Baconsaurus Rex
I hear there's a management position open at this football club
no cola no
I guess I should ask in here because nobody is in the official Fifa thread. Why do I suck so much at this game? I can't score goals worth a shit. I swear to god, I get at least 8 offside calls every match. :/
Haaaah. Yeah. I play 3 star to 3 star teams, and for some reason my idiot teammates just keep going offsides. I get good passing routes and stuff going and then I have the opportunity to make a run, but then... yeap. Offsides. Infuriating.The only thing I can think of saying is make sure to try the skill games! they do help! other than that just try playing the CPU a lot as a 5 star team against a 1/2 star team which should give you a lot more opportunity to shoot!
You fucking left us
How didn't you get kicked in the first place
Why would you do that
Excellent job, guys. Just wish I was there to help you achieve this milestone.