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Fighting Game Community || Stream Monster Headquarters

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El Sloth

No problem. I at least felt I might actually win when fighting against him :p

Even though the connection was bad you have any comments on how I was playing?
It's hard to say anything concrete because of the quality of the connection (and because I'm not exactly the best player myself in the first place). Just that you should probably learn a proper bnb! Best thing I have to offer is this excellent beginner's workshop video: http://dai.ly/x21fg7l

Also you may want to check out this vid Anne made a long while ago.

Learn the ranges of Merkava's huge normals and mess around with assault/forward+D and that quick air dive he gets out of his fly as ways of closing the gap.

And of course learn the benefits of GRD and vorpal and how they can change things in your favor. Whether by making your approach safer or giving you another mixup on offense to giving you more options on defense.


Thanks! And yeah, I need to figure out how to make the best use of GRD. I actually forgot about it at first. And only recalled it during our second match.
Yu Yu Hakusho Makyo Toitsusen
Guardian Heroes
Bleach DS 1 & 2

The Bleach games are the most competitively-sound. Guardian Heroes is an utterly broken mess, but also a lot of fun. YYH is a bit too old and clunky. They're all built upon the same basic gameplay though.

The main reason why these games work is because they forgo any notion of "forward" or "backward" facing attacks. Quarter-circle-left + punch would always throw a fireball to the left, and quarter-circle-right + punch would always throw one to the right, regardless of where the other players are positioned. A block button is added so that being stuck between two opponents isn't flat-out murder, but the mix-up and movement potential is good enough to still make offense potent.

It's a lot more elegant than GG Isuka's baffling turn button, and it's not half-assed like Capcom's dramatic battle Alpha modes or whatever SFxTK had.

The Bleach games had a decent competitive scene for a while. First 3rd party DS game with online play, too. I remember playing against Marn and some other people on IRC way back when.

That's a lot of games.

The reason why I think new 2 on 2 games would be great because of a few reasons;

1) situations that aren't possible in 1v1 games
2) working together with a partner to win +taking advantage of tag team based mechanics
3) burden of loss isn't solely on one person which would hopefully mean that more people wouldn't quit playing because they won't get crushed by their own mistakes
4) only needing one other person means it should be easier to find someone to co-ordinate with as opposed to finding 4 other people in other popular team-based games like League/DOTA2.

I think there's a lot of potential here whether it's on a 2D plane or a 3D one.
3) burden of loss isn't solely on one person which would hopefully mean that more people wouldn't quit playing because they won't get crushed by their own mistakes

This is also why i think the new Dissidia could do really well. Very popular FF characters + folks can blame others for losses and pat themselves on the back for wins they got carried to.

Just hope it will have good matchmaking and partying options and all that.


Meet me in the pit

Didn't Garou get a mobile release the last time it was trademarked and hyped

Baby steps.
Baby steps.

MS games were on iOS before being released on STEAM.

Besides now SNK has a little more funding, so hopefully while KoF 14 is being worked on we could see some classic titles on PSN etc. to tide the time til then.
I just hope they'll be GOOD ports :p


That's a lot of games.

The reason why I think new 2 on 2 games would be great because of a few reasons;

1) situations that aren't possible in 1v1 games
2) working together with a partner to win +taking advantage of tag team based mechanics
3) burden of loss isn't solely on one person which would hopefully mean that more people wouldn't quit playing because they won't get crushed by their own mistakes
4) only needing one other person means it should be easier to find someone to co-ordinate with as opposed to finding 4 other people in other popular team-based games like League/DOTA2.

I think there's a lot of potential here whether it's on a 2D plane or a 3D one.

The main difficulty I see with 2 on 2 simultaneous as a design is that this point:
1) situations that aren't possible in 1v1 games
^creates unblockable left/right, high/low, guaranteed throw setups. Also one knockdown and you can team up on his wakeup and ruin him for life.

This would mean that to create a 2 on 2 simultaneous you would have to specifically design the title with a very specific set of checks and balances all unto itself since it wouldn't be able to function in the traditional manner anymore.

Likely you would need some combination of:
  • block button or shield. Something that could cover your ass for the unblockable setups possible in this environment.
  • unique mobility tools designed to make it into a chase scenario more often than a "pinned down by bodies" scenario. Whether this means wave dashing, air dashing or long range rolls would likely be specific relative to the offense at play.
  • possibly counters would be needed to handle the pressure possible in these games or some kind of trump card option like a teleport or meter for armor.
  • Debatable whether such a title could be done 2.5d on a health based system entirely. Ring out works like in smash, but you may need more than just depleting someones health to win if you mainly want to make it a title based on health bars and not ringouts though.
  • specific as shit offense. Possibly high recovery on melee moves on block to alleviate potential permanent lockdown scenarios. It'd be better to test more defense and mobility options though than to make offense weak.

