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Fighting Game Community || Stream Monster Headquarters

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Vulva taught me how to read frame data and apply math to it. He also told me about the FA Tool app.

I'm now at a courthouse researching moves to find what moves will beat out Vulva's Ibuki using frame data.

I'm now officially a fighting game nerd.


Vulva taught me how to read frame data and apply math to it. He also told me about the FA Tool app.

I'm now at a courthouse researching moves to find what moves will beat out Vulva's Ibuki using frame data.

I'm now officially a fighting game nerd.

Congrats! It's all downhill from here.

I'm about to boot up USF4 on PS4, I've played this game like twice in the last 2 years but I'm tired of being a stream monster. I want to graduate to stream monster with ill-informed opinions based on shitty skills and play. Lets gooo
Vulva taught me how to read frame data and apply math to it. He also told me about the FA Tool app.

I'm now at a courthouse researching moves to find what moves will beat out Vulva's Ibuki using frame data.

I'm now officially a fighting game nerd.

Vulva has a hidden Ibuki but won't give me tips on how to beat her when it counts

s m h


Went 0-5 lol. Weirdly the only match I came close to winning was against a top 75 Rolento, no idea. I'm going to have to try later tonight or something though, was having a hard time finding matches in Ranked and 4 of the 5 matches I could get were all against B/B+ players which obviously is a bad time for me.

Are network bars broken on USF on PS4? When I'm searching for matches it never shows bars at all, they're always all grayed out, but once i join the actual session/lobby it shows them just fine. Is this a thing?
Why not her?
50/50 male:female parity in new characters? No chance :p

Soul Calibur Lost Swords shut down today.

I thought that game was ass so good riddance, but i hope it made them some money to (partially) fund SC6. They left a message on facebook to 'look forward to the next announcement'.

In an ideal world they'd have something at PSX this weekend but i'm not holding my breath.
Here's hoping, but I'm dreading them taking too much from Street Calibur V. I've always enjoyed their experiments through the series but 5 really left a bad taste in my mouth :/
I find it ironic that most of what they copied from Streetfighter that I found repellant got dropped by Capcom in SFV in exchange for a greater focus on what I liked about the SC series: spacing and fundamentals... it's like the 5 entry in both series swapped sensibilities or something XD

the SC franchise was deeply wounded by Lost Souls, but the soul still burns
I'd argue it suffered multiple wounds from SCV, lost souls and unbreakable soul :p
Here's hoping VI is a step forward from a team that's otherwise been running backwards so far :s


scv was a good game. it revitalized my interest in the series after iii being utter garbage. i can agree that it's not what the series should aim for, but i had fun.
SCV gameplay is the best in the series
I disagree. Completely.
You might like it more but you and I clearly enjoyed the series for different things if that's the case.
The shift towards combos being primarily for damage conversion rather than mixup, the nerfing of 8-way and reduction in air-control to escape combos plus additional tracking just kills a lot of the manouvering and mind-games I enjoyed from the previous entries and makes smacking people about feel a lot more wrote/predictable.
I know it's been getting a bit more combo-riffic with each entry but V felt like a spike greater than any of its predecessors to me. It's the first entry I felt I was better served just looking up combos online instead of messing about and finding them for myself, something I usually reserve for non-SC games.
When are you even gonna use frame data in real life

It's good for seeing what move beats what. Helps to write in notes and then practice said scenario in training mode for practical situations where it happens. Let's say I want to know how to punish Ibuki's slide. I look at her frame data and see its data. Then I go to the punish options of FA TOOL and see what moves can punish it based on their frame advantage on block.

Frame data is only a tool and a resource. If you're just using frame data alone, it's pretty impractical. But combined with seeing what punishes what, I can map out a plan of action and test my hypothesis in training mode.

