the triangle goes: Attacks beat Grabs beat Counters
Counters and grabs are telegraphed a bit with color coding, and regular attacks are everywhere obv so no need to color code those.
Counters are like DOA counters?
the triangle goes: Attacks beat Grabs beat Counters
Counters and grabs are telegraphed a bit with color coding, and regular attacks are everywhere obv so no need to color code those.
Counters are like DOA counters?
I'm in pool 40, no real big name in my pool. A few notables are Marvisto and some fradulent SF4 Sakura player that somehow got top 8 at FR three or four years back. I do see a guy named Adnan from Texas. I think that's Fourwude's name but I'm not sure if its him since he either isn't there or didn't use his nick name for this tournament. I hope I do OK, at least 2-2. I'll use every gimmick in my repertoire to not go 0-2 in this tournament.
I'm in pool 40, no real big name in my pool. A few notables are Marvisto and some fradulent SF4 Sakura player that somehow got top 8 at FR three or four years back. I do see a guy named Adnan from Texas. I think that's Fourwude's name but I'm not sure if its him since he either isn't there or didn't use his nick name for this tournament. I hope I do OK, at least 2-2. I'll use every gimmick in my repertoire to not go 0-2 in this tournament. I don't see it.
oh boy
Whoa, Final Round is tomorrow? Isn't it usually later in the year?
the triangle goes: Attacks beat Grabs beat Counters
Counters and grabs are telegraphed a bit with color coding, and regular attacks are everywhere obv so no need to color code those.
Does anyone know if there is a list of how active each fighting game community is?
I wonder which games have the biggest scenes right now, which are dying, and which are rising.
Does anyone know if there is a list of how active each fighting game community is?
I wonder which games have the biggest scenes right now, which are dying, and which are rising.
ATP no live?
ATP no live?
Thats largely regional. Just look at KOF historically. Never huge over here but majorly so overseas. Surprisingly enough anime fighters got a pretty solid following in Europe. Theres a pretty active Dengeki, Arcana, and Nitroplus crowd out there thats been running Melty Blood since lord knows when.
Heck some things are entirely within an area too like Daemon Bride, or that Chinese fighting game with KOF guest stars in it. Plus theres unique tourney titles like Senko No Ronde Duo which had tournaments almost exclusive to Korea and Japan and was a vs bullethell game with assists that I feel largely was the 2d prototype for what became the Gundam Extreme VS style of 3d combat.
It all depends on whats popular in an area. Some scenes just dont get support in some places. Just look at my tiny ass state...Southern WV is all Marvel and MK and northern is almost entirely SF and Smash.
I feel largely was the 2d prototype for what became the Gundam Extreme VS style of 3d combat.
ATP no live?
Nah. EXVS is a clear descendant of Virtual On, with simplified inputs and fewer execution barriers, but added depth through team and cost system.
No made the final round thread yet? I could throw up a quickie.
Okay, I'll just publish what I have. I'll do it before I go to sleep, so I know it's done.You could do it if you want. If no one was going to do it I would.
Does anyone know if there is a list of how active each fighting game community is?
I wonder which games have the biggest scenes right now, which are dying, and which are rising.
I waited so long time for this.
It's time to Street Fighter V Crash!!!
team behind tekken crash gonna do street fighter crash!
It's probably like Tekken and Smash4 where there is a larger input buffer for offline play that is taken away when you play online..Coach Steve said the netplay in Pokken felt like offline though he's just playing Fab who's in the same area. I've seen Shofu play people from all over the place in ranked and he didn't really have any bad impressions about the online.
Justin, what're you doooin'???