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1 on 1 with the keeper, quick chip shot = goal 9 times out of 10.

The difference in difficulty between Professional and World Class isn't big. It's unfair. Defensive aerial battles are impossible to win. If a CPU player decides to turn Messi mode on (which happens an awful lot when its 0-0 late on in a match) you will feel relegated to basically pressing tackle and hoping for the best because getting goal side of them is almost impossible.

Far too often I just don't feel in control.
HixxSAFC said:
1 on 1 with the keeper, quick chip shot = goal 9 times out of 10.
I'll have to give this a try.

Flicking the right-stick to knock the ball to the side of the keeper at the last moment then tapping into the net worked the one time I tried it.
I just had the worst lag I've ever had in FIFA. I was playing UT, and it was my bronze team vs a full gold team. The lag felt like I had 8000 ping or something, so I was only seeing every 6th frame or so; and it would also hiccup and freeze every 10 or so seconds.

Somehow I didn't concede and I even had a few dangerous crosses in. I couldn't get any shots away though. This other guy was taking shots from way outside the box, in the hopes of beating my bronze goalie. It almost worked, because my keeper wasn't able to hold on to the shots, but my defence was competent enough to get the rebounds.

The match lasted till the 35th or so minute before I got disconnected. I don't know if the other guy had the same laggy game or not. I don't think I'll be playing online UT anymore, just not enjoyable =(
I just had a good laugh as one of the news stories during my virtual pro career claimed that Vancouver Whitecaps were the richest club in the world.


Man I was winning against Bremen online (as SAFC) 9-0 and he quit. I was feeling a bit bad for him but I was taking out my frustrations from an afternoon with the CPU so thought 'fuck it'. Still 30 mins to go when he quit too


This is my first time playing Ultimate Team and I'm finding it super addictive! I've got my team to 100 chemistry and a 76 overall rating, and I can't help but feel the players I need to progress at this point will be the 'rares'.

If this is the case, is the mode now going to be just continually buying packs and selling the contents? It seems like it will require memorising lots of prices for things so not to sell yourself short. I'm just hoping enough people notice the cards to get into bidding wars so far.

What say you FUT GAF?


Kylehimself said:
So after a few days I'm decided, FIFA 12 is essentially a brilliant football game ruined by a faultless opposition AI.

Completely agree. If online was lag-free for once it'd be an awesome game. But it's not :(
HixxSAFC said:
Completely agree. If online was lag-free for once it'd be an awesome game. But it's not :(
At first playing the demo I thought tactical defending was shit. Even up till last night due to my frustration I still believed it to be so. Having calmed down and looking at it objectively, I've realised tactical defending is a big improvement... against other players.

They seem to have put emphasis on the passing game, but it's snuffed out by the robotic nature of the AI's defence. Be it Barcelona or Brighton Hove Albion, they keep perfect formation, make few to no errors and turn most players with ease.

Maybe this last one is just me, but I've noticed how if I equalise or score to go 1 goal up, the AI nearly always just passes straight up the field and responds with a goal instantly. I'm convinced the CPU has decided before hand whether or not you're going to be given a fighting chance :lol


Stubo said:
This is my first time playing Ultimate Team and I'm finding it super addictive! I've got my team to 100 chemistry and a 76 overall rating, and I can't help but feel the players I need to progress at this point will be the 'rares'.

If this is the case, is the mode now going to be just continually buying packs and selling the contents? It seems like it will require memorising lots of prices for things so not to sell yourself short. I'm just hoping enough people notice the cards to get into bidding wars so far.

What say you FUT GAF?
Make multiple squads. I've got a bronze and silver and am currently working on a gold one while hunting down more rares for the other two. With this you can compete in every cup.

I've been pretty much getting all players through auction for cheap prices, so you might want to skip bronze and silver packs. Gold players are very pricey and my coins income isn't really high, not sure how I'm going to handle that.

Also started playing FUT for real since this FIFA so maybe someone who's more experienced can give more input.
froliq said:
Make multiple squads. I've got a bronze and silver and am currently working on a gold one while hunting down more rares for the other two. With this you can compete in every cup.

I've been pretty much getting all players through auction for cheap prices, so you might want to skip bronze and silver packs. Gold players are very pricey and my coins income isn't really high, not sure how I'm going to handle that.

Also started playing FUT for real since this FIFA so maybe someone who's more experienced can give more input.
Be careful about expanding too fast into gold, and to some extent, silver. Contracts and such are significantly more expensive for a gold team upkeep versus bronze.

