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Fighting Game Community || Stream Monster Headquarters

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What tournament did Art do really well at, Final Round? Anyway he accounted for his good performance by saying it was due to UNIEL :p maybe playing more games are beneficial heh.


Kazunoko winning is awesome and hilarious to me because we had all those folks that were just focusing on one game this year lose to a guy that plays at least one other game seriously.

He's a character specialist too. Granted, it's Yun...

Kaz gets his offensive gameplay from GG, right? I like that it has carried over with a character who fits him. Over time, I've grown to dislike (a little) the the slower pace of SF4 compared to other FGs, including melee. I feel you have to be more daring, reactive, and understand risk\reward better in those games. Oh well!


I'm kinda tight Ono didn't have anything else to tease us with. They announced Charlie last year, I was hoping something among those lines... They have to be working on multiple projects cause SFV can't be their only moneymaker.
How are they going to do that if they don't have money to begin with
End of an era.

Haven't played SF4 since Super but I have a great admiration for the game. It's very possible I wouldn't be where I am today if SF4 hadn't blown up the FGC.


You did good, Daigo. ;_;

I am somehow currently super hyped about how all of the players we saw today will do in SF5, I can't wait!


Mrs. Harvey
Those years went by fast. From watching my very first stream at Denjin arcade to this. SFIV was life. It's going to be a new learning experience again with SFV.


What tournament did Art do really well at, Final Round? Anyway he accounted for his good performance by saying it was due to UNIEL :p maybe playing more games are beneficial heh.
Went into Yung Art mode.


SF4 first game i played on last gen. Good times offline. Least fav SF but glad what it did for the FGC scene.
Can't say i'll miss it but enjoyed the streams and tournys throughout the years.
Bring SFV hype now.


Kaz gets his offensive gameplay from GG, right? I like that it has carried over with a character who fits him. Over time, I've grown to dislike the slower pace of SF4 compared to other FGs. I feel you have to be more daring, reactive, and understand risk\reward better in those games. Oh well!

Yeah, I think his tendency on offense comes from Guilty Gear.


I'm kinda tight Ono didn't have anything else to tease us with. They announced Charlie last year, I was hoping something among those lines... They have to be working on multiple projects cause SFV can't be their only moneymaker.

They announced Charlie again, what do you want from them



Gonna be 21 starting when SFV comes out, gonna be a fun few years

SFIV was great, I've always loved the game. This Capcom Cup was amazing. Was hoping for an Infiltration or Poongko win, but Kazunoko vs Daigo GF was hella hype


Still would have liked literally any other player in top 8 to win it, but it's impossible to deny Kaz's pretty much complete domination. Also super crazy he's not sponsored still, although that may take care of itself now lol. I wonder if Capcom Cup 2016 being SFV bodes poorly for USFIV showing up at Evo or not.

Either way gotta pour one out here for SFIV, had a pretty great run. Still remember the EGM leak (remember EGM? Remember print magazines?) with the first screenshots that looked like booty. Picked up every iteration day one and was terrible and stuck with them to various degrees (have barely touched Ultra) but always enjoyed it. Didn't really start stream monstering until early 2011 when someone on GAF in the vanilla Marvel 3 thread linked to an episode of Marvelous Adventures which kinda got me more into the scene (I specifically remember thinking if even Gootecks could win matches of Marvel online I could too lol), then I started checking out their other videos which lead me to whatever iteration/equivalent of FGW we had at the time here. And I stand here before you probably no better at any fighting games than I was 5 years ago, but it's still been a good time.


lotta GG players wound up being top capcom players last couple years.

nemo and kaz for example. both tend to favor incredibly offensive styles so i guess maybe that comes from their gg background.


Whew... that was an amazing sendoff to USF4.

Now I can finally move on and the game is finally dead.

Congrats to Kazunoko for the most awesome looking Yun I've ever seen! Yun is just so much fun to watch.

El Sloth

Anyways, I don't really see SF4 going anywhere soon unless the Capcom Pro Tour cockblocks it. The way Ono phrased things it sounds like only SFV will be getting the Pro Tour treatment next year, so it'll be up to the TOs whether SFIV continues to live a little longer.

And if enough people still want to keep playing it of course.


Anyways, I don't really see SF4 going anywhere soon unless the Capcom Pro Tour cockblocks it. The way Ono phrased things it sounds like only SFV will be getting the Pro Tour treatment next year, so it'll be up to the TOs whether SFIV continues to live a little longer.

And if enough people still want to keep playing it of course.
SF4 won't be at next year's Capcom Cup and it's looking more and more likely that it won't be at EVO either. TOs will probably still run it for a year but soon players will start focusing 100% on SFV and won't want to play SF4 because it might mess up their SFV plays.

Unless you are Melee (a game which defies most logic), once you are off EVO you are pretty much in dead game status.




He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
So I guess it's safe to assume nothing of significance will be coming for the singleplayer side of SF5.

Not that I particularly care either way; just feel like if there was anything to show for it then we'd have seen a glimpse of it by now.



There are not enough /dead gifs I can post, motherfucking bravo to whoever is behind that account.

.....I'm gonna have to get this on PSN


All PL sees anymore is Ls
Ls directed at him everywhere or thinks they are lol

For some reason PL tried to start some shit today on Twitter with floe about how floe is only good as Justin's sparring partner and how he would body floe in any game ever. Floe linked to the youtube video of him beating PL in MK9 at the PDP nationals.
I wanted Daigo to win but big props to Kaz for taking it. I'm glad he was at least able to put up a great fight in GF even though he came up short.

As for SF4, I love the game despite its many flaws, but what game doesn't have its share of flaws. Going to be hard knowing that it won't have the main stage anymore and might be reduced to a side game even at majors but it was still a great time as a player and stream monster.


Chun with her hair down >>>>>.

Anyway Capcom Cup was fun, I missed some matches in the middle so I gotta go watch those tomorrow after class.


lotta GG players wound up being top capcom players last couple years.

nemo and kaz for example. both tend to favor incredibly offensive styles so i guess maybe that comes from their gg background.

Is that really the case if we've seen Nemo play SFIV since Vanilla arcade?
Was anyone else just a little hopeful that, when Ono said he had one thing left, it was going to be Akuma? :-/

Cammy is unbelievably cute.

They need to lighten those lines around Hot Ryu's muscles. Looks weird.

I'm surprised we haven't seen any others.

Does PSN take your money right away if you preorder it from there?
According to bitter PSN preorderers during Beta 1, yes.
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