It's just matchup scouting and research. Frames are just one more element of that.
I'm on this team.
And there's nothing wrong with that... but I'm not really sure what the appeal is when you can play other series that do what SCV attempted but better, while there's almost nothing out there that really captures what the SC series does.
Though again, SFV ironically seems like a shift more towards what I like about the SC series at a time when Project Soul ironically moved away from it.



It's good for seeing what move beats what. Helps to write in notes and then practice said scenario in training mode for practical situations where it happens. Let's say I want to know how to punish Ibuki's slide. I look at her frame data and see its data. Then I go to the punish options of FA TOOL and see what moves can punish it based on their frame advantage on block.

Frame data is only a tool and a resource. If you're just using frame data alone, it's pretty impractical. But combined with seeing what punishes what, I can map out a plan of action and test my hypothesis in training mode.

It's just matchup scouting and research. Frames are just one more element of that.

Youre not gonna get 4th at Evo and be the People's Champion reading frame data though.


So Capcom Cup this weekend and also Xenoblade Chronicles X coming out. Would be a good weekend if this wasn't my last week before finals :/

Azure J

So Capcom Cup this weekend and also Xenoblade Chronicles X coming out. Would be a good weekend if this wasn't my last week before finals :/

In my case, it's my last week before a double presentation in two classes with one presentation clearly being haphazard as all fuck and then finals the week after. =/

I just want some free time to play Guilty again.
Went 0-5 lol. Weirdly the only match I came close to winning was against a top 75 Rolento, no idea. I'm going to have to try later tonight or something though, was having a hard time finding matches in Ranked and 4 of the 5 matches I could get were all against B/B+ players which obviously is a bad time for me.

Are network bars broken on USF on PS4? When I'm searching for matches it never shows bars at all, they're always all grayed out, but once i join the actual session/lobby it shows them just fine. Is this a thing?

Yep, surprisingly they never bothered to fix it.

Definitive version.


I'm on this team.

Me, too.

Not hopeful for future SC, honestly. My favorite fighting series, but I'd consider going back to anything like SC2 a massive downgrade. Not especially optimistic after the way they've treated the franchise, especially with Lost Swords.

SC3AE and SC5 are my favorite entries.
Me, too.

Not hopeful for future SC, honestly. My favorite fighting series, but I'd consider going back to anything like SC2 a massive downgrade.

SC3AE and SC5 are my favorite entries.
i'm not much of a SC2 fan either, but SC3AE? Now you're talking my language :D
I loved SC3 but the playstation 2 version was blatantly broken and unbalanced: it's a real shame we never got the fixed up awesomeness that was the arcade version :(

I find it odd you like 3 and 5 seeing as they feel very different in their approach, but each to their own :3

edit: for anyone wondering, my choice Soul Calibur games are SC1 and SC3AE.


So people are still bitching about the way people are qualifying for Capcom Cup, but I can't see any way around it tbh. I mean, those are open tournaments, you can't deny players from entering it


So people are still bitching about the way people are qualifying for Capcom Cup, but I can't see any way around it tbh. I mean, those are open tournaments, you can't deny players from entering it

If you can't beat the gatekeepers what makes you think you have a shot at the tournament?


If you can't beat the gatekeepers what makes you think you have a shot at the tournament?

Dreamhack wasn't as good as it could have been because a lot of the top players skipped it. So the people who are advocating to not give the auto spot to the highest placing player will just cause that to be even more of an issue.

Edit: Final brackets for Capcom Cup.
And there's nothing wrong with that... but I'm not really sure what the appeal is when you can play other series that do what SCV attempted but better, while there's almost nothing out there that really captures what the SC series does.
Though again, SFV ironically seems like a shift more towards what I like about the SC series at a time when Project Soul ironically moved away from it.


The appeal is that SC5 still has characters and fighting styles and weapons and a customization system i like. What other game has that stuff?

And i like the gameplay. It still has very strong footsies and maneuvering and mindgames, imo. Combo's are still short and sweet. Mostly. You can still walk around stuff a lot.