I have a few bronze squads going, and a few thousand coins and I've been finding it hard to get the silver team I want with that small of a bank roll. Unless you are willing to plow in Allard points, I think slow expansion is the way to go. Or that 59th minute auction or other market tricks that I can't be bothered to set up or invest time in.


froliq said:
Make multiple squads. I've got a bronze and silver and am currently working on a gold one while hunting down more rares for the other two. With this you can compete in every cup.

I've been pretty much getting all players through auction for cheap prices, so you might want to skip bronze and silver packs. Gold players are very pricey and my coins income isn't really high, not sure how I'm going to handle that.

Also started playing FUT for real since this FIFA so maybe someone who's more experienced can give more input.
This is an excellent answer! I didn't know you could make more than one squad, so I'll definitely work on this. Thanks guys!


If you want to see how bad the AI cheats in the game download a "boosting" club from the creation center and a team of players with 1 in all of their attributes can still keep up with you, make amazing cuts with the ball, etc... You should just be able to blow by them, pick them off easily, etc.. but on World Class you can't. I'm not sure about Pro because I haven't played them on Pro yet.
Araxen said:
If you want to see how bad the AI cheats in the game download a "boosting" club from the creation center and a team of players with 1 in all of their attributes can still keep up with you, make amazing cuts with the ball, etc... You should just be able to blow by them, pick them off easily, etc.. but on World Class you can't. I'm not sure about Pro because I haven't played them on Pro yet.
When you say boosting club, are these teams used to boost your pro's stats? I take it then if another user controlled one of these teams, it would be an absolute gift to beat them?


Kylehimself said:
When you say boosting club, are these teams used to boost your pro's stats? I take it then if another user controlled one of these teams, it would be an absolute gift to beat them?

Yes on both counts. It's easy to beat them with just the AI because they are all 5'2" and the AI can't cheat when it comes to size so setting up corners and such is easy.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Araxen said:
If you want to see how bad the AI cheats in the game download a "boosting" club from the creation center and a team of players with 1 in all of their attributes can still keep up with you, make amazing cuts with the ball, etc... You should just be able to blow by them, pick them off easily, etc.. but on World Class you can't. I'm not sure about Pro because I haven't played them on Pro yet.

Yeah, it's hilarious to see the guys keep up with you. It's like, motherfucker, you are slower than a constipated shit, SLOW DOWN


QVT said:
Yeah, it's hilarious to see the guys keep up with you. It's like, motherfucker, you are slower than a constipated shit, SLOW DOWN
if by hilarious you mean mind numbingly frustrating, then yes


Fair-weather, with pride!
Menelaus said:
if by hilarious you mean mind numbingly frustrating, then yes

I find sad things funny. Just today I watched a bunch of failed marriage proposals and laughed a lot.


Stubo said:
This is my first time playing Ultimate Team and I'm finding it super addictive! I've got my team to 100 chemistry and a 76 overall rating, and I can't help but feel the players I need to progress at this point will be the 'rares'.

If this is the case, is the mode now going to be just continually buying packs and selling the contents? It seems like it will require memorising lots of prices for things so not to sell yourself short. I'm just hoping enough people notice the cards to get into bidding wars so far.

What say you FUT GAF?

After a few days really just playing online and some career, it has really hooked me. I'm so glad they included it this year because it's probably the mode in the game. So addictive!


Kylehimself said:
Another of my gripes I forgot to mention earlier.

Edit: I've had more fun playing online. I played 4 games last night, the first I got beat 4-0 by a guy using Barca. I don't mind being whipped by a real person as it doesn't feel robotic and like you might even have a chance against them, unlike the CPU. Second game I drew 1-1 I think, third 2-2 and last I was beat 2-1. I still need to work on my finishing though, as other than the first game, I had upwards of 60% possession, better pass and shot %'s but never scored as much as I should.

tldr, it's more fun against people who can actually lose concentration and make human errors like you know, in real football.
I've learned to be both patient and gutsy vs players. A lot of people completely waste their defenders by putting in awful tackles. I get a lot of goals by sending my winger down, waiting for a defender to get close then just flick the ball forward when they inevitably make their shitty challenge and leave acres of space for me to cut in.

Of course it helps having Reyes and Turan on the wings since they have great pace and skill, and Falcao doesnt miss when the ball comes to him, period.

