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Never played TvC before, thinking of getting it now actually lol, would probably be fun to run at weekly FG club

Its a great game for locals. Plus its like all of $20 to exchange the PCB in sticks to get one that'll let you plug and play your current 360/ps3 stick into a wii with Zerod Delay. Link

Shits easy to setup. Pop the old cables off, clip the old usb cable from your stick. Put the new PCB in place with the wires from the old PCB in the same order on the new PCB and plug in the stuff you unplugged. The end. 7 minute mod and you got sticks for the Wii that're bitchin to run through the generic Mayflash ps2 to wii adapter. Plus now your stick is able to run on ps3, ps2, 360, pc and Wii with zero delay. A solid mod no matter what. Especially since that PS2 port also lets you bring out old goodies like KOF 11 and stuff.





Saigon Cup pools are released.

On Capcom Fighters this weekend.

wasn't speacting gackt at all.

I'm the only one feeling like in the next 2-3 weeks we gonna see some surprises in the CPT ranking?
Cuz I think Gackt has a big chance to take it and get right in the battle to qualyfing. And I got the same exact feeling for the two europeans events taking place next week (That with Ryan Hart and Phenom). In those cases it also depends where the french will go (If they end up travelling which I'm not sure). I don't expect any asian player going (The top ones will be at Kuwait).

Only thing I want this week it's Smug winning TFC. But chances right now are not big...


wasn't speacting gackt at all.

I'm the only one feeling like in the next 2-3 weeks we gonna see some surprises in the CPT ranking?
Cuz I think Gackt has a big chance to take it and get right in the battle to qualyfing. And I got the same exact feeling for the two europeans events taking place next week (That with Ryan Hart and Phenom). In those cases it also depends where the french will go (If they end up travelling which I'm not sure). I don't expect any asian player going (The top ones will be at Kuwait).

Only thing I want this week it's Smug winning TFC. But chances right now are not big...
Who's going to TFC? I can see Smug doing well if it's only US players.

Its a great game for locals. Plus its like all of $20 to exchange the PCB in sticks to get one that'll let you plug and play your current 360/ps3 stick into a wii with Zerod Delay. Link

Shits easy to setup. Pop the old cables off, clip the old usb cable from your stick. Put the new PCB in place with the wires from the old PCB in the same order on the new PCB and plug in the stuff you unplugged. The end. 7 minute mod and you got sticks for the Wii that're bitchin to run through the generic Mayflash ps2 to wii adapter. Plus now your stick is able to run on ps3, ps2, 360, pc and Wii with zero delay. A solid mod no matter what. Especially since that PS2 port also lets you bring out old goodies like KOF 11 and stuff.
Def will try this out, thanks


Didn't it have a huge dropoff last year in terms of promo, attendance, etc.?

Shit seemed to fizzle really quick.
Yeah, I think the timing changed to something much more school-unfriendly. I assumed the bigger reason was the bracket floating from the previous year at the northeast event.


Mrs. Harvey
Summer is over. And what a way to start Fall but with TFC.

Infiltration looks unstoppable right now. He is the modern day Mr. SF. Nobody plays the game more than he does. He once said he enjoys using the whole cast and would love to play them all at high level.


Who's going to TFC? I can see Smug doing well if it's only US players.

Not Infiltration (He's gonna be at Dubai), so US players are probably good (Maybe Pugera will go).

I just know for sure that Justin it's going. But I guess most of US players will go.


It definitely doesn't feel like fall with this 98 degree weather today, but I'm excited to watch TFC. There's not much to talk about now, but the event will be fine once it gets underway. Plus there's Snake Eyez, Dieminion, Chris G, & 801 Strider in attendance, so I'm looking forward to see how they do, or if someone else is hungry for those CPT points.

Maybe it would help if there was more promo, but it's probably losing its sizzle due to the fact that there's so many events on the calendar that spreads people out, it's in September where people are going back to school, and no big name foreign/Japanese players for SF4 that we know of which get most people's attention. We'll see how things look once the pools are announced, but as far as CPT goes, it's very important to get those 128 points because DTN is the last US ranking event, and most likely there will be stiffer comp at SCR and Canada Cup, so the players with a good shot at qualifying better scoop up as many points as they can.

