said "he just wanted to play fifa with him""local man arrested for attempting to groom 11 year old boy through origin game client chat"
So, is the club dead? Pro Clubs feels really weird this year, I´ve been having fun on Seasons but playing on Clubs doesn´t seem as fun as before.
I dont know who to invite, i expect half the people to say no so i just dont bother
Hey Facism! Looks like the 970 I want isn't going to be in stock on Scan so I am going to grab myself a HOTAS and then grab one in two or so weeks. I want the MSI one and don't want to cheap out on it cause this will be my next card for 2/3 years at least! i'll PM you when it is in stock and get your address.
No worries mate, take your time. Cheers for the update
Had to google HOTAS lol. Guess you're playing Elite Dangerous or the other one?
Elite. Scan have a few in but everyone tells me they are the bargain options. I would rather play it safely. Might need a new PSU too at some point :lol.
Maybe we should play a league where there is more structure so we know the others are not cheating? I dunno just an idea.
Also Cola the first free pack for FUT just came out.
don't hate.
Maybe we should play a league where there is more structure so we know the others are not cheating? I dunno just an idea.
Also Cola the first free pack for FUT just came out.
don't hate.
I still have my team of cheap frenchies in UT.
Last FIFA I played was 13 and I can't believe they haven't improved the UI at all - i.e. why do I have to back out every time I get a freaking injury (which is every game now) to buy healing cards? I should be able to search the market from the squad page like I do now for players.
And there should just be one heal-all card; having to search for specific ones is stupid.
there is a heal-all card! It's a rare gold card. I have a bunch!
any word on a patch that unfucks the game?
[edit]lol it's patching.
The OP is hilariousnenss.