Scharlachrot with plant still top tier? I remember enjoying her a lot during the short AH3 life.
Clarice is a mean vampire nun. She has big claw slashes for space control as well as dives and sort-of-teleports to get around. One of her supers is a field around her that drains life which is really useful for a character that likes to fight from a distance, as people generally won't want to stand in it.
I'm ready for Rashid, Shaheen's cousin:
Homing dashes! I'm assuming it's a two buttons press, kinda make me want to try the game!Its got a lot of Marvel in their with the Xfactor sorta stuff, cancels, and crazy air combos but its definitely its own thing. Especially since its got waaaaay more verticality and screen to work with. It essentially had to with homing dashes being a thing. You cover that space very rapidly though because press homing dash once and your good, but press it twice with a direction and you take off super fast and can even steer it to fake people out on approach. Do you know how hard it is to read a crossup when they are above you and do that and then zigzag left and right on the way down to keep changing sides? Fucking hard!
Shenanigans abound. You can do soooooo many dirty things in this game.
Harada should have helped him dress up. It looks like he just threw it as is from the box on top of his head.
Homing dashes! I'm assuming it's a two buttons press, kinda make me want to try the game!
I don't care much for Cody, but it's funny to have this many blondes.
Street Fighter V: Aryan Race Edition
Street Fighter V: Aryan Race Edition
Scharlachrot, Yoriko or Clarice would probably come closest.
Scharl is the psycho endboss, she controls gigantic pieces of the screen with her chain normals and specials. She can also set up these fulcrum points, where she can then connect her chains for movement options or to set off strong explosions.
Yoriko carries a demonic staff, which basically does all the attacking without her having any say in it (Actually you can see her ineffectually trying to hold the thing back in many of her animations). The staff transforms into the full demon during one of her supers too. Her playstyle is pretty weird though, she's kinda defensive with big slow hitboxes until she can use her powerup move. After that, her specials get pretty ridiculous and she can kinda go ham with them.
Clarice is a mean vampire nun. She has big claw slashes for space control as well as dives and sort-of-teleports to get around. One of her supers is a field around her that drains life which is really useful for a character that likes to fight from a distance, as people generally won't want to stand in it.
Edit: There's tooons of characters and with the arcana system there's definitely a character for everyone playstyle-wise. Aesthetically, eh. It's a cast of pretty girls. No burly men or outright monsters, though there are monster companions and summons aplenty. Hard to predict whether that's a dealbreaker for someone.
Thanks. I'll look this up when I am not on my work computer.
I'm ready for Rashid, Shaheen's cousin:
Good call. If at Brazil Game Show they'll announce a Brazilian character, in Dubai....
Jam footage. Looking great, I want a Revelator port soon.
If it was Cody, they wouldn't have made such an obvious tease.I don't care much for Cody, but it's funny to have this many blondes.
If it was Cody, they wouldn't have made such an obvious tease.
Destiny. Year 2 officially starts next week.
I'm coming into the game a year late and they've fixed most of the issues I had with the game. I'm having a blast with it.
I really hope he's out of the prison clothes if it's Cody.
Street Fighter V: Aryan Race Edition
Rashid incoming guys, our TO met up with Ono and he told him that the char that's going to be announced this week is a returning char and not new welp
Friday can't get here soon enough :V
Street Fighter V: Aryan Race Edition
People talking about Remy on twitter....weird
That would make him as memorable as a third strike character
Where are people getting Remy from
Maybe its Ingrid.
If only.
Scharlachrot with plant still top tier? I remember enjoying her a lot during the short AH3 life.
You can't clash the plant vine or most of Scharl's chains, and guard cancels aren't terribly effective that far out in most circumstances. It's one of the things that makes her so goddamn annoying to fight. You need good movement to have a chance (offset by the fact that once you do get in, she usually explodes). I do know they nerfed both Scharl and the Plant arcana in LM, but she's still solid (if I remember correctly -- the game's tier lists are fairly compressed, although there are some characters that stand out).Probably lol
To keep it in perpsective though they could have always burst this stuff early. Plus their are things like clashes that may or may not play against some stuff. Plus there are guard cancels , extend force cancels (xfactor cancels essentially) and all the rest of the toolset for them to play with on defense.
So many tools...