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Fighting Game Community || Stream Monster Headquarters

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i think in order for someone new to get hooked on fighting games they have to be in a down period where they don't play other games with instant gratification.

usually this comes in terms of multiplayer based games like MOBAS or shooters.

in fighting games, when you lose you have no one else to blame for your loss but your own self. you didnt do the right move, you dropped the combo, you should have blocked high instead of low.

in multiplayer games, your lack of skills can be overshadowed by team performance, or at the very least you can contribute with a lucky grenade for an instant KO on an enemy. in fighting games, you can't really get a lucky grenade so much as have to do a lucky sequence of hits.

That's another thing. You should be putting this on them as much as possible. I force myself to watch my replays and take notes. Tell and show them the work that goes into getting good. If they're about it, they'll stick with it.


As cool as Nine is,

she still fucked a cat

On a topic related not I'm glad I have the ability to adjust to the person I'm playing level and tweak that on the fly. Makes teaching or keeping them interested easier xD

DansGame at Arcsys.

Nice that you can adjust. Need more people that can be kind of that mentor figure. Maybe then people will stop saying Persona suxxors or something, because every time I see a major tournament, I'm at least glad the matches are hype and commentators are validating that it's not dead.
You need a carrot.

You probably aren't telling them what they're doing wrong, how they can improve, or what they can improve on. You're probably just beating them one after the other and that's it.

I've lost fight after fight since starting back up. It hasn't deterred me because I have given myself a carrot on a stick. A sort of constant guide of improvement. Most people don't have that. So likely, you're probably just kicking their ass and they have no idea how to improve. Fighting game waters are thick and murky. You need a bit of light to make out whether you're going to walk into a trap or if the waters grow deeper. You could easily go the wrong way. Or concentrate on the wrong things and limit your progress and potential. Going at it alone is hard. You should be helping them.

1. Explain what their characters game plan is. Don't assume they already know. It takes months for it to click and if you're making that assumption, they may never know. If you explain it, it will give them drive to work on it. Carrot. Stick.

2. Tell them what they're doing wrong. People I play USFIV with? We critique each other constantly. "You could use more hazenshu, I should be backing up from you" "Kay, let's get more aggressive next match then." "How do I beat that standing HK?!" "Try cr MK." "You're not utilizing your fb timing. I don't feel pressured by your fb's. You realize you can buffer an fb and fire one out the second it lands on block, right? Shoot them out at different speeds to keep me guessing!" If you're not being a factor in their improvement, you're doing it wrong, I feel. You should be fostering an environment where it's beneficial for both of you, so you both get incrementally better fights.

3. Tell them what they're doing right, that way they continue in the right direction.

4. If they're having trouble why not just say "fuck fighting, let's go to training so I can help you with your fundamentals" and work on those in the lab? Dude on my friend list the other day saw how I was seeking to be better with my Chun. We went straight to the lab and we had an hour long training sesh. "Try this bnb combo." "Use these buttons for situations like that." "That's a great AA. Use it!" "Walk back and forth and try to catch my moves. I'm going to teach you footsies." You said you're fighting dudes that don't know bnb combos. Why aren't you TEACHING them bnb combos? After I was taught Chun bnb I started making my own which add my own spin. Teaching matters.

If you're fostering an environment where you think they'll get better just by sheer willpower and matches, then you're failing as an experienced player. As an experienced player you should be constantly offering tips and suggestions on how to improve to help them reach their potential so you can have a larger pool. But a lot of experienced players ain't into that.

If they're having trouble with the skill gap, guide them. Show them how much they've improved. Help them work on their fundamentals. Take them training mode to work on the basics of their character. Tell them what they're should be doing more and what they should be doing less. Be more proactive in your approach to newbies.