As for Infiltration, he's one of the most entertaining players to watch right now. I'm glad that he enjoys the game and is capable of using so many characters at a high level. I wouldn't say that he's unstoppable, but he's hot right now. It'll be interesting to see how he does at TGS with more sharks in the water.


Pugera is not going to The Fall Classic. He can't afford to spend a week in the U.S. and then fly back after TFC, and he can't afford a plane ticket back to Japan, fly back to the U.S. and then fly back to Japan.


If anyone wants to test this lobby thing out in Rising Thunder, I'm currently chilling in one. Here's the code.

capcom, please give shiro "Best Attendance Award" at capcom cup as a consolation prize if he does not qualify for the event.

Honestly I kind of feel for the guy to. He's attended so many tournaments but has so many useless 5th-13th finishes. Someone with no points like Zeus could easily take Defend the North in October if nobody shows up for that and have a lot more points than Shiro in his 6+ appearances in CPT events.

I feel like Saigon Cup is his last hope. He's not going to win TGS or Ultra Hyakkishu Cup with all the killers that will be there. Even the one in China is going to be really rough since all the usual Chinese killers will be there as well. Although that would be his true last shot if he decides to go there.

I actually forgot this thread even existed. Haven't checked in a week and a half or so.


This is my first post in this thread. I still have been checking in, just haven't posted until right now. Can't really say it's because of the move to community, but I guess that did have some affect on it.


What players are locked and who are on the bubble to get into the Capcom Cup. Seriously debating on going since its going to be in SF.

Momochi, Infiltration, Gamerbee, Daigo, Mago, Tokido, Xian and Kazunoko are already qualified. They're all inside the top 32 so not a problem for other people.

From the ones not qualified, Luffy, Poongko, Nemo, Tonpy, Bonchan, Nuckledu, Snake Eyez are most likely in

Then Justin, Dark Jiewa, Strider, Dieminion, Humanbomb, Xiao Hai, Problem X and Misse are pretty much in, cuz they're in the zone I personally think the cut will end, but i doubt neither of them don't get some more points in the tournaments left.

Then we have Itabashi with 114, Pr Rog 98, Ricki/Fuudo 82, StormKUBO/KojiKOG 68 and AiAi/Sako/MOV 64

This are the 32 qualified at the moment.

From those, I think Sako won't play any tournaments. I think he's not even attending TGS, so probably not focus on videogames right now. Then KojiKOG, StormKUBO, AiAi and MOV have few chances cuz they're almost not attending the CPT asian tournaments. MOV has a slight chance if he wins CPTA finals but... And we all know how stacked the Japaneses tournaments are going to be...
The other four will see. Pr Rog has work also, so...

If we now speak about who is probably gonna be a threat to overtake them. We have some people in a good spot.

K-Brad 52. Personally I don't think he's gonna make it, but he's near. There are 3 ranking events (Counting the one from Costa Rica) and 2 premier events (Counting Canada cup) left in his area. He has done well the last ranking events (Not enough to secure points). His biggest problem it's that top US players will attend the 2 ranking events. And the premiers will have the asians. So...

Ryan Hart 52. Next week there's the EGL ranking event in London. It's a big chance cuz there's also another ranking event in Norway (Where anyone from rest of europe or world should go if they're expecting to grab some points that week) and the Kuwait premier event (So no top asian player aka as Infiltration will go). The question mark it's where's Luffy going. His sponsor it's from the UK so... And also I pretty sure that the prize in EGL it's bigger than Norway... But I won't ensure that.

Smug 48. Same scenario as Kbrad, but he has more talent, so bigger chances. The problem it's that since he's playing PS4 I feel like Smug it's struggling a bit... Will see. Also I don't think he'll go to costa rica (canada cup probably yes).

