I think i may have to take back playing as a starter to learn a fighting game.
I feel like my improvement stalled playing as Ryu. Going back to Poison, sure, I'm more aware of stuff like footsies, but ultimately, I've improved more in this weekend (20 hours clocked) than I did in the past month. I feel like loving a character and connecting with them probably drives for improvement more than learning a character you're expected to learn. Not that I'm not going to learn Ryu.
Tonight I went into the lab, worked on my rekka's. Then I specifically put in characters in the trianing mode that I have trouble with. Guys like Abel or Seth. I did situational training: Abel's roll, Seth's fireball fights and zoning and pokes.
Tonight I fought a bunch of Seth's and Abel's.
I didn't manage to beat a single one, but I almost did. That means a lot to me. In some cases I was actually taking them to school and with a really poor match up on my hands. So even when I lost I felt like I had still had my pride intact.
This video is the single handedly most useful video on Street Fighter and fighting games I've ever seen beyond Daigo vs Alex Valle Ryu vs Ryu match:
I would LOVE to watch more stuff like this but I can't find anything as good.
This past weekend SF really clicked with me. When I say click, I don't mean winning ALL THE TIME, I mean understanding the game, what I'm supposed to do on a character to character basis, using discretion, using strategies.
Tonight I fought someone on my friend list who plays Rose. Rose is his main and he's a B rank. I'm a D+ rank. I gave him a run for his money and even managed to beat him. It's subtle shit that shows the game has clicked. When fighting Rose, I realize that she has a reflect for fb. So during the initial neutral game at match start, if I'm not into pushing his buttons by playing offensively and getting into his face, I start it off with a medium fb. He'll meet it half way, then I'll throw out a small fb, and he does the same. The next fb, many Rose players will try to reflect it, so I use heavy fb to give him the illusion that I'm going to throw out an fb that has enough spacing to hit him. When he wastes his move, I'll jump in his face with a Love Me Tender, or walk up and nail him with a ranged normal like standing HP.
This may not be a big deal, but I never played mind games before playing fighters. I never considered fb spacing before this weekend, or speeds, or what they're even for.
I'm learning how to slowly learn how to think like the player by knowing their moves and how they react against mine.
It's such a very, very satisfying manner of play, and I've never played a video game with this amount of mind games. It's like the entire genre has opened up for me with things I never considered and I'm obsessed with being better and getting ahead of the people I fight regularly.
At a time when I was close to giving up on games as a hobby, SF comes and gives me something new to love.