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Fighting Game Community || Stream Monster Headquarters

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even the namco noir control panels are black and yellow


IaMP fans are like Melee fans except to an even more extreme degree last I checked
They're that way for a reason -- because they're right. :p

I can't lie though, two of my biggest disappointments with videogames ever were with the releases of SSBB and SWR (and given the circumstances, I don't think anything will ever top Brawl). Even now I have a completely irrational dislike for both games and would rather peel the skin from my body than play them.


Slayer of Combofiends
I think i may have to take back playing as a starter to learn a fighting game.

I feel like my improvement stalled playing as Ryu. Going back to Poison, sure, I'm more aware of stuff like footsies, but ultimately, I've improved more in this weekend (20 hours clocked) than I did in the past month. I feel like loving a character and connecting with them probably drives for improvement more than learning a character you're expected to learn. Not that I'm not going to learn Ryu. :p

Tonight I went into the lab, worked on my rekka's. Then I specifically put in characters in the trianing mode that I have trouble with. Guys like Abel or Seth. I did situational training: Abel's roll, Seth's fireball fights and zoning and pokes.

Tonight I fought a bunch of Seth's and Abel's.

I didn't manage to beat a single one, but I almost did. That means a lot to me. In some cases I was actually taking them to school and with a really poor match up on my hands. So even when I lost I felt like I had still had my pride intact.

This video is the single handedly most useful video on Street Fighter and fighting games I've ever seen beyond Daigo vs Alex Valle Ryu vs Ryu match:


I would LOVE to watch more stuff like this but I can't find anything as good.

This past weekend SF really clicked with me. When I say click, I don't mean winning ALL THE TIME, I mean understanding the game, what I'm supposed to do on a character to character basis, using discretion, using strategies.

Tonight I fought someone on my friend list who plays Rose. Rose is his main and he's a B rank. I'm a D+ rank. I gave him a run for his money and even managed to beat him. It's subtle shit that shows the game has clicked. When fighting Rose, I realize that she has a reflect for fb. So during the initial neutral game at match start, if I'm not into pushing his buttons by playing offensively and getting into his face, I start it off with a medium fb. He'll meet it half way, then I'll throw out a small fb, and he does the same. The next fb, many Rose players will try to reflect it, so I use heavy fb to give him the illusion that I'm going to throw out an fb that has enough spacing to hit him. When he wastes his move, I'll jump in his face with a Love Me Tender, or walk up and nail him with a ranged normal like standing HP.

This may not be a big deal, but I never played mind games before playing fighters. I never considered fb spacing before this weekend, or speeds, or what they're even for.

I'm learning how to slowly learn how to think like the player by knowing their moves and how they react against mine.

It's such a very, very satisfying manner of play, and I've never played a video game with this amount of mind games. It's like the entire genre has opened up for me with things I never considered and I'm obsessed with being better and getting ahead of the people I fight regularly.

At a time when I was close to giving up on games as a hobby, SF comes and gives me something new to love.


Real talk, Poison has ryu's old crouch forward so its really really good, punishing people from ridiculous distances. I had trouble facing Air's poison until I figured that out and changed up my gameplan. Also, Poison has free frame traps (normals or specials that are plus on block) just like Sagat so you don't have to really think it through when you do them (unlike with other characters, its a little more deceptive when you look at their normals and have to figure out which block strings will give you the advantage in the situation) which is why Poison is a very easy character to learn. In my opinion Cindi, I suggest you still play Ryu on the side (while still maining Poison for the wins lol) so you learn how to play with fewer tools and become more creative with your strategies. Not that I'm undermining your skill, but since you did say you are a beginner, its best to challenge yourself early on and see what your limits are and what you have to work on to improve. With that, I'm trying to say to not let the character define you, but for you to define the character. I still believe that doing Ryu mirror matches will show which player has a better understanding of fundamentals compared to the other (which will always be Daigo). Also, I can tell from old videos what a tokido akuma is, daigo's ryu, mago's yang and bonchan's sagat cause they created playstyles that suited them. Besides that, I still believe Ryu is high midtier in my book and can definitely duke it out with the likes of E. Ryu and Yun.


Like the others, its a great mentality but don't sell yourself too short and work hard! I started out like you and eventually got from bad to decent to being able to take matches off high profile players. My next step is to actually beat them in tournament and get top 8 one day. You can do it if you believe.

wanna play some matches on steam right now?

You've betrayed me Vulva, you just want fresher meat to grind. I've become to old for you to hammer down.

Deejay is holding dat L


I think i may have to take back playing as a starter to learn a fighting game.

