So it's exactly the same as most Gief matches then?
Relax bub, Gief can't move around as he wants with Dhalsim sadly, fullscreen normal punishes are a curse.
Yams, Sim can teleport out of the corner right? How do you counter that?
Yeah he can, what you would normally do is give the Sim player enough space in the corner so you can punish the teleport. I'm not sure if the teleport has any start up frames but any meaty setup should destroy dhalsim free. Free meaty into a well timed spd and the sim is useless. Granted, it won't be perfect like that since you have to first get Sim in the corner. What you could do, and wouldn't recommend but just food for thought, is to see if you can predict his stand fierce (which i think is his luffy double pistol move) and time a lariat so you can punish it before hitting you and you can rush in on Sim. Other than that, focusing sparingly when you need to is pretty useful, just don't over do it or the sim will punish you for it.
blackule might be safe from history cause my attempting to upload our match keeps giving me errors.