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Fighting Game Community || Stream Monster Headquarters

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It just sort of dawned on me that technically viscant, fchamp, flocker, and kbr are of the same level of prestige, since all of them have only won one marvel evo. Hell, Viscant might even be top of the pack since he's competed for longer and won more things back in the OG days.

And all 4 combined is still less than one Perfect Legend.

Really puts the level of this "drama" in perspective
The "obligation of the EVO champion" talk came up in a big way in the NRS community in 2011/2012. After Perfect Legend won in 2011 he basically quit. He didn't even enter Season's Beatings and he was in attendance. He got blown up pretty bad. Called out by guys like CD Jr who were winning after EVO. His argument was he didn't owe the community anything, that he proved himself and that he felt burnt out and unmotivated and wanted a break. He returned for a couple of tournaments in early 2012, including the big MLG Columbus and got bodied. Was 3-0ed by CD Jr. A couple of months later he won EVO 2012, defeating CD Jr in the grand finals. Pretty awesome story and one of the reasons to never truly count him out.


I just learned that SkullGirls at NEC has a cap of 80 entrants (which will be raised to 128 if it's met before the end of the month).

Why? It's already over 64 entrants, cap should be at 128 now.

I don't think I've ever been more annoyed by a less important thing.

Edit: I just learned that the base-2 logarithm of 80 is 6.322 (cc: Dahbomb).


The "obligation of the EVO champion" talk came up in a big way in the NRS community in 2011/2012. After Perfect Legend won in 2011 he basically quit. He didn't even enter Season's Beatings and he was in attendance. He got blown up pretty bad. Called out by guys like CD Jr who were winning after EVO. His argument was he didn't owe the community anything, that he proved himself and that he felt burnt out and unmotivated and wanted a break. He returned for a couple of tournaments in early 2012, including the big MLG Columbus and got bodied. Was 3-0ed by CD Jr. A couple of months later he won EVO 2012, defeating CD Jr in the grand finals. Pretty awesome story and one of the reasons to never truly count him out.
Yeah I actually remembered that. Many people weren't expecting him to win EVO 2012 because he was out of the game for a bit but he did anyway.

James Chen brings up that Daigo Evil Ryu combo moment but since then we have seen so many Evil Ryu difficult combos yet no one really gets hyped over Evil Ryu combo anymore.

Difficult combos are hype when you first see them but when they are routine no one gets hyped over them anymore (despite them still being difficult). People used to get hyped for Lightning Loops, Doom TAC combos and Rapid Seismos but now no one cares.

You don't need crazy execution combos to have hype. Otherwise people wouldn't get stupid hype over stuff like this.

Side note but a lot of pro players are starting to come around to SFV once they had a character click for them. Like SnakeEyez once he got his Zangief, LPN when he played Laura and PRRog when he played Karin.
James Chen brings up that Daigo Evil Ryu combo moment but since then we have seen so many Evil Ryu difficult combos yet no one really gets hyped over Evil Ryu combo anymore.

Difficult combos are hype when you first see them but when they are routine no one gets hyped over them anymore (despite them still being difficult). People used to get hyped for Lightning Loops, Doom TAC combos and Rapid Seismos but now no one cares.

You don't need crazy execution combos to have hype. Otherwise people wouldn't get stupid hype over stuff like this. .

I can tell you, as I was there during the finals, that the +3000 people watching the E.Ryu combo that day at Stunfest were very, very hyped. In 10 years of tournaments in Europe I never heard so much noise during a fighting game match. Maybe we're bored because of streams and such but for more casual viewers that go to one tournament and just watch EVO, these situations are amazing.

And the gamerbee vs daigo you linked is probably what they are aiming for, pure hype just from reads.


I can tell you, as I was there during the finals, that the +3000 people watching the E.Ryu combo that day at Stunfest were very, very hyped. In 10 years of tournaments in Europe I never heard so much noise during a fighting game match. Maybe we're bored because of streams and such but for more casual viewers that go to one tournament and just watch EVO, these situations are amazing.

And the gamerbee vs daigo you linked is probably what they are aiming for, pure hype just from reads.
I didn't say that people weren't hyped for that moment, on the contrary I stated that the initial reaction to high end combos are very positive. But hype from combos generally tends to subside over time where as if Daigo did that series of Shoryukens to Infiltration at EVO 2016 you know the crowd would go nuts.


Vega looks great- but not for me. He's so situational combo-wise depending on what side you're on, CH/no CH, do you have juggle, etc. The gulf between a decent Vega and great Vega is going to be enormous.


I'm in agreement with Beef. A champion owes the community nothing, especially if they're treated like crap after he wins the title. Even if that wasn't the case, fighting games are a singles competition where you're pretty much out for yourself.

If anything, the communities need to shape up themselves before asking something of others.
Re: Evo champs owing something. Does the same hold true for Olympic gold medalists? If you are the fastest runner in the world, do you owe a sprint-off to anyone who asks you on the streets? I don't feel like anyone would argue this, or any similar variation. Why would gaming be different?
Re: Evo champs owing something. Does the same hold true for Olympic gold medalists? If you are the fastest runner in the world, do you owe a sprint-off to anyone who asks you on the streets? I don't feel like anyone would argue this, or any similar variation. Why would gaming be different?
to be fair, this does seem to happen in things like MMA and boxing.