2 on 2 simultaneous doesn't get tackled often because its a whoooooooole other list of things to stack on top of an already tricky genre to nail down well. It could work and be fun, but it'd take a LOT of testing before beta to have a system of checks and balances that'd be solid IMO. I'd be interested to see more attempts at it. You'd definitely earn some praise and respect if you pulled it off well.


Kinda weird that Tidus seem to have better mobility than Terra and Zaidan!
Also, picking Vaan over Ashe for FFXII representation is bullshit, dude have nothing to do with the story, you could re-release XII with a silent protagonist instead of Vaan and nothing would change.


Kinda weird that Tidus seem to have better mobility than Terra and Zaidan!
Also, picking Vaan over Ashe for FFXII representation is bullshit, dude have nothing to do with the story, you could re-release XII with a silent protagonist instead of Vaan and nothing would change.

Wasn't Tidus a blitzball ace? Good mobility should be a given for him.


Is he? I though the director, battle designer, etc are all SE guys!

Advisors. The work is Team Ninja with oversight being SE. Why you think it runs like it does? That's not SE's suite. Graphics are on the same level though. But yeah this is Team Ninja's collaberation wing.
Amazing / horrifying SF figure collection.


Akuma bust is nightmare fuel.


Kinda weird that Tidus seem to have better mobility than Terra and Zaidan!
Also, picking Vaan over Ashe for FFXII representation is bullshit, dude have nothing to do with the story, you could re-release XII with a silent protagonist instead of Vaan and nothing would change.



Advisors. The work is Team Ninja with oversight being SE. Why you think it runs like it does? That's not SE's suite. Graphics are on the same level though. But yeah this is Team Ninja's collaberation wing.
The work is by team Ninja but it's pretty much a Smash WiiU by Namco situation. Producer, director and even the shitty composer are from SE, this isn't like, say, Metroid Other M where Team Ninja were making their own Metroid game.


The work is by team Ninja but it's pretty much a Smash WiiU by Namco situation. Producer, director and even the shitty composer are from SE, this isn't like, say, Metroid Other M where Team Ninja were making their own Metroid game.

Sakamoto and the metroid team were actually heavily involved in the creation of that game. Sakamoto was also the one who insisted on using only the Wiimote to play the game.


The work is by team Ninja but it's pretty much a Smash WiiU by Namco situation. Producer, director and even the shitty composer are from SE, this isn't like, say, Metroid Other M where Team Ninja were making their own Metroid game.

I'm sure other M had Nintendo input too. They are pretty hard ass with their collaberations.


Kinda weird that Tidus seem to have better mobility than Terra and Zaidan!
Also, picking Vaan over Ashe for FFXII representation is bullshit, dude have nothing to do with the story, you could re-release XII with a silent protagonist instead of Vaan and nothing would change.

Not really. Tidus was an Ace Blitzball player and that's done in the water. Mobility there is more akin to flying around which neither Zidane or Terra would have the ability to most of the time.

Tidus was hella fun in the first Dissidia. He was the one I played the most in that game. Didn't play very much of the sequel because by the time it was out I was on the PSP Go and it plays horrible on that because of the button layout.

I'll definitely get the new Dissidia when it comes to the PS4 though. I put up a few videos from the in-game replay system back when it first came out.
So for someone interested in getting into an Arc Sys game, which should I go for? BB or GG?

I really liked my time with BB last night. On the other hand, I'm much more familiar with GG being a big GGXX fan back in the day on ps2.

Is BB less complex than GG? I know Blaz has a new game coming out with tag matches, but tag games aren't my thing for the most part unless it's Mahvel Baby.


So for someone interested in getting into an Arc Sys game, which should I go for? BB or GG?

I really liked my time with BB last night. On the other hand, I'm much more familiar with GG being a big GGXX fan back in the day on ps2.

Is BB less complex than GG? I know Blaz has a new game coming out with tag matches, but tag games aren't my thing for the most part unless it's Mahvel Baby.

Either or is fine, pick whichever you enjoy. I have a lot of friends that just like one way more than the other.

I'd say BB's definitely more complex than the newest GG at this point. Since you're already more familiar with GG, it'll be much simpler if you played that. BB won't be having tag matches unless it's some fun little mode on consoles. Mori only asked what people thought on the idea.