Good stuff. The only issue is that not all players seem to have the right mindset to be taught admittedly. I'm usually pretty good with this kind of stuff but every now and then you get someone who you can advise all you want but they'll just play as if they didn't take any of it in at all, no matter how many times you repeat it or how often you reword it XD

Good thing about having mostly Smash player converted is that literally everyone starts on the same lvl in the new fighters. There is me with the 3D stuff and a bud but that is it. All starting UNIEL,BB,XRD,MKX At the same time. Same lvl means extra fun and real salt. We just got lucky like that but it means that the hill to climb is really big to get good at these games across the board.
Yeah, getting into a new game as a group has often lead to the best experiences of new games, though eventually some of us will pick things up faster than the others and stratification starts to kick in.
This happened quite badly with Blazblue and my soul calibur friends as I picked it up fairly rapidly and they quickly tired of getting juggled about the arena by my Nu :p It's odd because they're fighting game players and quite quick to adapt but for some reason they just didn't adapt to my BB stuff as speedily as normal. Luckily I found other peeps to play it with, though admittedly the constant parade of new versions of it has resulted in me losing interest in the end as well :s

i think in order for someone new to get hooked on fighting games they have to be in a down period where they don't play other games with instant gratification.

usually this comes in terms of multiplayer based games like MOBAS or shooters.

in fighting games, when you lose you have no one else to blame for your loss but your own self. you didnt do the right move, you dropped the combo, you should have blocked high instead of low.

in multiplayer games, your lack of skills can be overshadowed by team performance, or at the very least you can contribute with a lucky grenade for an instant KO on an enemy. in fighting games, you can't really get a lucky grenade so much as have to do a lucky sequence of hits.
Yup yup. This is partly why I suspect a lot of team v team or even deathmatch games have done quite well, though admittedly in things like LoL and whatnot a bad player can still really pull a team down.


It's okay in Guilty Gear Ky Kiske has sex with a 3 year old demon/angel hybrid Dizzy and has a son who is 17, Sin.
Good stuff. The only issue is that not all players seem to have the right mindset to be taught admittedly. I'm usually pretty good with this kind of stuff but every now and then you get someone who you can advise all you want but they'll just play as if they didn't take any of it in at all, no matter how many times you repeat it or how often you reword it XD

Not all people are made for fighters, true. It takes a certain attitude and aptitude for the thing. But the "I don't wanna learn the right way" isn't unique to fighters, honestly.
That explains it.
blazblue has lots of familial or near familial relationships with its playable characters

Noel, Nu, and Lambda were all born of the same creation process, and had their looks based on ragna and jin's sister
Jin and Ragna are brothers
celica is jin and ragna's caretaker sortve adopted mom
carl is relius's son
arakune is litchi's former lover
tager is bullet's mentor
and kokonoe is nine and jubei's daughter
Celica is Nine's sister (loop to ragna and jin for Nine)
Taokaka's entire race was genetically created with jubei's DNA


Okay, time to rethink getting into BB after that post.
There is so much of that story it would take you a minute either.
Not crazy all the time
Yeah, getting into a new game as a group has often lead to the best experiences of new games, though eventually some of us will pick things up faster than the others and stratification starts to kick in.
This happened quite badly with Blazblue and my soul calibur friends as I picked it up fairly rapidly and they quickly tired of getting juggled about the arena by my Nu :p It's odd because they're fighting game players and quite quick to adapt but for some reason they just didn't adapt to my BB stuff as speedily as normal. Luckily I found other peeps to play it with, though admittedly the constant parade of new versions of it has resulted in me losing interest in the end as well :s

Indeed. We got one player who is like that here but he is such a troll and creates enemies everywhere that they all just want to fight him all the time. Improving little by little without knowing. To tell the truth he is the most dedicated too(to anime) and is always there with his PS4 and stick.
It's okay in Guilty Gear Ky Kiske has sex with a 3 year old demon/angel hybrid Dizzy and has a son who is 17, Sin.
You are supposed hide the crazy and let people find out firsthand. Don't wanna scare them away at first like with Cindi just now lol
Okay, but how is BB manga? I prefer manga to anime if I'm trying to get through a long ass story. 5 minute chapter versus 20 minute episode? Pretty easy decision.