Played the single most frustrating game yesterday. This moron Real player would just pass the ball to Ronaldo, murder the right stick in a flurry of pointless and nonsensical tricks, then shoot long distance every single time. I beat him because he was a shit defender but no matter what I do, Ronaldo / Ozil destroy my defense simply by sprinting straight past my fullbacks. It's retarded.

I'm really getting into FUT as well. Have a Bronze 99 chem 4-3-3 team and working on putting together a gold with trading profits and trophy wins. FUT players are a lot better than H2H players. They make fewer mistakes in defense and really know how to score easy goals (fuck you Ashley Young)


I am Wayne Brady.
Araxen said:
If you want to see how bad the AI cheats in the game download a "boosting" club from the creation center and a team of players with 1 in all of their attributes can still keep up with you, make amazing cuts with the ball, etc... You should just be able to blow by them, pick them off easily, etc.. but on World Class you can't. I'm not sure about Pro because I haven't played them on Pro yet.

shit, you aint even gotta do all that. You can just use the sliders.

For example, turn up your spd/acc to max and turn down the cpu's to zero. It's like the CPU has fields of ensnare around them. Your max speed is super fast but there are various conditions that prevent you from ever reaching it. It's especially an issue on defense where I can run as fast as their passes but when i try to run down somebody who has the ball. It won't let me reach the speed to out run them without a fight let alone max speed and i'm not even trying to grab them. And the dribbling they do isn't even affected by the sliders. In precision dribbling they are moving at normal or elevated speed. Where as if I go into precision i'm as slow as a snail not to mention my guy keeps spazzing out trying to shield ghosts n' shit. The CPU warps any and everywhere it's needed. Tackling, Dribbling, Contact, Sliding, Goalkeeping. It all stands out with their speed turned down. If the sliders didn't fuck with the already glitchy pathfinding logic i'm sure the sliders would have little effect on their play at all.
Thank god for the sliders. If it wasn't for them, this game would be unplayable. I used to play on professional but bumped up to world class last night for more of a challenge. Without the sliders, it seems that my fastest players have lead shoes, but with some tweaking I found a balance that feels right and fair. My slower players can't sprint into space but my fastest player can actually get behind some fat shit player. I moved Beerschot into the nPower League 1 and am playing to eventually get them to the premiere league and this 1 1/2 star teams will still fuck with my 3 star theam without issue. The biggest problem, is the GK gets "cheat" boosted by the AI even more. My keeper who is decently rated will make saves at sloth speed yet the AI keeper no matter the team makes insane triple saves with him diving all over the place and always able to warp into the ball at my feet and dive through 4 players never ever getting a PK or a foul called no matter how much he barrels through people. ugh, makes one on ones so frustrating.


Has problems recognising girls
The game really requires you to head in to the settings and fiddle around. I enjoy that aspect.

Halfway through a season in the Bundesliga and I think my only complaint so far is the morale system in terms of not choosing players constantly. It may be better once your team hits the Champions League in a 2nd season or whatever but there is not enough rotation possible to please everyone. Why bother changing things around when a player is far superior to another?


It's really lame how easy some goals are to make and how difficult others are. Side-footing a goal past the keeper from inside the box is really difficult, but blasting it in from right outside the box has a nearly perfect success rate.

Any decent winger with a good curve can score loads of goals if you cut in from the wing and R1 + shoot at the far post.

Really if all you use are those two shots in a counter-attack formation, it's boring as fuck but you'll win a lot so long as you have pacey forwards


I'm fairly certain that more than half the people I encounter online are letting the CPU defend for them


Joe said:
I'm fairly certain that more than half the people I encounter online are letting the CPU defend for them

yeah, I am pretty sure that's the case, mostly because you can tell if two players are pressuring you like last yr all game long, is probably the cpu, I guess the old style of defending is gone, unless you let the cpu do it.


A 6 foot 10 goalkeeper VP beast feels like he can save anything.
speedpop said:
Halfway through a season in the Bundesliga and I think my only complaint so far is the morale system in terms of not choosing players constantly. It may be better once your team hits the Champions League in a 2nd season or whatever but there is not enough rotation possible to please everyone. Why bother changing things around when a player is far superior to another?
Well, I played a season of BPL and got my starting XI, my subs, and 3 reserves to have 80+ morale (dark green). It may be because BPL plays much more games maybe.

I've been rotating them constantly. Anyone with low energy gets subbed out. Then I look to anyone with low morale to sub in. Even subbed in my bench GK from time to time.




What does this even mean?!?

Great game overall, H2H Seasons is amazing, Stoke are beast and Crouch is a god from corners.


