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Fight Erupts in Trump Administration Over Transgender Students’ Rights

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DeVos still folded, so she gets no respect from me. Fuck this administration. They better catch hell for this

Yeah, it wasn't really a fight so much as DeVos getting knocked down. I'm surprised that she specifically asked for protections for trans students, but it clearly wasn't important enough for her to fight for it.
I doubt DeVos actually cares. The story is coming out this way to make her look less shitty for some people. The end result is the same as her full-throated endorsement.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Sessions will prove to be the real evil behind the wide southern smile.

I hope this gets a lot of exposure and the heat is turned up on DeVos even more for relenting. And that more infighting like this happens, Trump deserves only the best infighting, just tremendous infighting.


So can federal judges block this shit like they did with the Muslim ban?

I'm not sure how they could. This is just, as far as I can tell, a rescinding of a directive issued by the Obama administration that threatened things like a lack of federal funding if schools didn't comply. I'm not sure what would stop Trump from reversing that. Any legal challenges would probably have to be directed at schools and school districts that continue to enforce bathroom policies that the initial directive was trying to change.
Don't let her fool you. She supports this crap, she just doesn't want any more anger directed at her from the public. These "wow she's not totally evil" posts are exactly what she wanted from this.

Yeah, her master plan of folding anyways so people who are concerned about Transgender rights would still be upset.

She's just an incompetent fool.
Fuck DeVos.

She hates the LGBT community just as much as everyone else in the administration. The fact that Sessions/Trump did something so heinous it made her pause for a second doesn't change anything.
Devos is a bad poker player. She should've held her ground. It would've looked way worse for Trump than it would for her(firing another appointee), hell she probably would've gained some popularity points from her standing up to Trump. Let them fight...
Devos is a bad poker player. She should've held her ground. It would've looked way worse for Trump than it would for her(firing another appointee), hell she probably would've gained some popularity points from her standing up to Trump. Let them fight...

Knowing her she probably thought more about her investment rather than integrity so she didn't care to play games.
I bet Trump doesn't even care either way, all that's important to him is that he's the center of attention and everyone is trying to suck up to him to get his favor.


Devos is a bad poker player. She should've held her ground. It would've looked way worse for Trump than it would for her(firing another appointee), hell she probably would've gained some popularity points from her standing up to Trump. Let them fight...

i doubt trump cares about firing his own people

to his supporters it looks like draining the swamp all the same

anyways if devos was a decent person she shouldve made them fire her, if you cant stop this your opinion doesnt mean shit
Should have just resigned.

Fuck that. I wouldn't have voluntarily resigned. I would've force Trump to make public statements forcing me to resign, so it makes him look like a total inept buffoon. He is all about image and ego and there was no way he could've spun another appointee firing in such a short time into something good.
So she's a spineless coward and wants to drain public schools of funding.

I'm getting that they couldn't even get Sessions to agree that transgendered students shouldn't be bullied? Fuck this entire administration. The courts will never let this pass.
Oh god. Devos is the last hope for sanity on these issues? Fucking seriously? Ugggghhhhhhhhhhhh.............

And she folded like a cheap tent.

People who say she should have resigned, you realize that it wouldn't automatically mean Trump would nominate anyone more fitting to replace her? He would dig up more loyal yes man or woman.

I mean she's still going to gut the public school system... and as demonstrated here sign off on things even if she doesn't want to.


Devos should've just resigned. Either she looks cowardly and spineless by not sticking to her guns, or she gets tons of people pissed at her if she does. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


At the end of the day DeVos went right along with it. She's just as complicit, she's just as fucking terrible. End of story.

Like I said, this administration is full of huge egos. You can't have a bunch of billionaires and assholes a cabinet and expect them not to fight. I'd be surprised if DeVos sticks it for 4 years.


