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Fight Erupts in Trump Administration Over Transgender Students’ Rights

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A fight over a draft order that would rescind protections for transgender students in public schools has erupted inside the Trump administration, pitting Attorney General Jeff Sessions against the secretary of education, Betsy DeVos.

Ms. DeVos initially resisted signing off on the order and told President Trump that she was uncomfortable with it, according to three Republicans with direct knowledge of the internal discussions. The order would reverse the directives put in place last year by the Obama administration to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice.

Mr. Sessions, who strongly opposes expanding gay, lesbian and transgender rights, fought Ms. DeVos on the issue and pressed her to relent because he could not go forward without her consent. The order must come from the Justice and Education Departments.

Mr. Trump sided with his attorney general, these Republicans said. And Ms. DeVos, faced with the choice of resigning or defying the president, has agreed to go along. The Justice Department declined to comment on Wednesday.


According to a draft of the letter, which was obtained by The New York Times, the Trump administration cites continuing litigation and confusion over the Obama directives as a reason for telling schools to no longer obey them.

”School administrators, parents and students have expressed varying views on the legal issues arising in this setting," the draft says. ”They have also struggled to understand and apply the statements of policy and guidance" in the Obama orders.

The draft also contains language stating that schools must protect transgender students from bullying, a provision Ms. DeVos asked be included, one person with direct knowledge of the process said. ”Schools must ensure that transgender students, like all students, are able to learn in a safe environment," the letter says.


Mr. Trump appears to have been swayed by conservatives in the administration who argued that the question of bathroom use should be left to the states. He has given conflicting signals about where he stands.


The Justice Department is eager to move quickly in laying out its legal position on transgender policy to avoid confusion in cases moving through the courts.

One filing deadline is coming up on Thursday in the case before the Supreme Court involving the Virginia transgender boy, Gavin Grimm. He sued the Gloucester County School Board two years ago after the board refused to allow him to use the boys' bathroom and told him he could use a separate one in a converted janitors closet. The Obama administration had rejected that type of accommodation as unacceptable and discriminatory.

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/22/...ights.html?smid=tw-nytpolitics&smtyp=cur&_r=0

Wicked Witch isn't 100% wicked, even if she didn't resign over this?




Looking for meaning in GAF
It's funny how the Trump shitshow is even giving pause to the shitstains of the world.

Well, it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


DeVos just doesn't want to deal with anymore heat. Her family has already donated to anti-LGBT groups.

That's probably what this is, because when this blows up it's her that ends up taking the heat and she barely squeaked by confirmation as it is.


I don't like DeVos but the fact that she was basically given the choice of complying or resigning is fucking crazy. I feel like that's not how things usually are.

Still, wouldn't have been terrible had she defied and resigned. Though I can only imagine they may find someone even worse. There's always someone worse...


She should've resigned.

Hey man, she invested a lot of money here. Perfectly fine to expect a payoff.

Seriously though, having a smidgen of a heart doesn't do anyone any good if you don't back it up with a spine. Fuck Sessions too.


Oh god. Devos is the last hope for sanity on these issues? Fucking seriously? Ugggghhhhhhhhhhhh.............


That awkward moment when you just want to privatize and christianize but others in your administration are literally hate groups.


I don't like DeVos but the fact that she was basically given the choice of complying or resigning is fucking crazy. I feel like that's not how things usually are.

Still, wouldn't have been terrible had she defied and resigned. Though I can only imagine they may find someone even worse. There's always someone worse...

I don't think it is quite that simple. I suspect she would have more pull and safety if she was popular. But she is on such shaky ground with just about everybody that I don't see an administration such as this going to bat for people that can't pull their weight.

This admin doesn't actually care about her policies one way or the other, she only bought her way into it.


People who say she should have resigned, you realize that it wouldn't automatically mean Trump would nominate anyone more fitting to replace her? He would dig up more loyal yes man or woman.


Don't let her fool you. She supports this crap, she just doesn't want any more anger directed at her from the public. These "wow she's not totally evil" posts are exactly what she wanted from this.