Also played some more BBCF in arcades. Still don't know how to use CF Rachel in neutral. Loss of pumpkin is making me try to look at lotus more, but I'm going to need more time.
Reached 1st Dan with Carl though. My Rachel's like... 5th Kyuu or something? lol orz


Is BB less complex than GG? I know Blaz has a new game coming out with tag matches, but tag games aren't my thing for the most part unless it's Mahvel Baby.

Not less complex, just different. BB has a bigger cast though that doesn't necessarily mean you'll like any of them. I feel BB might be better developed by now as well. Both console versions are also getting replaced though GG would probably get replaced sooner.



40 hours played on Steam in the last 2 weeks.

100 on Steam total, about 40-50 on PS3.

I kept my promise Brother Marz.

If I include both Steam and GFWL hours, it must be around 300 hours...since 2011. Game has the worst arcade mode ever for single player. I can only play it offline with others or online or do training. Other fighting games have much better arcade mode for single player.

So for someone interested in getting into an Arc Sys game, which should I go for? BB or GG?

I really liked my time with BB last night. On the other hand, I'm much more familiar with GG being a big GGXX fan back in the day on ps2.

Is BB less complex than GG? I know Blaz has a new game coming out with tag matches, but tag games aren't my thing for the most part unless it's Mahvel Baby.

Game inputs for combos are much more lenient than the old Guilty Gear, thats for certain and it feels slower. It is just a little difficult to like most characters there. GG characters are much cooler.

Unfortunately and a huge embarassment, for me the character I feel most familiar with is Platinum. I like to play Akari in Last Blade 2 and they feel similar with the staff and the ghouls. May in GGXX is also similar in gameplay and all the marine mammal gimmicks.
Any good videos of the previous game's Kefka? Someone said he was really fun.

His playstyle in Dissidia is that he's got "wacky" versions of spells that have erratic movements/patterns ("Waggle-Wobbly Firaga" for example is 3 small fire orbs that home in on the opponent while zipping around in a trajectory). They hit hard, but have a lot of post-lag that even dodge-cancelling doesn't help to mitigate (much). His EX Mode increases the erraticness of his attacks, gives them more tracking, bigger explosions, etc. He also has access to a Glide which helps him not have to rely on air dashing to stay airborne.
Kinda weird that Tidus seem to have better mobility than Terra and Zaidan!

Zidane is more about aerial mobility while Tidus is more overall mobility. He's about dodging and picking his spots to attack, and most of his attacks actually double as a dodge, which he can get bonuses for depending on his equip setup.


Thinking about Tekken 7 and SFV, I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom and Namco struck a deal where SFV doesn't go to arcades for several years, while Tekken 7 delays their console release.

His playstyle in Dissidia is that he's got "wacky" versions of spells that have erratic movements/patterns ("Waggle-Wobbly Firaga" for example is 3 small fire orbs that home in on the opponent while zipping around in a trajectory). They hit hard, but have a lot of post-lag that even dodge-cancelling doesn't help to mitigate (much). His EX Mode increases the erraticness of his attacks, gives them more tracking, bigger explosions, etc. He also has access to a Glide which helps him not have to rely on air dashing to stay airborne.

Zidane is more about aerial mobility while Tidus is more overall mobility. He's about dodging and picking his spots to attack, and most of his attacks actually double as a dodge, which he can get bonuses for depending on his equip setup.
How do people actually get hit or not get hit in this game? Watching this game feels like a ball of random. I want to understand what I am seeing. Every projectile seems to have tracking, but you can only fire at your opponent, and everyone can dodge. Maybe seeing top tier Edea play will help me.

Do you have to level up to compete in this game's multiplayer? Not a fan of that idea.


So for someone interested in getting into an Arc Sys game, which should I go for? BB or GG?

I really liked my time with BB last night. On the other hand, I'm much more familiar with GG being a big GGXX fan back in the day on ps2.

Is BB less complex than GG? I know Blaz has a new game coming out with tag matches, but tag games aren't my thing for the most part unless it's Mahvel Baby.

They are very different games actually, and they didn't go through with tag matches on the new BB :p it really depends on what type of game you want to play.

Thanks! And yeah, I need to figure out how to make the best use of GRD. I actually forgot about it at first. And only recalled it during our second match.

Ask me questions, I'll give answers. GRD is a thing I've explained a few times, I should update my old UNI stuff with more about how to use it.


GRD is really important, but it's really common to see people make bad decisions in the name of GRD. You do not need to be running at somebody to build GRD. Walking forward, charging, throwing out moves, shielding hits in neutral, those can all build GRD. Do not just run at somebody thinking "oh my god I need GRD", and then get smacked in the face and die. It's not worth it.