Still stupid


Re: Evo champs owing something. Does the same hold true for Olympic gold medalists? If you are the fastest runner in the world, do you owe a sprint-off to anyone who asks you on the streets? I don't feel like anyone would argue this, or any similar variation. Why would gaming be different?
Good point I guess. I like playing Tennis but it's not like I am going to go up to Rafael Nadal or Roger Federer, ask them for a tennis match then go on twitter to complain that they refused to play me in a set because they owed their fans/tennis community.

Though I guess sports are a bit different than gaming in that coaches/player physicians don't want their players to be participating in unnecessary matches due to fitness reasons. Assuming they play against someone half way decent, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they get injured playing in a casual match against a nobody.


tagged by Blackace
IMO in 99% of cases you don't owe anyone a damn thing. I especially don't owe you shit if the primary impetus for this feeling of entitlement is based off of the emotions of only one party.

I think Karst makes this point very clear with the Olympic example.


Re: Evo champs owing something. Does the same hold true for Olympic gold medalists? If you are the fastest runner in the world, do you owe a sprint-off to anyone who asks you on the streets? I don't feel like anyone would argue this, or any similar variation. Why would gaming be different?

to be fair, this does seem to happen in things like MMA and boxing.

Still stupid
MMA and boxing are 1v1 sports, races aren't. Not saying that I agree with the whole "champions owe everyone a match" argument, but that makes quite the difference in people's perception.

And even in team sports; if a team wins the whatever is the biggest baseball/soccer/pick your favorite sport tournament, in the next one people want to see if they'll hold up and defend the title or not.


No clue about the situation, but art is supposed to be streaming tonight's nlbc. he mentioned euro players, but i don't know who. :eek:

Yeah, just saw Art post on twitter.

Arturo Sanchez ‏@nycfurby 4m4 minutes ago
Just found out Vic won't be at NLBC again so I'll be there so you guys can see the euro players.

Arturo Sanchez ‏@nycfurby 3m3 minutes ago
Im at my house and leaving right now so it won't start on time. Takes me about 40 mins to get there and at least 40 mins to set up.

Really weird, wonder what's up with sp00ky? He's posting otherwise on twitter and he did the Tekken thing and everything, the zero acknowledgment of NLBC after suddenly not showing last week worries me :(


Real Sports have a massive divide between regular peeps and the athletes. They're isolated in a way that games aren't.
Good point I guess. I like playing Tennis but it's not like I am going to go up to Rafael Nadal or Roger Federer, ask them for a tennis match then go on twitter to complain that they refused to play me in a set because they owed their fans/tennis community.

Though I guess sports are a bit different than gaming in that coaches/player physicians don't want their players to be participating in unnecessary matches due to fitness reasons. Assuming they play against someone half way decent, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they get injured playing in a casual match against a nobody.
Tennis is also a lot more stratified than in fighting games. If you want to continue the analogy, if Mardy Fish wins a Grand Slam but then elects to stop participating in majors the following year, you should probably expect some eyebrows to be raised.


If I recall correctly, prior to KBR, the last non-American to win Marvel 3 at a major U.S. tournament was Kusoru at Final Round 2012. And after he won, he was harangued by demands for money matches from all the top American players to the point that he said he'd never come back to the U.S. again. (I think I heard he did end up returning for this year's Evo under a different handle, but I could be wrong about that.)

So maybe it's not KBR, but a non-American winning at "America's game".


That's contradictory. You can't be out for your and then ask for a functioning social group at the same time.

It's not contradictory because being out for yourself isn't mutually exclusive from benefiting a community. It can be both at the same time. Something you do for the community can be beneficial to you. It just means you won't do anything that won't benefit you in some fashion.

If I recall correctly, prior to KBR, the last non-American to win Marvel 3 at a major U.S. tournament was Kusoru at Final Round 2012. And after he won, he was harangued by demands for money matches from all the top American players to the point that he said he'd never come back to the U.S. again. (I think I heard he did end up returning for this year's Evo under a different handle, but I could be wrong about that.)

So maybe it's not KBR, but a non-American winning at "America's game".

Yeah, Kusoru hasn't been at an American tourney for Marvel since he won that FR, I think? Maybe he's come and played under a different name but not as Kusoru, lol. He definitely stopped playing partly because of that, I think.

Nemo would be the closest person after KBR and Kusoru, I think? Takumi has had good success recently and Tokido has done well before though I don't think he played in that many tourneys? Kazunoko just keeps getting bopped. lol I told him he should stop playing it at tournaments.


So that thread about the latest cross promotion advertising in the holiday's upcoming major multiplayer release made me think, where's all the product placement in fighting games?

think of the money potential.

The two examples I can think of are Tekken 6 and MK9


sfv should hop on the train and get some $$$

Thanks for the chuckle reminding me.
Actually liked those clothes.

Doritos or mountain Dew for SFV?Bison repping coca-cola on his back? i can see it.
Would prefer if it was more fisticuffs related like those Tekken ones tho.


Doritos or mountain Dew for SFV?Bison repping coca-cola on his back? i can see it.
Would prefer if it was more fisticuffs related like those Tekken ones tho.

Replace ryu's fireballs with Flaming Hot Cheetoballs

Instead of Shoryueppa Ken says Taco Bell
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