symbol for O and D, and knew two symbols that could be either F or G. I spoke to quite a few villagers, and noticed one that had three lots of two symbols on the rightmost side. I realised these are probably "HA HA HA". Then found a few villagers that said a really short phrase. And I knew most of the letters.
"??O DO / HO? DO"
This was when I realised that it read right to left, top to bottom and not left to right. It said, or so I guessed, "HOW DO YOU DO". From there it was a lot of changing onto letters. I knew what "H" and "W" were, so "WHAT", "WHO", "WHERE" came very quickly. So I knew the symbol for T, the symbol for E and the symbol for R.
And that's all there is to it, really. From there it was just wheel of fortune phrase guessing.
Embarrassingly I still don't know the number system. 1, 2, 3 and 10 are easy. But I can't work out the logic for how they go together. Kinda looks like a clock or something. I don't really care. I guessed by trial and error the symbol for 6, as the bell puzzle relies on those numbers and I figured I needed to bang the thing 4-9 times (and got it on the third try, thus meaning the symbol was 6).