Because I already own it? Why would I want to buy it again for a new system? Being on a new system doesn't benefit me or anyone else that already has the game in any way.
There isn't a nice way to say this. Nintendo tried to get people on board with the Wii U, but it just didn't happen. Giving the people still interested in Wii U titles a chance to play them is a good thing.
Can you imagine how salty folks would be if the next Mahvel was actually Nintendo vs. Capcom? It would be glorious.
Too salty
They need to take care of their own IP and fans before doing crossovers and sharing profits.
I mean not as strong as PS4/XB1.
Like if it's in some weird place where it's more powerful than Wii U but less than the other consoles. Like if they port SFV on it and it has frame rate issues and stuff.
There will probably be a catch no matter where it sits on the power spectrum. If ports suck it's also on third parties and not Nintendo, especially when it comes to fighting games where 60FPS is THE requirement.
Capcom should stay away from licenses for a while and work on strengthening their IPs. They have a gold mine of IPs but most have been stagnant and out of the minds of current players.
Yeah, it's time for those IP to come back even if only as part of a Capcom versus fighter.
Capcom just needs to make a Capcom All Stars, they have plenty of their own great characters.
A nice starting roster of thirty with custom assists would make for a great versus game. Six character updates a year alongside cinematic single player updates like SFV practically sells itself. All Capcom has to do is not blow their load with the major IP so they can have some enticing DLC to sell. DMC, RE, Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Onimusha, Megaman, Lost Planet, Mega Man, Dragon's Dogma and Dead Rising would offer plenty of DLC material. This doesn't even include the older IP that would draw in old or lapsed fans.
CapGod pls
That's not what people want and that game used a very limited amount of Capcom IPs (just Red Earth and VS) with just SF characters and playing basically like a SF game. That game was a blatant lazy effort and everyone could see through it.
People want MVC2/3 game play style only replacing the Marvel side with Capcom characters. That means keep the Dante, Chris, Wesker, Phoenix Wright, Strider and add in Megaman, Gene, Captain Commando, Asura etc.
Basically a VS game replacement that retains the game play structure but isn't beholden to whims of other companies. It would be like Capcom's Smash Bros only using the VS game play structure.
An all Capcom versus style game with just 40 slots would already have the greatest Capcom roster in a fighter ever. The potential is mind numbing.