I feel like my improvement stalled playing as Ryu. Going back to Poison, sure, I'm more aware of stuff like footsies, but ultimately, I've improved more in this weekend (20 hours clocked) than I did in the past month. I feel like loving a character and connecting with them probably drives for improvement more than learning a character you're expected to learn. Not that I'm not going to learn Ryu. :p

Tonight I went into the lab, worked on my rekka's. Then I specifically put in characters in the trianing mode that I have trouble with. Guys like Abel or Seth. I did situational training: Abel's roll, Seth's fireball fights and zoning and pokes.

Tonight I fought a bunch of Seth's and Abel's.

I didn't manage to beat a single one, but I almost did. That means a lot to me. In some cases I was actually taking them to school and with a really poor match up on my hands. So even when I lost I felt like I had still had my pride intact.

This video is the single handedly most useful video on Street Fighter and fighting games I've ever seen beyond Daigo vs Alex Valle Ryu vs Ryu match:


I would LOVE to watch more stuff like this but I can't find anything as good.

This past weekend SF really clicked with me. When I say click, I don't mean winning ALL THE TIME, I mean understanding the game, what I'm supposed to do on a character to character basis, using discretion, using strategies.

Tonight I fought someone on my friend list who plays Rose. Rose is his main and he's a B rank. I'm a D+ rank. I gave him a run for his money and even managed to beat him. It's subtle shit that shows the game has clicked. When fighting Rose, I realize that she has a reflect for fb. So during the initial neutral game at match start, if I'm not into pushing his buttons by playing offensively and getting into his face, I start it off with a medium fb. He'll meet it half way, then I'll throw out a small fb, and he does the same. The next fb, many Rose players will try to reflect it, so I use heavy fb to give him the illusion that I'm going to throw out an fb that has enough spacing to hit him. When he wastes his move, I'll jump in his face with a Love Me Tender, or walk up and nail him with a ranged normal like standing HP.

This may not be a big deal, but I never played mind games before playing fighters. I never considered fb spacing before this weekend, or speeds, or what they're even for.

I'm learning how to slowly learn how to think like the player by knowing their moves and how they react against mine.

It's such a very, very satisfying manner of play, and I've never played a video game with this amount of mind games. It's like the entire genre has opened up for me with things I never considered and I'm obsessed with being better and getting ahead of the people I fight regularly.

At a time when I was close to giving up on games as a hobby, SF comes and gives me something new to love.


What a beautiful post.


I'm excited. Nice to see the improvements from the first and second trailer.

Me too, KoF is big here (though some players are moving over to GG) and a having a big roster again will certainly be amazing. Hopefully they'll keep working on the graphics and we see a significant improvement by release.
I also have to give credit to the fighting game community.

Over the past 4-5 months since I started playing seriously, FGC has been amazingly helpful, valuable, and resourceful. They keep me in check without being condescending. No "lol NUB" crap. They're willing to trade strategies, while still being openly competitive. I love how everyone has their own personal reasons for using characters beyond "he looks cool." I love the competition, the professional matches, the fight scene that never seems to get old, how everyone in the community is literally all trying to get better as a player and how this follows them into their actual lives where they try to get better in that area too.

I'm throwing my hat to the FGC. Other competitive gaming communities I haven't found nearly as welcoming while also being practical and helpful.

out of curiosity, what other communities were you a part of before going into street fighter 4?
out of curiosity, what other communities were you a part of before going into street fighter 4?

I'd play any other competitive game like fps or rts and generally found the communities impatient, assholish, or unhelpful.

I've found the FGC to far more accepting and open to sharing techniques to get ahead so we can help each other get better. Compare it to most fps games where people are lol nub and it's night and day.

I think the fact you're one on one really helps things. vulva and I did 60 fights in one session. I never complained once despite losing every fight. If I did that with an fps game I have a feeling they wouldn't be nearly as patient and accepting as Vulva or the other guys who have been helping me get a grasp the game.



Btw if you want more stuff like Juicebox's footsie vid, you can go read the Footsie Handbook if you haven't already. I reread it just to see what was in it since I haven't in awhile. It's pretty good at pointing out a lot of the basic types of things and specifically RPS you encounter when walking back and forth. I'll admit some of the last chapters are from old people games and mindsets that might not work too well anymore, but it gets you all the basic ideas.



BlazBlue CentralFiction Nine is confirmed to be playable and added in after the game launches 11/19/15. Confirmed to be Nine and not Phantom.

More information will be in a 6 page spread on Famitsu covering Nine and all the new system features and characters.