Phenom 37. Same scenario as Ryan Hart. His biggest chance it's going to be next week at Norway. As I said before, the question it's how many Europeans and "world warrios" will attend. Not like he couldn't make top 2 in that situation, but definitely it's harder. Anyway, europeans still have Red Faction (He'll attend for sure)

Gackt 32. If he travels to the CPTA tournaments that are left and it's somehow near the level showed when he was flying along Xian, he has big chances to make it. Don't know how the vietnam event will turn in registration terms. But right now it looks like a huge oportunity for him.

you also have people like Infexious Shiro and Chuan, who have points and place well in the ranking events, but not enough to take an important amount of points. Not expecting that to change so they probably won't make it (Specially Chuan).

From the ones that are in danger to not make it in I think the biggest names are Valmaster and Pepeday.

Valmaster right now it's in a bad spot. He has not travel that much so he most likely has 2 chances if he does (EGL/Norway and Red Faction). If he travels next week, he's totally a threat to be top 2 at any of those tournaments. But will he take the trip?

Pepeday it's even in a worse spot. Just 5 points. Pretty bad despite the fact I think it's the only player that really can take big points at premier events. I hope r/kappa sends him to some ranking and premier events... Same goes to AiAi.

Then we can speak about Nishikin and Puguera due Topanga B are most likely out of the run too. They're missing the vietnamese one for sure and won't be able to go the europeans ones if that was their mind.
Reikketsu also, who has travel a lot lately. But it doesn't look like he can place top 2 at a ranking event, so...

I think that's pretty much it. I'll miss players like Santarou, Uryo (I heard his back to Sakura so...) o Haitani (If he played Makoto...) but they're pretty much out.

Will see if there's any surprise this 2 months left...


Pepeday was always a long shot for this year because of his reduced travel ability, unfortunately. :( He has to spike an invite hard-way.

If Art got another high finish or two semi-high he could actually do it, he'd just have to capture lightning in a bottle.


So Third Strike is $3.99 on PSN. Weird part is you need to select the sale price from a drop down. Not sure if I'm missing something, but bought the cheaper of the two and it was indeed the full game. Also, the version with all the unlocks has a separate listing for $20 so I don't know if this is a pricing error or what.
lol keep forgetting that I have paypal donation setup to ultrachen for like the longest time till I got that email. Havent cashed in on the perks


Well, stop donating since it seems like there won't be a Tuesday Show tonight . :mad:
What are the other perks besides them reviewing a match video of yours?


GGs to whoever that was. Yeah, Rising Thunder still runs like garbage for me. Still getting FPS in the 40 - 55 range. Makes it damn near impossible to consistently react to anything. I wonder what the hell happened since this game ran damn near flawless for me before a few patches ago.


ggs, wish the ping didn't just deteriorate towards the end it was pretty good for the most part

Your FPS was good? It was both FPS and ping that were suspect for me. Ping was dancing around the lower 100s from what I noticed, but the FPS was just straight up toilet status. I was damn near mashing on the throw button, and was still not teching any of that shit. It was ridiculous lol.


GGs to whoever that was. Yeah, Rising Thunder still runs like garbage for me. Still getting FPS in the 40 - 55 range. Makes it damn near impossible to consistently react to anything. I wonder what the hell happened since this game ran damn near flawless for me before a few patches ago.

Pay for a smooth experience

Your FPS was good? It was both FPS and ping that were suspect for me. Ping was dancing around the lower 100s from what I noticed, but the FPS was just straight up toilet status. I was damn near mashing on the throw button, and was still not teching any of that shit. It was ridiculous lol.

FPS was mostly constant at 60 on my end save for the occasional slowdown before a match started and what looked like some weird rollback stuff. Ping jumped to 170-190 at some point for no apparent reason.

Pay for a smooth experience


savage tbh


If that's the case, then you'll be good in the shallow end with either the PS3 or the 360 version
It's kind of split between fightcade and 360. 360 has a higher concentration of good players I think but fightcade has a handful of top players (Exodus, Tenren, Nguboy, Harmonaz, Mymoza)


FPS was mostly constant at 60 on my end save for the occasional slowdown before a match started and what looked like some weird rollback stuff. Ping jumped to 170-190 at some point for no apparent reason.

savage tbh

Ah well. Thanks for the ass whippings. Hopefully when this game is out of beta and not running like soiled diapers we can do it again.
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