But i'd also probably be okay with 'Tekken-with-weapons' or with a 2.5D Soul Calibur or whatever personally, so <shrug~ >


Mike Ross said at some point way past after he did his Evo run that he doesn't read frame data, he plays from the heart and that's all he needs.

Every time Mike Ross opens his mouth about Street Fighter a gem comes out.


i'm not much of a SC2 fan either, but SC3AE? Now you're talking my language :D
I loved SC3 but the playstation 2 version was blatantly broken and unbalanced: it's a real shame we never got the fixed up awesomeness that was the arcade version :(

I find it odd you like 3 and 5 seeing as they feel very different in their approach, but each to their own :3

edit: for anyone wondering, my choice Soul Calibur games are SC1 and SC3AE.

I don't see them as very different? SC5 is the evolution of SC3, imo. I LOVE meter management and the meta that brings to games. The nerf to movement hurt, but sometimes movement is way too strong in SC. I would like a happy medium.

I definitely don't see SC5 as some combo-filled game the way you do, so we definitely have different outlooks on this particular entry.
The appeal is that SC5 still has characters and fighting styles and weapons and a customization system i like. What other game has that stuff?

And i like the gameplay. It still has very strong footsies and maneuvering and mindgames, imo. Combo's are still short and sweet. Mostly. You can still walk around stuff a lot.

But i'd also probably be okay with 'Tekken-with-weapons' or with a 2.5D Soul Calibur or whatever personally, so <shrug~ >

Fair enough on the customisation/weapons stuff. I guess I'm too focussed on the mechanics to really take them into account a lot of the time. I notice that a lot of people who are down on SCV tend to be more focussed on the roster changes but as long as there's at least 1 person I'm willing to play it never matters to me much :3

I personally think the interaction between players is weaker in SCV than in previous entries and what you can walk around is much more limited. I don't think the combos are all that short and definitely not sweet but i'm used to kick-juggling people with Dampiere, pulling off Natsu's critical edge combos or just using my enemy to play hacky-sack as Viola. My opponent can't do squat about it when caught in there and it's just muscle-memory for me so it might as well be a cutscene while in previous entries they could at least air control to a greater degree to steer the combo or even escape it, but it's nerfed into almost non-existance in the 5th installment.
That said, for me, in the earlier games combos were less about pumping damage numbers or blowing meter for pretties and often more for mental mixup and you'd fully expect your opponent to block or not even be struck by the initial swings because they were just the setup for what you'd follow with to actually score the hits (assuming you weren't too predictable with it of course in which case you're parry fodder)

in SCV I feel like it's less about my opponent and adapting and more just fishing for the few high damage combos I know will work 100% of the time once I snag that first hit. I definitely see less 'back and forth' in SCV matches, even in the tournaments we played. Again, some of this was already creeping in before SCV (asteroth's crazy half health throw combos :p in SC2/3 for example), I just feel this is the entry where they really cranked it to max and if 6 continues this trend I can see myself dropping the series along with the rest of my soul cal group. You're welcome to enjoy it, but it's anathema to me and the people I play it with so we might just might find ourselves needing to find an alternative. C'est la vie.

I guess I see this as a problem because we were the ones mostly pushing what little Soul Calibur scene there even is in scotland, but SCV seems to have left us all pretty unimpressed (to the point that we've gone back to SCIV just so we can play something at least soul calibur related :eek: )

edit: Tell you what though, I may not like SCV much, but Ezio is probably the best-fitting guest character in the whole series if you ask me :3


50/50 male:female parity in new characters? No chance :p

I guess. It would have been cool if the final boss was a female villain who wasn't a young plucky sidekick like Juri.

Mike Ross said at some point way past after he did his Evo run that he doesn't read frame data, he plays from the heart and that's all he needs.

Every time Mike Ross opens his mouth about Street Fighter a gem comes out.

I can't tell if you're genuine or mocking him :p
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