Switched from all Assisted to all Manual controls and felt as if this was the first time I'm playing a football game ever. So, I had to tone down the difficulty to Semi Pro on Career. Now, I'm just getting the hang of it and can comfortably beat the AI. Going to move up to Professional soon but I'm a little worried because the AI is a dirty cheating bastard. Even on Semi Pro, many of their players can dribble and run like fucking Messi. Plus, your teammates AI can be retarded at times. And this is a huge problem with the FIFA series. The AI was fucking horrible in FIFA 11 which is disappointing because FIFA 10 had decent AI, IMO, and I never really had much issues with the AI when I was still playing PES early this gen and the whole of last gen as well.

Also, another gripe of mine (since FIFA 11) is, can it STOP FUCKING RAINING FOR GODS SAKE!


ElyrionX said:
Also, another gripe of mine (since FIFA 11) is, can it STOP FUCKING RAINING FOR GODS SAKE!
I think weather is somewhat based in real life if you are playing in England stadiums.
sneaky77 said:
yeah, I am pretty sure that's the case, mostly because you can tell if two players are pressuring you like last yr all game long, is probably the cpu, I guess the old style of defending is gone, unless you let the cpu do it.
It's still possible to have two players press the attacker, though it's a bit different from before.


JWong said:
I think weather is somewhat based in real life if you are playing in England stadiums.

I watch almost all of United's games. The frequency of rain doesn't even come close to what I'm seeing in this game.

I think at least half of my matches are played in the fucking rain, FFS.


Jaded Alyx said:
It's still possible to have two players press the attacker, though it's a bit different from before.

Yeah, if you can do it properly you can have the second defender (A.I) press/cover whilst you run in and jockey or attempt to tackle to win the ball back. That's not without it's risks though as it does tend to leave gaps all over the place.
CozMick said:


What does this even mean?!?

Great game overall, H2H Seasons is amazing, Stoke are beast and Crouch is a god from corners.

       Huth  Shawcross  Woodgate
Pennant       Palacios      Etherington
      Jones Crouch Fuller Walters

5-1-4. Works every time!
Good to see I'm not the only one having stupid hateful AI issues.

Anybody know why players names can't be edited? I want to change Bosingwa and Meireles shirts to just say the former rather than Jose Bosingwa and R. Meireles, since their real shirts aren't that way.



Good to know, thanks, will try it out shortly. :)

Also is there a particular reason why I ain't earning any more XP from H2H? I'm stuck on 0/1100 Level 3 even after winning and logging in :\
sneaky77 said:
yeah, I am pretty sure that's the case, mostly because you can tell if two players are pressuring you like last yr all game long, is probably the cpu, I guess the old style of defending is gone, unless you let the cpu do it.

You can tell cuz it says they are controlling their keeper in the bottom right or left. (ex. Barca player would show Valdes)
CozMick said:

Good to know, thanks, will try it out shortly. :)

Yep. Just won again (United 6-1) with Stoke. I dropped Fuller and played an extra midfielder next to Palacios to combat their pace. Worked just as well! Ironically they scored from a set piece.

Edit: And again vs Bayern Munich. He quit after I chipped Neuer with Walters. Kenwyne Jones is incredible by the way.


CozMick said:

Good to know, thanks, will try it out shortly. :)

Also is there a particular reason why I ain't earning any more XP from H2H? I'm stuck on 0/1100 Level 3 even after winning and logging in :\

You get level caps each day.


My god EA, Ultimate Team is a piece of shit. The game hangs so much it was probably built on the gallows.

What's worse is you have no option but to quit the game get a DNF, a loss, booted from the tournament you where in and lose your multiplier. MIND BOGGLING.


Has FIFA always done this? Today is Ibrahimovic's birthday and in the game, Martin Tyler just made a comment about him playing on his birthday. My mind is blown.

Have I just missed this piece of commentary in past games or is it new?


I started the FUT for the first time tonight. In my 2 packs, I got Gervinho and Lucas amongst others. I didn't have rime to play a match..how does it work? And what do consumables and stuff do? Very little direction is provided.


Kylehimself said:
Good to see I'm not the only one having stupid hateful AI issues.

Anybody know why players names can't be edited? I want to change Bosingwa and Meireles shirts to just say the former rather than Jose Bosingwa and R. Meireles, since their real shirts aren't that way.
Licensing. EA doesnt own those rights (FIFPro does) so they cannot allow them to be edited. It's annoying as fuck, I know.
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