Pretty sure sin is way younger than 17

He's actually younger than 10 it's just Guilty Gear is stupid and since he's part gear he ages as fast as his mother Dizzy and he has to keep an eyepatch on to keep from destroying the world with his demon powers. Uncle Sol Badguy keeps him on a leash.


The BB anime is probably the most ass thing to ever be ass.

But how will you get to sympathize with Mai and Cajun in remix heart?

Don't forget there are the Phase 0/1/2/3/4 novel book and the Wheel of Fortune Radio drama and the BlazBlue Radio BlueRaji weekly series too.

Also don't forget to pick up the XBlaze visual novels on Playstation. There's plenty of BlazBlue for you to enjoy Cindi.

Tons of material to go through!
Pretty sure sin is way younger than 17
sin is 5, based on GGXX taking place in 2181 and GGXrd taking place in 2187. Give dizzy time to have a child and 5 is my safest estimate

in the blazblue universe the beastkin (what jubei is) were created artificially by humans to help combat the black beast. These beastkin are most likely created via mergin human DNA with animals. They posses the ability to mate with humans creating half beastkin, which produced two of our playable characters, Kokonoe and Makoto.
I am not going through all of this shit to understand what the fuck is going on in a goddamn fighting game. Highly considering going the usual route where I just play multi and I have no idea who these characters are beyond "hey that cat scientist looks cool as fuck. No furry." Much more mysterious and exciting that way.


in the blazblue universe the beastkin (what jubei is) were created artificially by humans to help combat the black beast. These beastkin are most likely created via mergin human DNA with animals. They posses the ability to mate with humans creating half beastkin, which produced two of our playable characters, Kokonoe and Makoto.

That reminds me when I read this book shin sekaiyori, the premise was really fucked up because they injected humans with rat DNA in order to make other humans subservient and over time those humans would morph into something called bakenezumi so that the humans could exploit and kill them without having a negative reaction.

It is a really good book I recommend it.

I am not going through all of this shit to understand what the fuck is going on in a goddamn fighting game. Highly considering going the usual route where I just play multi and I have no idea who these characters are beyond "hey that cat scientist looks cool as fuck. No furry." Much more mysterious and exciting that way.
thats a completely acceptable approach. I love BBs story, but ive been following it from the beginning


Okay, time to rethink getting into BB after that post.

You should play through Tsubaki's story and see where she came from and what she's a product of.


Okay, but how is BB manga? I prefer manga to anime if I'm trying to get through a long ass story. 5 minute chapter versus 20 minute episode? Pretty easy decision.

The BB anime is the worst 12 episode series ever adapted. It's just telling stupid Calamity Trigger in anime form, and everything is so cheesy and stupid with the way it's presented. It also doesn't help that the anime art is completely shit also. I don't know about the manga, but I'd imagine it's easier to follow and not give you a headache.
What does "Strike property" mean?

im seeing a shitload of pros to those new gameplay details though
Stock 2 spells at once?
Invincible reversal?
Super easy and flexible chains?
A hovering shield?

I am not going through all of this shit to understand what the fuck is going on in a goddamn fighting game. Highly considering going the usual route where I just play multi and I have no idea who these characters are beyond "hey that cat scientist looks cool as fuck. No furry." Much more mysterious and exciting that way.
She's not a furry. Look up the furry chart. :p

Street Fighter friends. Save me.
You're welcome to go back to the shit side.

Would you be willing to have sex with a cat?
The BB anime is the worst 12 episode series ever adapted. It's just telling stupid Calamity Trigger in anime form, and everything is so cheesy and stupid with the way it's presented. It also doesn't help that the anime art is completely shit also. I don't know about the manga, but I'd imagine it's easier to follow and not give you a headache.
i havent seen either, but worse than P4GA?
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