I don't believe any of these stories about people appointed by Trump who tried to go against the grain. They just seem like stories that have been planted to make them look better
I don't believe any of these stories about people appointed by Trump who tried to go against the grain. They just seem like stories that have been planted to make them look better

Makes them look worse though, so if that's the goal this administration really is dumber than anyone imagined


get some go again
is this where people give devos a break because she was supposedly against the EO? yeah sorry i ain't buying it. if they want some good will then they will have to earn it with by actually doing something and not just releasing rumors of people being against it. this is why i ain't buying ivanka being the one trying to hold off donald either.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
A fight over a draft order that would rescind protections for transgender students in public schools has erupted inside the Trump administration, pitting Attorney General Jeff Sessions against the secretary of education, Betsy DeVos.

Ms. DeVos initially resisted signing off on the order and told President Trump that she was uncomfortable with it, according to three Republicans with direct knowledge of the internal discussions. The order would reverse the directives put in place last year by the Obama administration to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice.

Mr. Sessions, who strongly opposes expanding gay, lesbian and transgender rights, fought Ms. DeVos on the issue and pressed her to relent because he could not go forward without her consent. The order must come from the Justice and Education Departments.


Mr. Trump sided with his attorney general, these Republicans said. And Ms. DeVos, faced with the choice of resigning or defying the president, has agreed to go along. The Justice Department declined to comment on Wednesday.

Why would she have to resign? Let them force her out so everyone can see what a joke republicans and this administration are.

He's the president, you don't have to do everything he says.

That's not what the administration now believes. If you don't do what the President wants you to do, you're out of a job. They are on record saying things like this.
How pathetic. I hope this was expected within the community and doesn't cause mass depression because fuck this administration. Channel it into protesting this fascist and getting a decent human being back into the office.
Suicide rates are going to rise, guaranteed. Sadly. I'm worried about a friend of mine already, seeing as I haven't heard from her in a week.


I believe she fought it the same way I believe those two Republicans who voted "No" t her getting the job in the first place.

It's politics to try to help her approval. She doesn't give a fuck about transgender students the same way she doesn't give a fuck about poor students.
It's well known that DeVos backed LGBT in the past, even as far back as the 1990s, https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/01/28/us/politics/betsy-devos-gay-transgender-rights.html so this isn't really a surprise. Weird that this issue wasn't worked out with her before nomination, since this should have been known. The trump administration is so disorganized and generally a mess.

The Obama admin actions on transgender rights were getting hit pretty hard in the courts (the statute they purported to interpret had an explicit exception allowing discrimination in bathrooms and locker rooms, so it was on shaky ground) and weren't propagated through the proper notice and comment procedures required for new federal regulations. They came from good intentions though. Interestingly, I believe that if the administration had gone through the proper procedures of regulating by putting this out for comment and passing a regulation, it would have ended up being much more difficult, procedurally, for the trump administration to roll this back, as well as doing better in the courts. Not sure why they did it the way they did.


Junior Member
It's well known that DeVos backed LGBT in the past, even as far back as the 1990s, https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/01/28/us/politics/betsy-devos-gay-transgender-rights.html so this isn't really a surprise. Weird that this issue wasn't worked out with her before nomination, since this should have been known. The trump administration is so disorganized and generally a mess.

The Obama admin actions on transgender rights were getting hit pretty hard in the courts (the statute they purported to interpret had an explicit exception allowing discrimination in bathrooms and locker rooms, so it was on shaky ground) and weren't propagated through the proper notice and comment procedures required for new federal regulations. They came from good intentions though. Interestingly, I believe that if the administration had gone through the proper procedures of regulating by putting this out for comment and passing a regulation, it would have ended up being much more difficult, procedurally, for the trump administration to roll this back, as well as doing better in the courts. Not sure why they did it the way they did.
Because republican controlled congress would rather have hell freeze over giving LGBT students rights. Hence why Obama did it the way he did.
I believe that if the administration had gone through the proper procedures of regulating by putting this out for comment and passing a regulation, it would have ended up being much more difficult, procedurally, for the trump administration to roll this back, as well as doing better in the courts. Not sure why they did it the way they did.

Obama: GOP congress can you pa
Obama: But I haven't even expla
Oh Betsy. She has a sudden concern for trans kids being bullied, but also they can go shit and piss in a ditch outside somewhere, far away from snowflake kids and their public toilets.
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