People who say she should have resigned, you realize that it wouldn't automatically mean Trump would nominate anyone more fitting to replace her? He would dig up more loyal yes man or woman.

As I noted, this admin doesn't really have an ideology when it comes to education. They really believe in nothing, so given a gross incompetent such as she, I would be comfortable spinning the wheel of fortune on somebody else.


As I noted, this admin doesn't really have an ideology when it comes to education. They really believe in nothing, so given a gross incompetent such as she, I would be comfortable spinning the wheel of fortune on somebody else.

Why should we pat her on the back for "feeling empathy" for transgendered students when everyone should feel that way with them let alone any person, when she still wants to fuck up the education system.



Don't let her fool you. She supports this crap, she just doesn't want any more anger directed at her from the public. These "wow she's not totally evil" posts are exactly what she wanted from this.

Jesus christ not everyone in this administrator is playing 4 dimensional chess

more likely none of them are. It's not like she made a public stand about this, this is from internal sources. Moreover, what does she have to gain from whether or not fans of transgender rights like her?

The idea that this is some inception plot to hide the fact that she's actually completely 100% truly evil is ridiculous fantasy. This doesn't magically redeem her or excuse anything else she's done in the past, but can you not accept for just 5 seconds that maybe she agrees with you on something?
She should've resigned.

Going to have to go with this, or at the very least stood her ground and said no. She is tasked with the protection of students across the country and she folded.

People who say she should have resigned, you realize that it wouldn't automatically mean Trump would nominate anyone more fitting to replace her? He would dig up more loyal yes man or woman.

Personally, I would have respected her a tiny bit if she did. Also, we could have a better replacement. Trump got better picks after the Labor and NSA positions were vacated. So there was a chance.


Jesus christ not everyone in this administrator is playing 4 dimensional chess

more likely none of them are. It's not like she made a public stand about this, this is from internal sources. Moreover, what does she have to gain from whether or not fans of transgender rights like her?

The idea that this is some inception plot to hide the fact that she's actually completely 100% truly evil is ridiculous fantasy. This doesn't magically redeem her or excuse anything else she's done in the past, but can you not accept for just 5 seconds that maybe she agrees with you on something?

"I don't want this thing to have my support because everyone hates me enough right now" isn't any dimension of chess; it's checkers at best.


And this is why I really hated Jeff Sessions got nominated for AG. Should've made him Sec of Defense or something like that where his impact on homeland is negligible.


Well I guess a little respect for DeVos but the problem with being completely incompetent is that you have no credibility to fight back when a seasoned political monster wants to oppose you. She was never going to put her foot down, she's clearly only there because she is allowed to be.
Ms. DeVos, faced with the choice of resigning or defying the president, has agreed to go along.

Why would she have to resign? Let them force her out so everyone can see what a joke republicans and this administration are.

He's the president, you don't have to do everything he says.
Fitting that it looks like he's laughing at it...

In the primary, people actually argued that Trump would be better for LGBT rights than most Republicans. Liberals argued, "well at least Trump is for LGBT rights..." in favoring Trump over Bush, Rubio, etc.

Everybody who rationalized that, including me, were idiots.


People who say she should have resigned, you realize that it wouldn't automatically mean Trump would nominate anyone more fitting to replace her? He would dig up more loyal yes man or woman.

Wasn't Flynn's replacement something of an upgrade?

I don't think Devos resigning necessarily means we get a good, solid person in the position, but I do think it'd be harder to do much worse and it would have eaten away at Trump from the inside which is nothing but a net gain for humanity.


Unconfirmed Member
DeVos still folded, so she gets no respect from me. Fuck this administration. They better catch hell for this


People who say she should have resigned, you realize that it wouldn't automatically mean Trump would nominate anyone more fitting to replace her? He would dig up more loyal yes man or woman.
While I agree that keeping DeVos at least guarantee that there is at least a level of sanity/resistance (even if she eventually folded), having your -recently appointed- Secretary of Education resigning so soon would add to the public perception that the whole administration is being badly handled.

On the other hand, they would probably have blamed the media and liberals for that, as well.


DeVos would have gained a lot of respect if she stood up for her own damn opinion.

Another fucking spineless politician.
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