On defense, you do not need to shield and start panicking looking for GRD to get out. If you play smart and shield correctly you will gain GRD that way and open up better options anyways. There are small exceptions, but seriously, just play it smart. If you're on offense don't dump somebody with GRD on over extended blockstring if you don't need to. Again, play it smart. If you're going to lose vorpal anyways, you might want to just go ahead and blow it on making your offense better with a mix up or extended pressure.

When you have vorpal, do not just throw Chainshift away. Don't start mashing it out in strings looking for a gap, good players will understand you have vorpal and do strings safe to that if they can help it. You do not need to CS on wake up just because you have it, consider the situation before hand. You don't need to CS in neutral just to do it unless you've completely lost on the GRD timer. Use it when a situation arises that you can possibly answer after the screen flash.

Something about having Vorpal and Chainshift that new players miss out on is how it will affect basic situations. If a player has CS available, that means they can pause the game in almost any given situation and choose the best answer. That would be like if you could stop a game of RPS, see that they choose paper, then just throw scissors. That means that players need to treat somebody who has Vorpal with a ton of respect. The player with Vorpal can use this respect to get out of or make the best of situations without needing to pop CS.

Imagine you hit somebody who has Vorpal and knock them down. Do you want to stand in their face for oki if they have an invulnerable reversal? No, they can pop CS and confirm whether or not to use it. In pressure, do you want to overextend or go for a loose reset against somebody with Vorpal? No, they might spend CS to check you, escape, and maybe even punish you. Do you want to commit to an approach like jumping or a high recovery move in neutral? The player with Vorpal will check that with CS too. On the flipside, if you're on offense and have Vorpal you can go a little extra ham. Not only have you denied them the great defensive buff of having CS, you can use CS to check their escape options mid pressure, cancel a move to make a tight string or mix up, threaten with the extra damage, and so on.

Having Chainshift basically allows a player to establish a turn, escape one that's happening to them, or just generate more situations in their favor. If a player is tricked or makes a mistake and pops CS and makes nothing happen, or even worse gets put in a bad situation immediately afterwards, that is a massive momentum swing for the other player. It's very important to understand how powerful CS is and to use it well to establish or deny momentum. UNI is a very momentum based game, GRD exists to help alter that momentum for whichever player can get it, whether they were winning out neutral or stuck blocking and need to end that turn. Don't waste that opportunity!

Think about it this way. UNI neutral is really passive aggressive cause big normals, so once somebody gets Vorpal that's when they can more easily go in or deny somebody from going in. It let's them have a better way to set the pace. In pressure, whoever has Vorpal gets to dictate the pace of the turn that's happening and can even end it or change who's favor it's in. That's important in UNI cause holy crap oppression.

The full doc I made on getting into UNI is here. If you need Merk stuff just lemme know.



40 hours played on Steam in the last 2 weeks.

100 on Steam total, about 40-50 on PS3.

I kept my promise Brother Marz.

Haha nice keep grinding.

Would be hype but its probably just a mobile port or some other nonsense.

Time to get to 5k, dude.

That will never happen lmao.


now come see me in uniel already

actually, anyone up for some early morning uniel?

Ok, ill actually learn some Carmine.
How do people actually get hit or not get hit in this game? Watching this game feels like a ball of random. I want to understand what I am seeing. Every projectile seems to have tracking, but you can only fire at your opponent, and everyone can dodge. Maybe seeing top tier Edea play will help me.

Do you have to level up to compete in this game's multiplayer? Not a fan of that idea.

You have to bait out your opponent. Mobility is huge in Dissidia, and if you have bad mobility then you need a damn good moveset or gimmick to make up for it. Baiting out dodges and blocks, tricking the opponent into committing, etc. Those are all huge. It's why characters like Lightning, Prishe, Ultimecia, and to a slightly lesser extent Sephiroth, Squall, and Zidane are all high/top tier. They have good to great movement (Zidane, Prishe, Squall), and the ones who don't have amazing movesets to make up for it. Ulty, for example, has a move that makes Aegis Reflector blush. It invalidates nearly half the cast, and I wish that was hyperbole.

You technically do have to level up in multiplayer, but it's so hilariously easy to level up that the grind doesn't even matter. PSP save files are also not locked, so you can download a complete file and join in that way if you don't want to bother.


Sakamoto and the metroid team were actually heavily involved in the creation of that game. Sakamoto was also the one who insisted on using only the Wiimote to play the game.
Oh, didn't know this, for some reason(I'd blame Ninja Gaiden fans more than Nintendo fans for this >__>) I was under the impression that it was all Hayashi's fault, especially the story. Looking it up, even the story was Sakamoto's doing!
Hayashi: The story for Other M was definitely the product of Mr. Sakamoto at Nintendo. We definitely worked with them on the project, but that was all him.
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