So it's like every other ArcSys game, Nine will probably be patched into the game by next week or so.

We'll probably have a couple other characters patched in before the console exclusive ones.

Jubei probably and other Alter Memory chara.
Pretty irate. Power outage during a snow storm, and I am sick.

I'd play any other competitive game like fps or rts and generally found the communities impatient, assholish, or unhelpful.

I've found the FGC to far more accepting and open to sharing techniques to get ahead so we can help each other get better. Compare it to most fps games where people are lol nub and it's night and day.

I think the fact you're one on one really helps things. vulva and I did 60 fights in one session. I never complained once despite losing every fight. If I did that with an fps game I have a feeling they wouldn't be nearly as patient and accepting as Vulva or the other guys who have been helping me get a grasp the game.
It is great to see a new player coming at this with so much patience and grace. How old are you, may I ask?

BlazBlue CentralFiction Nine is confirmed to be playable and added in after the game launches 11/19/15. Confirmed to be Nine and not Phantom.

More information will be in a 6 page spread on Famitsu covering Nine and all the new system features and characters.

So it's like every other ArcSys game, Nine will probably be patched into the game by next week or so.

We'll probably have a couple other characters patched in before the console exclusive ones.

Jubei probably and other Alter Memory chara.

WAIT, do you mean that she will be available on 11/19, or at some point after 11/19? Maybe I am overhyping myself.

You're already bald? Aren't you like 23 or something? Life's too cruel 😢

Isn't Nine too anime for him?
I don't dislike anime at all. Not sure that is coming from, since I like Xrd. Confusing me with Miniboss?


I bet Karst will be happy about that.
So much!
BlazBlue CentralFiction Nine is confirmed to be playable and added in after the game launches 11/19/15. Confirmed to be Nine and not Phantom.

More information will be in a 6 page spread on Famitsu covering Nine and all the new system features and characters.

So it's like every other ArcSys game, Nine will probably be patched into the game by next week or so.

We'll probably have a couple other characters patched in before the console exclusive ones.

Jubei probably and other Alter Memory chara.
I expected her to make launch, ah well. Hope she plays well. I want to pick up a second finally and I'm hoping Nine can be the one,.
Glad we settled that.

Anyway, I really like magicians in general. Demons/beasts/monsters are my favorite, of course. In Dragon's Crown, I tried to play the Wizard, but his Levitation isn't nearly as fun as the Sorceress', and his AAAHHMMM voice when charging mana is annoying. I also strongly prefer crowd control to damage (in MtG, I always play decks with very few creatures). Last, my wife mains the Amazon, and Protection is insanely good in tandem with her abilities. Unfair, really.

Plus the hotness, of course.

I would actually adore seeing the Sorceress as a guest fighter in a Skullgirls 2 one day. The main artist is a huge fan of her, as well. A lot of people don't know this, but Dragon's Crown also has PvP. It is pretty barebones, but AFAIK the Sorceress is the absolute queen of PvP in this game. It's pretty hard to counter a spell that hits the entire screen for 5 seconds and freezes everything, lol....

The few things I want out of Nine are:
1) A great neutral, with "hit anywhere" options like Nu and Lambda.
2) Good runaway mobility options.
3) Deep spell mechanics that make me think during the match's meta about a long-term gameplan.

If I get all of that, I will be happy.


Anyone have the Asus evo monitor? if some I'm wonder if anyone can help me.

So yesterday I was about to play but my hdmi cable was a little loose so i put it back in the ps3 and i got a grey screen on my monitor.

When I reconnected the cord it was just black, no signal.

i connected my hdmi cord to my computer's hdmi port and got signal and i connected my ps3 to the tv in the living room and it worked fine on the hdmi channel.

however when i link both my monitor and cord..i get nothing. how the hell did this happen and how do i fix this?



WAIT, do you mean that she will be available on 11/19, or at some point after 11/19? Maybe I am overhyping myself.

So much!

I expected her to make launch, ah well. Hope she plays well. I want to pick up a second finally and I'm hoping Nine can be the one,.

Sorry I was sleeping.

They don't specify, but based on the connotation I would think that she will be added via patch in a week like all other BlazBlue/Guilty Gear games. If she's included tomorrow good shit, I'll update what I see on my feed.

The game is out in like a little over 24 hours and the Fami article is out the same time. I wouldn't think that ArcSys would add her in day one without proper trailer/explanation of her character prior to her inclusion.

That said, the more important thing is that we get true footage starting tomorrow and we know we'll see more characters like maybe Mai and Jubei down the line for upcoming patches and the console release.
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